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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. A small fuzzy ball like creature that floats on the wind till it finds an ear or nostril to take up residence in. Whaleofatime.
  2. Granted: You are now an epic Mudder. I wish that I was also. (Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!)
  3. While others have been playing with political cookies and swimming in fountains I still have My Cookie.
  4. Hello @Just Jim. Writer of fun content both in the past and in the future.
  5. Kerbal Space program as the best rocket science game of all time (, rip sal_vager
  6. The civilisation gets wiped out by a rogue gas giant.
  7. Jeb saw generations inspired to look to the stars and travel to other planets, when they should have been exploring the oceans and cleaning up the mess left by the Moon launch generations.
  8. KSP2 will cause me to see @AtomicTech's avatar changing outfits on my computer.
  9. Thou shalt put all your energy into KSP as if KSP2 will never be released.
  10. No, but I have worked with some. Did you know they have cousins that are orange and called Oompa Loompas? TUMB Gets knocked down, but they get up again, your never going to keep them down.
  11. This happens to me too. Sometimes goes the otherway too. Try finding the instance configuration file for that set up and putting it in it's own folder that is outside the KerbalKonstructs folder but inside the GameData folder. I have heard that that may work. KK will still find it. You may have to adjust it's position the first time after but cross fingers it should stay put after that.
  12. Banned for floating a guitar in space.
  13. Marshmallows?
  14. 9/10 The image is new to me.
  15. But the base is essential. Addicted to Base Hill.
  16. Then you better be careful where you step in the garden. If I build a structure in the sea that uses solar, wind, wave and tidal power to pump seawater through a reverse osmosis filter and then electrolise the pure water to create hydrogen and oxygen that are then pumped through separate pipe lines back to shore so they can be combusted together to run power stations and/or fuel hybrid vehicles and so eliminate the nitous oxide problem as well as the created water being used to top up water supplies. Where is the flaw in that idea?
  17. Granted: A horse walks in to a bar. Bartender says, Why the long face? A human walks into a bar. says "ouch" and rubs their forehead. A piece of string contorts itself and musses up it's hair, then walks into a bar. The bartender says ain't you that string I threw out of here? String says "No I am a fraid knot." How do you know that an elephant has been in your fridge? Footprints in the butter. Why did the Duck cross the road? It was stapled to a Chicken. Guy carries a car door into a desert. When asked why he says: "So I can roll down the window if I get hot." I wish I knew funnier jokes.
  18. Not with this mod as far as I am aware but if you get the SXT mod then it's cargo nose opening cockpit "Osaul" and it's cargo fuselage pieces, Placed on top of either a Mk2 cockpit or something from Airplane Plus, should get you a decent result.
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