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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. Floor 4702: An alternate Earth where the Moon is much larger but in the L1 Lagrange point so that Earth experiences a continuous solar eclipse.
  2. Korolev 10 "You shouldn't be in here, Alexei." Alexei jumped and turned towards the voice. In the shadowy doorway of the storage room, silhouetted by the hallway's light, stood Alexei's manager, Viktor. "I need to know what happened. You know why." Alexei closed the filing cabinet he had been fingering through and walked over to Viktor. "You could be arrested if you leak those secrets." Alexei pleaded with Viktor. "They were my friends. I trained with them. I must know how- how they died." Viktor looked thoughtful for a moment, subtle emotions playing across his face. "You'll never be the same. Just warning you." He walked over to one of the locked cabinets and pulled a key from a ring on his belt. Alexei peered over his shoulder and saw him pull a film reel from a rack within the drawer. Viktor deftly threaded the film into a projector hidden by shelves in the deeper areas of the room. As the machine flickered to life, Viktor began to speak. "This footage was relayed from the surface by Korolev 10 the day after the incident occurred. The lander and rover stopped transmitting only a few hours before Nikolai left." "That long? With no one to operate them? " "No one to turn them off." The film began playing. Scratchy audio resolved and an unfocused image came into clarity. "Korolev 10 detach in 3, 2, 1-" "Activating descent program." Viktor left Alexei to contemplate his thoughts. Before he left, he said: "Make sure you lock this place up before you leave. I'll come by in an hour to make sure everything's secure." Alexei did indeed contemplate, for many minutes. He began rewinding the tape. Again. And again. Soon, he picked up a piece of graph paper and began to write.
  3. Great point. I thought I had checked for that, but apparently, I didn't scroll down far enough to see all the options on Google Translate. Updating now!
  4. I'm very pleased by the swift and decisive action taken in the poll! I can tell that your favorite mission would be a WoRM adaptation of... Mars 2! *crickets* *Turns paper upside down* Venera 8! I translated 'Eve' into Russian and Google gave me 'Kanun,' then @Kerbalsaurus kindly pointed out that the noun form would be 'Yeva,' so that's what the mission will be called. I picked the mission numbers I did, 2 and 8, because chronologically they come shortly after the current date of WoRM. Korolev 11 was a lucky coincidence, as Soyuz 11 was the first mission to the real-life Salyut 1! Do some research on Soyuz 11. It'll give you a healthy sense of foreshadowing. Speaking of research, I've been reading up on the Venera program and was pleased to find that the orange fairing of the Molniya-M lends itself particularly well to Restock. Oh, cool, that's a png. Thanks, Wikipedia. I'll start working on Yeva 8 right away, and get K10 posted as soon as I can! (It's open in another tab right now... )
  5. If you want centrifuges to feature in future builds and as a major part of the story, this is definitely the way to go.
  6. *Facepalm* For some reason I saw RATO, Rocket Assisted Take Off.
  7. I'd recommend saving a rocket system for a high altitude. Using jets to push vacuum engines to an altitude where they work more efficiently is a proven SSTO strategy.
  8. Where I am, it regularly snows 6-9 months out of the year. Sounds like a Cybertruck is out of the question, then. Not that I ever wanted one anyway. Renders that show them on the Moon or Mars make no sense to me. An angular shape like that has got to be horrible to store efficiently in a rocket, and awful at keeping in pressure with those sharp corners.
  9. Do you plan for it to be an SSTO or just a high-altitude science plane? As an SSTO, an unpowered landing would be tough if it needs engine gimbal.
  10. "Houston, Apollo 13 here. I think something went really wrong."
  11. Granted. Earth collides with no less than 16 different exoplanets, and many objects are catapulted away at high velocities by the 43 other stars swirling around the place. I wish the speed of light was infinite so that we didn't have to bother with relativity.
  12. Back in my day, AI was used to generate pictures, not calculate which ones should be destroyed for the 'betterment' of mankind.
  13. Floor 4699: A warehouse full of the Lego Ideas Saturn V. You build at least three before continuing to the next floor.
  14. Great job on a stable design! But how maneuverable is it?
  15. 10/10 Great planes on KerbalX and a phenomenal mission report.
  16. Nottingham Shire in England, home to robin bird's hood collection, disappointed with how the story turned
  17. Hey, look! A poll! Where'd that come from? Submit your opinion to influence the KSSP's next mission. Whichever ranks 2nd and 3rd will still come afterward, but let me know what you want first. P.S. Korolev 10 is still coming. Thanks for your patience.
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