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Everything posted by munix

  1. Yup, in fact I'd say that most if not all KSP2 modders have some experience with similar tools
  2. There are some breaking changes in the modding API between SpaceWarp 1.9 and Redux, but honestly not very many, it mostly has to do with logging and configuration values, but as far as most other APIs go, it's still the same, so you should be safe making your mod, and then just adapting it very quickly for Redux. We'll also try before the release to go back and help modders update their mods so that when it does come out, most will be ready and supported
  3. Redux is going to be essentially a series of updates to the base game, so it has no dependencies as such, other than owning KSP2, it can be played on its own, or you can install mods into it. Since we are working on proper modding support and improving modding experience, most current mods will not work out of the box, but we are working on ensuring that all the most popular mods (if not all) are supported when we release the first version.
  4. We will definitely try to tweak some things here and there and do some QoL improvements, but large-scale reworks of the UI are not currently planned, it would be a massive undertaking, since modifying existing UI is already quite difficult, and completely rewriting it from scratch would put us back months, if not years
  5. as long as you can run the game on Wine/Proton, then Redux should most likely work as well
  6. Honestly it's not as much about "generating hype" as it is to let people know the project exists, because we've seen multiple other people mention that they're trying to start similar projects, and rather than have 5 different revival projects scattered all around the place, we'd rather concentrate the efforts - that was the main reason I was advocating for announcing it before we make the first release. The trailer was a one-time thing, just to get people's attention, but it's been just a tiny part of the work that's already been put into the project (on the scale of a couple of days at most, while work on Redux has been going on in some form since November). We do want to post occasional dev updates, but more so just to let people know what we're working on so we can discuss it with the community. About your other question, we're definitely not planning to only release this when it's "completed", that would probably mean waiting for years and having even the last remaining bits of interest in the game completely gone in the meantime. The release schedule is going to be closer to the original development - we will be releasing small updates first (something like a "0.2.3" patch, and so on) with no big flashy features, instead focusing on the core of the game - improving performance, fixing bugs, actual modding support - and these are all areas where we already have some very tangible results. Then, the first big milestone will be colonies ("0.3.0"), and so on. It's a lot of incremental work and it's likely going to be a very long run, not a one-and-done thing. And about community feedback - for now there are dedicated forum channels for suggestions and bug reports on the KSP2 modding Discord, and we're also planning to make a public GitHub repository for public releases and an issue board to report bugs there. As for legal concerns, we're being very careful not to break any laws, Redux will be provided as a binary patch installer, which requires the user to own the base game, and it will only apply our modifications to their existing game. For more info see the Redux thread:
  7. Hi, does this happen for existing campaigns you had before installing the mod, or for new ones as well? And would you mind trying to replicate this error and then uploading your log files (one is in Kerbal Space Program 2/Ksp2.log and the other one in Kerbal Space Program 2/BepInEx/LogOutput.log) to somewhere like Pastebin or Dropbox and sending a link?
  8. v0.16.0 New fixes Inflatable Heat Shield Fix by @PoloKornel - Fixes the inflatable heat shield not having ablator.
  9. v0.15.0 New fixes Tracking Station Debris Name Fix by @PoloKornel - Replaces the object's guid with a human-readable name: "Debris of [ship name]".
  10. v0.14.0 General Support for KSP2 v0.2.2 Requires SpaceWarp 1.9.5+ Requires Patch Manager 0.11.1+ New fixes Save/Load DateTime Fix by @bizzehdee - Displays dates and times of save files in the correct locale format.
  11. Feel free to make a PR to fix it if it doesn't work with the latest version, it's after all a community project. Nobody has created an issue on GitHub or reported any bugs here, and I haven't played 0.2.2 yet, so I wouldn't know if it's broken.
  12. Yeah, Spacedock was down, seems to be working fine now
  13. Well, Lux posted the teaser because he was working on them and wanted to share a progress update, and shortly after he kinda went MIA.
  14. You don't, because they were never implemented in any released engine mod (and I think they never actually worked in the game, only inside Unity)
  15. That's right, this is basically a library for other mods to use to be able to create plumes for their engines
  16. I'm wondering why the old fuel switch patches were removed, I really liked the option to switch the tanks, RCS, vents and mainly engines between LFO and methalox. Also, with the new patches, when I have both Community Resource Pack and Configurable Containers installed, the fuel tanks are all set to LFO (which you can't switch to methalox in CC without having a custom patch for that), and engines keep using methalox, so the mod becomes basically unusable at that point, where it worked just fine before with the same set of other mods. Am I missing something?
  17. Pretty sure it's confirmed that the funds system from KSP1 is not coming back, instead, parts will cost resources that you will need to gather in your colonies and then ship around.
  18. This mod scales the stock UI (using UGUI system), while Micro Engineer uses the UITK system (only used by mods), they are completely separate and as such, even their scale is controlled separately. Both the UITK for KSP2 mod and this mod have their own slider in the settings.
  19. This mod is for flight camera, not for the VAB.
  20. MicroEngineer does almost the same thing as KER.
  21. Just make a small constellation around Kerbin (3-4 sats) so that one of them is always in range of the KSC and can the others can link to it
  22. That is a stock game bug, almost certainly not caused by this mod. If you want a workaround, the Community Fixes mod should get rid of that bug.
  23. My guess would be mostly using procedural wings to create decals, like @The Space Peacock's competition-winning Vulcan recreation: https://kspbuilds.com/build/Vulcan-Centaur-&-Peregrine-Lander
  24. It's not a block, seems like they completely deleted their account again.
  25. The latest update should fix that, yes
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