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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Depends on which parent they take after. Who are you?
  2. Floor 2779: This floor is the floor above the floor that was the floor that floor 2778 was on.
  3. Kerbiloid not banned. Random-E Banned for not reading backwards.
  4. No @Nazalassa, it was voted on and agreed. Too short a delay was causing chaos and ruined it for the rest of us. 5 minute minimum. Voted as in many people all voted and agreed democratically. I am sure you can find other things to do inbetween, 5 minutes can pass very quickly. 14
  5. No @Nazalassa, it was voted on and agreed. Too short a delay was causing chaos and ruined it for the rest of us. 5 minute minimum. 15
  6. You want to make 3D glasses to go with a 3D Kerbal.
  7. Waiter: One mishmash of marshmallow mushroom mush matched meticulously. Customer: There is a loop in my soup.
  8. I find that hard to swallow. Hybrid Cookie.
  9. It never leaves the planet. Playing tag with Dres.
  10. Yes, you to your movies and I to Crash Kerbal. How are you, person who posts next?
  11. Making me laugh till I cried once I realised how you tricked me into banning on the cheater thread. Cheater!
  12. Granted: Sort of, the forum software played tricks on me. I wish It had not.
  13. Hey, they do say beforenoon where I am from. Is it beforenoon there?
  14. Granted: But only if you study hard and put in the work. I wish for something secret. (Well that was quick, a secret new page.)
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