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Everything posted by JeromeHeretic

  1. Hello mr. @JonnyOThan, I noticed that in version 1.0.1 are not working descriptions for action group square lighting buttons (that AG1=something description made in VAB). In IVAs with moardv avionics this descriptions works fine. I tried swap to previous version and there descriptions work fine. So it's 1.0.1 specific bug.
  2. Loudness you can change in setup. There is button you can move left or right for alarm loudness.
  3. I have problem with von Koch release. When i click tracking station, game crash. I want ask if somebody have the same experience or it is some black magic of my specific mod setup? I have there also Principia Kleene release, and this one is running fine.
  4. Can you please do FreeIVA for MOARdV Plus?
  5. Aha, so i found, that i have some IVAs which are using MAS_ASET_ALTIMETER_Adv and some using ASET_ALTIMETER_Adv from consolidated pack. And in MOARdV config is hands functionality wrong. Anyway... that's not problem of ASET consolidated pack.
  6. So this is working only partialy. Tiny hand is OK, it is showing tenth of thousand now. But hundred hand an thousand hand functionality is swapped. But i don't understand why. As im looking in configs, it looks correct to me. ALT100, where is modulo 1000 and ALT1000 where is modulo 10 000 should work correctly IMO, but don't...:-/ EDIT: At the end i found, that it is problem only in Mk2 inline IVA retro cockpit, so it is error in setup of this IVA. In other cockpits altimeter works correctly. Yes, it was completely W.T.F for me, when i was looking for...
  7. Confirm, that this works. (Tomorow i want try patch altimeter, if will have time.)
  8. And what about Desert airfield navigation? As i was looking, adding new navigation transmiters is not easy. It's defined on so many places. Do you understand to it? BTW: It was just "nice to have" idea. Is teoreticaly possible build on planet real transmiter (probe core, battery, antenna) as VOR? Let say, i will do transmitter like this, and name it VOR_115.30, si it will be automaticaly visible by ASET pack as VOR on freq 115.30 MHz... Like that you can do your navigation network on any celestial body, not just on Kerbin (you can do it anyway, and use it as VOR by selecting it as target, but ASET pack will not see it and you can use it just like target on navball.)
  9. I see, this error is old as the game itself and ASET pack just inherit it from ingame objects. Well, in my opinion it is incorrect. When you are doing pack of gauges and trying to make it so close to reality as is possible, is incorrect, when the gauge is not working as in real aircraft (absolutely independently on rules how original ingame gauges are working). Isn't possible do workaround by some unity config? If is possible by config just swap functionality of tiny hand (as the values comes from game engine) with funtionality of "hour hand" as it comes from ksp engine, is problem fixed. Hundred hand is ok, just somehow swap values for rest two... I'm thinking on some workaround just swap that two values without touching models (but i don't know unity.... so it's just a question).
  10. If you are collecting bugs for next release, so on this altimeter: That tiny hand, with small triangle at the end, which looks as second hand on watch is in reality showing 10 000 (feets/meters/whatewa units), long hand, which looks as minute hand on watch shows hundreds of units and short one, which looks as hour hand shows thousands of units. So what is on screenshot should be altimetry something like a 7900 meters (because tiny shows 7000, minute shows 900 and hour hand is completely wrong,, should be around 7) , but in game it is showing 1970 meters (hours 10 000, minute 900, tiny 70). I don't know if this is extra setup in every IVA, or it is global settings?
  11. Ah so, will check it next time. I think (at least for me), slow refresh rate is OK for me. I need it just for orientation for start retro burn of last landing phase. Under 5000 meters there's other gauge. I'm using that display only for aproximation of retro burn start. After that it's not important for me anymore, using other gauges around window. But thx for answer...
  12. In Mk1 lander can is also non functional switch on altitude display. Switching between altitude and radar altitude is not working. But i wanted to ask why is not in ASET avionics any navigation for Desert airfield? There's no VOR, no directional navigation, no glide slope navigation. I was looking if is possible easily add at least VOR, to be able to find airfield by navigation instruments, but as i was looking i noticed, that i absolutely don't understand it at all, so i give up. Will be nice have it. That runway is realy short and is pretty hard land on it even with normal aircraft, land on that with big aircraft or with a shuttle is without instruments almost impossible. (And this runway is good for landing from polar orbit, because is in north south direction...)
  13. What experience level my engineers must have to be able fix parts? I started new career, have engineer level 2 and when i click command pod i don't see option "take spares" (if i try it in sandbox, where all kerbals have maximum level i see that option). In my old career (which i deleted, so can't check it) i don't remember i had this problem, but probably it was because i had enough experienced engineers. From start i can't level up engineer more as is level 3, is it enough? And btw i tried disable "check experience" in setup and nothing changed. Looks like a bug to me.
  14. Man, this is so cool mod, you made my day! I love this oldschool avionics and use all IVA mods with it which was made. A bit later, but thx for such a nice xmass present!
  15. So what's your recommendation? Should i disable PropBatching.cfg and forget, or will you do some fix?
  16. So i upgraded to ASET 2.0.6 and did the trick with config renaming and you are right. When it was disabled, problem disapeared, when i enabled it, problem appeared again. Also i found one more glitch in shuttle cockpit: Which log you need? Player.log?
  17. I have problem since ASET consolidated Props pack upgraded to version 2.0.5. IVA with ASET 2.0.6: The same screenshot with ASET props 2.0.4: Strange thing is, that all other IVAs using this apollo style avionics are OK. Only in this command pod it happened. Can somebody confirm the same issue or it's only madness of my mod setup?
  18. Hello Max, at first i want to thank you for your nice IVAs. But we found small problem with your mod. MAS_mk1-3.cfg is using the same intenal name as MOARdV IVA. That cause, that MOARdV IVA is loaded and not your mod. It is small bug, so please add it to your todo list and fix it when you will do some next release. Details you can find on this page, search my first post and continue down. You will see. THX
  19. Aha, i see! OK, now i understand what happens. I will write to Max-Ksp MAS IVA Pack forum, so when will Max do some fixes, can fix it before next release. Thank you very much for your time and patience with me.
  20. This works. If there's no better solution, i can live with it. But still i'm courious how to do it properly. This is a bit "dirty" method...
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