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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Waiter: Hold still, this is going to sting. C:W, There is mystery meat in my soup.
  2. I did and paid the price. TUBM is powered Atomically.
  3. Black Flag Hotel on White Flag Hill.
  4. The ability to watch the old comedy sketch "The Plank"
  5. Thou shalt watch all episodes of "I Dream of Jeanie" to prepare you to be an Astronaut.
  6. Banned for not sneakily changing it to something else, just to cause confusion.
  7. It is nice to see people back But no one seems to keep track Of rules that apply It's making me cry. Might have to stretch, you all, on the rack.
  8. Wow, really keeping true to the thread, check the direction that their tails move Who combined a whale and a shark to make a Whaleshark?
  9. Banned for not being asleep so that you are fresh for the day and not realising you are 7 hours ahead of me.
  10. Damn, can't ban @Melontime because it is good to see them on here again. So I will ban @ShuttlePilot for having a cute puppy. (though I like seeing them too, but they are on more regularly)
  11. Seeing as they vapourise in the atmosphere in most cases, I'd say we all do, in our lungs. Would having a meteor shower remove all your dead skin?
  12. Sleep well Admirals and Atomics. Hello @SpaceFace545. Sorry but I look for reasonably prolific members when I say hello, and there aren't many I recognise at this time.
  13. Hi Lisias. In this case, no it is not cheating and it was for a personal game. I based my advice on the image provided, which showed the probe payload seriously clipping through the shuttle cargo bay. As all that would be done was shrink the probe down without changing anything else, all that would be happening would be size times mass, making the probe more dense. No easier for the shuttle to lift into orbit and the same calculation of thrust vs mass in a vacuum for the probe to move itself. No lifting surfaces to be affected etc. It also wouldn't affect anything else in their game nor do anything to damage their save games. I love TS and all the hard work you do, but in this specific case, it was a valid workaround for the situation.
  14. I guess resistance is futile. Hello @cubinator
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