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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Waiter: Sorry, but all we have is a Gene Pool. Customer: Why is this soup so salty? @SkyFall2489
  2. ColdJ

    Shower thoughts

    Having the price a few cents lower also encouraged the naive to by multiples in order to save what seemed like a greater amount. @kerbiloid Based on your second spoiler inside the other spoiler for the hand signs for Roman Numerals. I got your nose.
  3. Just edit this. Keither Sutherland Hill. @SkyFall2489
  4. Not possible to land on Jool. I have been under it's surface twice. TUBM is creative and can answer in multiple syllables. @SkyFall2489
  5. Floor 2782: @SkyFall2489 trying to guess who is next.
  6. ColdJ


    Beautiful creative thinking on your part. Is heartening to see people considering lots of possibilities.
  7. Hello @AlamoVampire@Watermel00n@SkyFall2489
  8. +19 Please only put a minus sign in front of the main number if we have passed below 0.
  9. The first one worked just like the real things, Run off the end of the runway, constanly pull back on the stick, You could roll but don't bother trying to turn. The second I hid 4 of the smallest elevons in just behind the cockpit, can climb and turn with some effort. Neither one would be able to land intact without parachutes. I just EVA and parachute the Kerbal while the craft crashes into the sea. Cockpit is from Mk2 expansion.
  10. Aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper? Val-ish
  11. Rush the sewing machine and burn the thread. Cheater! New page ninja'd me. It is a cheater!
  12. Room full of shovels and asked to take your pick.
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