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Everything posted by Staticalliam7

  1. Should be able to get 400, for sure more than 300 Sheesh. Guess getting a large number of sats won't be as difficult once starship is making regular flights
  2. Anyone know how many starlink satellites starship can carry (just out of curiosity)
  3. We do a minuscule amount of trolling...FmGDm1f.png 


  4. A planet builder somewhat like Simplerockets2's Planet Studio
  5. Looking for a mod that adds more science parts, and possibly a larger tech tree
  6. I would like to configure waterfall so that the plumes are more accurate. Something like this: I am using the mods Restock, EVE, a couple of camera mods (one of them is Nebula Camera), and Trajectories. ****EDIT: Turn's out, I didn't know waterfall configs existed, so I'm good to go ignore this thread
  7. I wedged a rocket in between 2 shuttle looking tanks/srbs because i couldn't get enough dv to the mun.. it worked
  8. I'm working on a modpack for low end pcs, would you mind if i used this (with credit of course) edit: I'll just use this as a dependency since it is open source
  9. the kraken maybe? maybe none of the dumb bugs we have in ksp? who am i kidding
  10. Liftoff, LKO, transmunar injection, mun flyby, SCIENCE, deorbit burn, oops ran out of electricity jeb is dead, yay quicksave, splashdown, jeb just had a nervous breakdown and will probably never fly again
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