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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. There is a solar flare that boils the sea and only leaves behind a blackened rock.
  2. But they use Chrome as their browser and everything they do is secretly copied to the cloud for data mining. I Hack the cloud and retrieve My Cookie.
  3. I think it is really great when unmarried religious figures give married couples marriage advice.
  4. Hi. I meant when I am creating a model in BforArtists2. I can change the material name easily but still haven't worked out how to change the name of the texture files that it points to inside the modeling program. As I always build from a previously made heirachy and have not made one completely from scratch, I haven't worked out how to do it yet. Even the way I get the program to show the texture on the model is unlikely to be the official way. I have limited internet connection so have not been able to watch many tutorials, and those I have usually have slightly different interfaces and so it gets confusing as to what they are doing. But I work out new things I can do all the time, so maybe I will stumble across how one day.
  5. Floor 2355: Now all that scrap metal makes sense as on this floor there are people welding and making art sculptures out of the metal.
  6. It receives a rewrite. Clive Cussler Hill.
  7. Kerbal Space Program wis the best rocket science game of all time, r
  8. Unbanned because I really get annoyed at endlessly nested spoilers.
  9. @Dr. Kerbal Did you ever get a response from Game Theorists?
  10. Thanks @Stone Blue. I am always happy to see you around, you have made my KSP life so much easier. @Space Cowboy I had permission from the original author to modify and release the Eagle and Hawk. If this is is something just for you and you explain exactly what you need, It may be possible. Alternatively you could do what I have done with Stone Blue's help and get BforArtists2 2.70 and the *.mu plugin and learn how to modify things yourself. There is still alot I don't know but I have been slowly puzzling it out (still can't change which texture file a model looks for without using a hex editor.). Config file modding I learned by looking at other peoples config files and working out what does what. Any how, let me know what you were thinking and we can see what will work for you.
  11. I second that Ban. Banned for promoting confusionism.
  12. Granted: They give you the rotors for free but make hinges and servos expensive, pay for, downloadable content. I wish that there were windows 8.1 drivers for the latest motherboards, and graphics cards.
  13. L'Hopital is for Bunnies. Bugs Hill.
  14. 10/10 All the kids love you.
  15. 5/10 You could be a calculator I am human because I require a hexidecimal translator. (Suspiciously Affirm Your Status As A Human)
  16. Jar Jar Binks is the next creature update on minecraft.
  17. Waiter: That depends on whether you take 1 down, pass it around and count the number of bottles of beer still on the wall. C:W, Is there a time anomaly in my soup? I feel like I have been at this table for months.
  18. Yep So have we completely given up on coherent sentences in this modern world?
  19. Floor 2352: After going back over your journey for the last few floors you realise that you are actualy now on 2352. The previous floor was so wild that you realise you are now standing on the ceiling, so you take the down stairs to go up to the next floor. There was only a snow globe showing a scene of rubber duckies floating down a river in this room.
  20. Sorry, but I have no idea what that link is for and so cannot download whatever it is. You can give me info on what it is but I can not say that I can do it for sure. Also I have many of my own things keeping me busy.
  21. Jeb saw the Kerbin system laid out before him and wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
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