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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. To say that is to know Star Trek and hence make you a. Cheater!
  2. Nope. TUBM likes to say No all the time.
  3. If the Earth is flat then what happens to the Soap Box Derby?
  4. Banned for not seeing in the infrared spectrum to see his signature.
  5. Granted: The earth is now covered in mosquitoes. I wish a tunnel in the sky.
  6. The Hogs start chasing each other to funny music. Benny Hill.
  7. Self evident Solar wind surfing.
  8. ColdJ

    Say yes!

    Yes, this is the Yes thread. No it's not the discuss the clever comic thread. Clever Yes, On topic No. @Nazalassa is this still the Yes thread?
  9. Um, I'm not sure if I could write something which doesn't include the letter in question right now. New flimsy wood pulp with writing on it.
  10. I lift the entire KSC up and grab the cookie from it.
  11. One Kale Juice. I would like some buttered toast please.
  12. That is the non binary form. For binary you need to add Beta Centuri. What happens if I pull on this thread?
  13. (um, confused about what the object is.) The object got cremated by a Volcano. The Volcano burped out a new page.
  14. You didn't say "Scotty, beam me up" Cheater!
  15. Hello there @Jeb_Needs_A_Parachute Good morning @Admiral Fluffy
  16. The Unity engine doesn't like rigidty when you have large multipart constructions, tends to make craft explode.
  17. Every second day. TUBM has forgotten how to build a stock rocket and watched it just fall apart on the launch pad. (seriously, is it just me, Or did something get weird in 1.12.2?)
  18. Banned for no subtitles. Watch out, it's a new page.
  19. Granted: Silly Rabbit Bunnies swarm KSP2. I wish for Small Rabbit Bunnies.
  20. Smeagol - ola = Smeg Red Dwarf Mining Ship Hill.
  21. @Blaarkies Saw, the video now, A Stargate, very cool. I don't do coding myself so can't help you there. The other thread might be helpful for that. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/29-c-plugin-development-help-and-support/ In my method I am not sure you could get that lovely lock in sound per chevron that you have, more just one long sound effect for the entire thing. The sequence itself could be done in one animation if it isn't variable. The colour change module is more an all on at once thing so you would still need the animation to hide it and show it I think. It is one of the most complex things I have seen in KSP so if one of the coding experts in the other thread can help you then that is probably better for you. Otherwise I think 1 long animation that includes rotation, location and resize in the keyframes, using resize to bring the lit chevrons out of hiding under the skin on each chevron activation. Good Luck.
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