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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Waiter: Yes sir. We prefer it to having a diner in the dinner. C:W, A mental block of cheese please.
  2. One last time, as it is bed time here. I call on the melon @Souptime to say hello.
  3. Jeb saw the 3D printer they use to create more Kerbals to hire.
  4. Granted: But they go back in time and reset the time line yet again. I wish I could think of a good pun.
  5. And is absorbed by a huge flower till there is no more rain.
  6. Except that you were standing on a cliff and coughed it over the edge. I catch it at the bottom and claim it as. My Cookie.
  7. Floor: 2428 You enter a bakery and stock up on various baked goods. That explains the flour that was on the stairs. You continue up.
  8. SpaceX removed all the heat proof tiles to save weight. Elon was heard to say "We don't really need them, do we?"
  9. Guess not. Maybe @BlackMesaSurvivor?
  10. Banned for a "Big Trouble in Little China" reference.
  11. There is a misunderstanding about the name. A Baker's dozen of my Hills.
  12. They are hopped up on red candy and will be up all night.
  13. I mathematically overwelm your forces. My Hill. (King of the Hill)
  14. Waiter: That is because you wanted a souped up vehicle. C:W, There is some melancholy in my soup.
  15. Floor: 2426 Wait, what, you think, didn't I already do this floor already? A disembodied voice speaks to you. "Through a misunderstanding with a joke, it turns out that floor 2418 was actually skipped. If this is not corrected for, then there will be a cascading error that will eventually wipe out the galaxy. All has now been set to right. Wondering what the voice was, you procede up to the next floor.
  16. No the Cat is from Red Dwarf. Why can you not be Sirius?
  17. Hi @lemon cup. *.dds files are only texture files. It is the model file that contains the information as to which part of the texture file is used by which part of the model mesh. You can read *.mu files using this hex editor. https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ And you can look at the *.dds files and edit them using. https://www.getpaint.net/ Most model files will have the mesh names written in plain English (some modders forget to name them though) The list of textures used by the model mesh are usually at the very end of the HEX translation, right hand side and then fast scroll to the bottom. In more modern *.mu files the mesh section names are usually not too far above the texture file names. Hope this is helpful. The BforArtist 2 version 2.70 port of blender can run the *.mu plugin for blender under the testing section in preferences and it's zip is 202mb. (Only use 2.70 as the later versions of blender stopped being able to use the plugin. https://github.com/Bforartists/Bforartists/releases/tag/v2.7.0 The plugin can be found here. I suggest you read from begining to the end of the thread to get info on how to put it together from various posts.
  18. Once again, Tweakscale is your friend for this. Specifically it's maintainer/repairer/updater @Lisias. Who has had previous success rescaling Waterfall effects.
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