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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Oh. If you build with the flatter hulls under the pods make sure you turn off their probe cores. It seemed to stop the craft being recognised as controllable. I did pop a command chair in the middle hull with A kerbal to make sure, but when he got up from the chair with the side cores turned off I could go back and forth between them.
  2. Ok. stay there for 5 min and I will have them up here. Ok first the ramp ends. I assume you know to create a new txt file that you save as a .cfg file and then copy and paste and save. Just checking because every time I assume I am wrong. Now the middle flatter bay that has the probe core embeded. And finally the side pods. Enjoy @swjr-swis
  3. I saw the original movie in the cinemas before it became a tv series. I actually made some Viper Craft a while back. I can fly them but you don't want to lose concentration or your spiraling out of control pretty quick. Guess Vipers were made for space. If you want the configs for the cargo hull parts, let me know.
  4. So this is just bare bones but workable. I had to go bigger again and I am seriously tempted to make them longer because I had many many attempts where I flew right through and my parachute only stopped me when I reached water on the other side. But as a poor mans Battlestar Galactica Carrier, it works. I upped their buoyancy and Crash and Breaking tolerances and gave the middle type a drone core so it doesn't need a pilot. I think I gave the Reaction wheel enough torque to keep it stable but it is hard to tell.
  5. They can be put in a folder you create or in the original folders that they are adaptions of. The config files state the pathways of the *.mu meshes they use so the game will look for the meshes to use based on the configed pathway. Don't modify the config files you already own, just create the files like I showed you and copy in the contents. Everything is already in the configs I gave you.
  6. Add double forward slashes in front of all those lines. Roughly like this. If it goes away then good, if it doesn't then just go back by removing the forward slashes again. The texture is not removable from the game but it can only be added if the module tells it to. //PADBURN // MODULE // { // name = AdvancedTextures // namespace = KerbalKonstructs // transforms = model_padburn // newShader = KSP/Scenery/Decal/Multiply // _MainTex = BUILTIN:/launchDirt // }
  7. Sorry I was being facetious. "Deep Blue" is a super computer used to beat a Chess Master. I was saying, be glad you have any frame rate at all with that much going on.
  8. Damn. now I am thinking of a carrier that looks like the battlestar galactica, and you have to land in the side pods. With ACA you could even launch out the sides using catapults.
  9. Ok I hope that I have got it so that apart from NMB,Tweakscale,Airplane Plus,Possibly SXT, The Saturn engines from BD and the M2H tailboom that I think belong to one of those and coldwar aerospace. The following config files should once put in a folder in the gamedata folder, should mean the F-14 can be loaded in your game. I am giving you first both my motorized landing gear that use Squad. Create a text document called MotorizedLandingGearSmall, paste the following in and save as .cfg rather than .txt Then do 1 called MotorizeLandingGearMedium and do same. These include a part variant module for colour, as you don't have the alternate just make sure they are set to positive if they look dull grey all over and you will get the regular texture. Next is my version of Cold War Aerospace's Mk0 weight. It essential in the design as the plane will want to flip backwards without it. name the config Balance_Weight_Mk10.cfg and then copy and paste and save this. If you have Cold War then you have their resource file. Without it the weight won't function. I think that this is all this plane requires on top off the other mods. Kerbal X says 3 parts not recognised so let me know if I missed something, I will check back in in around 12 hours time. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/ColdJ-F-14-Tomcat-UPP @HyperDraco @Mouhand
  10. You don't hold prograde, prograde follows you. You need to ignore prograde and pitch to what feels right. Remember to watch apoapsis and periapsis down in the left corner once you switch it out of docking mode to understand where your angle is taking you.
  11. Again, if when you try it tends to topple over then it is a COM balance problem. The prograde marker is not a fixed point. It changes as you change direction or pitch. You are best to use the degrees of angle on your nav ball and your speed and altitude to determine when and how much to tilt. If you find your rocket hard to get to do what you want you may need more vernier thrusters or, while in atmosphere, more wing and elevon control surfaces. If you attach your control surfaces to decoulplers you can always jettison them once you leave atmosphere and don't need them anymore. All of this gets easier with practice so, try your rocket designs over and over in Sandbox till you get the hang, before using the design in a career game.
  12. @HyperDraco At the moment I am just trying to make them useable by you. Nothing like reviewing to realise how many separate mods you used to build a jet. This compounded by how many personally configured parts I have created in a slap dash spread through the folders manner. Opt, ColdWar, NMB,NFA,SXT,Quiztech.Airplane Plus,Aviation Cockpits, and my powered landing gear and cosmetic parts are all found in 1 of my planes. I will try to find the simplist and give you the configs here to copy and paste into config files I get you to create. But I may have to end up doing a mod pack to cover everything. I am stripping out all the BD Armory. You will have to set them up the way you want. Is easier for me and you will get them the way you like. If I ever get to you being able to use my NMB bombay models (F22 raptor, F35 lightning II and J20 Mighty Dragon) I will also have to give you my JANAAM missiles (which I somehow fluked getting my BD Armory to recognise) and my Sidewinder Bs. Made so I could fit missiles neatly in when the bays are closed.
  13. I had to use R2D2 as all the Jedi had decided to get on the carrier. Sadly when taking the screen shot R2 ended up finding the carriers front jet engine.
  14. I have been enjoying @swjr-swis 's Praying Mantis Carrier. Which sadly makes mine look like a barge. Also did a Death Star trench run between the hulls, just for fun.
  15. You are trying to get consistancy using an algorithym in a semi chaotic system. You would be better off using your own experience and playing the ascent by feel and intuition. MechJeb is a great guide but never expect it to perfectly do everything all the time. Oh and a slight shift in COM the wrong way can sabotage you 9 times out of 10.
  16. Only 17 individual craft being kept track of by the BD AI and having to be rendered simultaniously by the Unity engine. Why would you be experiencing lag! You are running KSP on "DEEP BLUE" aren't you?
  17. I don't know if you fixed your pad problem. It might not be fixable unless there is a setting for distance from centre like attach nodes. When you blow up certain things you also invisibly move away from centre the interaction point of the mesh. This happens with my Kerbals Mobility enhancer extendable ladder. I gave it the ability to Tweakscale and when I blow it up a good bit the Kerbal climbing it looks like it is climbing thin air about a Kerbals width out from the ladder. That is because what you see is only window dressing. The rungs look too far apart but the Kerbal can still climb. Same thing for your pad. @FDAUT
  18. Ok. This will take a while. The best result so far has been 3 unrecognised parts on Kerbal X. I have some family things to do then I will load up my Modded game. Only takes 10 minutes to load in. And then see what I can homogenise for kerbal X. Won't be as pretty but will perform.
  19. Ok I am either going to have to strip 1 down or give you the config file details for my chines. Let me check my F-14. I think it just needs Airplane Plus and Mk2 expansion and Tweakscale and NMB and BD Armory but you obviously have that. I will Check and see and If so I will upload it to Kerbal X. It performs very well and is really good for carrier landings.
  20. The quick and dirty 3 piece hull above was done without adjusting the attachment points, but if you scale up evenly you just increase the attachment point figures times how much you scaled. So the originals are for the cargo bay. node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 4.98, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -4.98, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3 Then I saved a copy of the config file as Humongus.cfg Changed the name =, to name = Mk3CargoBayHuge Added the scale variable to the model as follows MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/mk3CargoBay/long scale = 6, 12, 1 } So having increased the X axis by 6 but not having a surface attach node I think I can leave that alone but I increased the Y axis by 12 which is length and the stack nodes are at the end so 12 times 4.98 is 59.76 and by 5 is 60 so my new attach points should be. node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 59.76, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom2 = 0.0, -59.76, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, 60.00, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -60.00, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3 I can't remember what the 7th number adjusts off the top of my head I will have to look it up again.
  21. Module manager automatically looks for the syntax in the config file so as long as it is somewhere in Gamedata in a *.cfg file it will find it and implement it. I have downloaded it now, be interesting to see my frame rate. The first attempt I did was seriously over engineered, over 2000 parts and made my game unplayable. So I made sure my latest. was under 300. I recently realised that If I config up 2 new parts I can make a hull the size of the SPH that only uses 3 parts. Using the MK3 cargo bay and ramp meshes. Be sure to pop your's in to @Stormpilots Aircraft Carrier Challenge for your badge.
  22. I have a reasonable amount of jets built up but I am trickling them out so that others get to have their creations seen too. Love what all of you have been putting up. All my jets are fully balanced and functional and can be used by BD armory. This is a F16XL. It was a prototype that wasn't put in to production but was given to NASA to trial various technologies and wing configurations. It uses my Marlin Afterburning Turbojet that I created for my SAAB single engine Jet Fighters. More oomf. Using 2 at once voids your warranty.
  23. Well I may not be able to change the orientation and position of my Kerbal passenger in my 2 Kerbal mk1 inline stock pod, without a mesh editor. But after slowly working out how seat prop rotation works(much different from part rotation) I can at least make them comfortable.
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