Should be able to get 400, for sure more than 300
Sheesh. Guess getting a large number of sats won't be as difficult once starship is making regular flights
I would like to configure waterfall so that the plumes are more accurate. Something like this:
I am using the mods Restock, EVE, a couple of camera mods (one of them is Nebula Camera), and Trajectories.
****EDIT: Turn's out, I didn't know waterfall configs existed, so I'm good to go ignore this thread
I'm working on a modpack for low end pcs, would you mind if i used this (with credit of course)
edit: I'll just use this as a dependency since it is open source
Liftoff, LKO, transmunar injection, mun flyby, SCIENCE, deorbit burn, oops ran out of electricity jeb is dead, yay quicksave, splashdown, jeb just had a nervous breakdown and will probably never fly again