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Everything posted by Puggonaut

  1. Ok so far now then for use as a electric motor for example how do maps keys to it to go forwards and backwards I understand the requirement for power , but as yet hav'nt figured out what key does the rotation part , that's where I'm currently stuck ?
  2. A blow by blow description would be really helpful , I'm used to IR with it's simple + or - setup , so far yup i'm thick I have not made the rotors budge in any direction forwards or backwards .
  3. Today I Probably made a few Kerbals throw up
  4. Michael The Tripod practises his MoonWalking
  5. Built by this guy . Modded by me slightly .
  6. What Mod is that Capsule from please ?
  7. Decided to make a slight change , now the wings follow the body when the engines rotate , yup it flys better , still got the usual weak IR Joints though , so things erm move
  8. Anyone got any idea's why this happens as the engine isn't even started yet and the plume is running ??? KSP Ver 1.6.1 Gamedata folder and contents
  9. Hopefully this will show up , great Mod , liking it a lot
  10. Well when it finally drops , i'm going to start building these sort of things again
  11. Is this Mod compatible with Restock ? and Restock + ?
  12. To get here , I built a new PC just for gaming . i7 9700k , 32gb 3.2 ram , gtx 1660oc strix , so far I havn't had to Overclock the system.............so far lmao . This is RSS a JRO Version running in ksp 1.6.1 thanks to a friend of mine it's now running in Dx11 with RSS 16k textures and a 8k skybox plus all the other bits needed Still work in progress .
  13. Thanks for keeping this updated , appreciate the effort .
  14. This is great , now I can get back to building very silly idea's again Thanks for updating this .
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