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Everything posted by Autochrome

  1. So for Level 2, are information mods allowed, like KER and Trajectories, or is it just for Level 3?
  2. I know, but I guess this is better because he doesn’t have to suffer getting that close to the surface, but not landing.
  3. I am kind of sad that this series has finally come to an end, but I am also glad that something new can come from this conclusion. I’ll see you on the new thread, and thanks for this space station experience!
  4. Y’know, I was going to be happy that John Young would finally be able to land on the Moon this time, but I guess not
  5. 38 It’s been more than five minutes since my last number post, so this counts.
  6. Ah, that makes sense, thanks for telling me. Alright, now I can do it.
  7. I think he’s requesting someone else to build his idea, because he can’t do it himself since he doesn’t have KSP.
  8. It has been decided that the name of the Mun lander for the program will be ‘Iliad’.
  9. THP - Chapter 8, Part I: Hyperion IV-I The construction of the two pads, TSC 39A and 39B, is finally done! The first launch from either of these launch sites is a mission part of Odysseus V, which is slated to be the first crewed mission to the Mun since the Adventure Program 45 years ago. The payload, lifted by the Hyperion IV, is a structure made of struts with a docking port on top for an Odysseus spacecraft to join together with. The Kerbin Departure Stage engine of the cargo lifter will then relight, and put the spacecraft on a Munar flyby trajectory. Mission Report:
  10. THP - Chapter 7, Part II: Odysseus IV With the Hyperion IV-Y's Kerbin Departure Stage in orbit, the time has come to launch Odysseus to it. A few days after the Hyperion IV rocket's launch, Odysseus IV's Hyperion I is rolled out to the pad. The kerbonauts selected for this rendezvous mission are Jeb, Bill, and Bob, also known as the "Legendary Trio" by the kerbals in Mission Control. The crew board the vehicle and prepare for their second launch to Low Kerbin Orbit at sunrise. Mission Report:
  11. On the lander name, I have three names at the moment: Iliad, Poseidon, and Mockingjay, and I'm still deciding on one, but I should be done in a few days. On the pictures loading in, I'll make sure to put the future posts in spoilers, thanks for the suggestion. I don't really have problems with pictures loading in, because my computer is pretty fast.
  12. THP - Chapter 7, Part I: Hyperion IV-Y Although the Hyperion I has been through extensive testing (in atmosphere and in space), its bigger brother, Hyperion IV, the cargo launcher of the program, has never been tested through flight. This, however, would change with the mission of Hyperion IV-Y, which is to be an orbital launch of the vehicle with a dummy descent lander stage. The complete rocket is rolled out to the main pad, and prepped for flight. Mission Report: (Posts will be coming more often over the next week because it's spring break for me at the moment)
  13. THP - Chapter 6: Odysseus III With basic testing of the Odysseus spacecraft done, it is time to demonstrate its more advanced capabilities, like EVA'ing kerbals in space and three crew in the pod at a time on Odysseus III. The kerbonauts selected for this mission are Valentina "Val", Kerbin's only female kerbonaut, Denzer, the second bravest pilot (behind Jeb, of course), and Bill, the engineer of the group. The third complete Hyperion I vehicle is rolled to the main launch site while the pads for Mun missions, TSC 39A and TSC 9B are still under construction north of the current VAB. Mission Report:
  14. THP - Chapter 5: Odysseus II After the past successes of the prototypes and test missions, KASA has decided the time has finally come for a crewed flight of the Hyperion I. The two kerbonauts, Jeb and Bob Kerman, introduced in the last chapter, are selected for this first kerballed mission. Like its predecessors, the Hyperion I vehicle for Odysseus II is rolled out to the main launchpad, and the crew prepare to board the spacecraft. Mission Report:
  15. The next episode of the series is taking a while to make, sorry about that. It should come out sometime this week, so stay tuned.
  16. Congrats! I remember when I first landed on the Mun on console, it was pretty rough...
  17. I got a new TUFX profile (Steven's) because my eyes were starting to bleed from all of the bright colors of the the previous TUFX Profile, and it was too dark. Thanks!
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