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Everything posted by Staticalliam7

  1. Time to make you guys think again Who's up there? Why?
  2. Maybe like a "Expert Mode" that makes stuff a lot harder like the heat and weather
  3. Punishment for leaking the last one. All jokes aside, because of the holidays, they are probably either cooking up something special or taking a break for the holidays
  4. We are being punished for leaking the last one.... no vid yet
  5. kinda sus ngl bro its kerbal legos
  6. wdym they just got here Ah, so young, so innocent. He's been here for forever Also, who revived this thread?
  7. Recently finish Andy Weir's The Martian Honestly, good book
  8. LMAO best one 10/10 This is the true kerbal way, ditch nasa, embrace ksp
  9. Obviously photoshopped Getting back on topic, I digress. You are right, but I really like the green eve sunsets, and kerbin is beautiful by itself
  10. Overrated: Laythe. Honestly, not much to see Underrated: Kerbin. Honestly, kerbin can be quite beautiful, especially sunrises. The second would probably be eve because sunrise/sets are really cool there In the middle: The Mun. A cool place to go that is only a couple days trip Doesn't Exist: Dres. Just Dres. Absolutely does not exist Dres. Nope. The government is lying about Dres. You cant even go there. It's a fake planet in the map view, you cant actually go there
  11. sigh Ok, I'll admit it... Most of the time, I'm on the ground of kerbin screwing around and killing kerbals using cheats cause i don't have the dedication to start a actually legit science/career mod save also i landed on the mun first try... without mechjeb you plebs
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