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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Log 23.1 Analog logic gets too imprecise if the required precision (in this case 1/256, to represent 8-bit numbers) gets too small. All in the picture below: I entered at least 8 significant digits for all coordinates of all points in all curves, I made the curve between points segments (using the editor function), and the precision is like uuuh... If operations need to be chained, this will be an issue. A big issue. In the example I gave, chaining two additions will give wrong results. This is the fault of KSP's lack of precision on plenty of things. Don't worry, I double-checked my math. So yes it appears that we can store ROM as play positions, but operations, unless we want hundreds or even thousands of points, will likely be bitwise. Of course I can use the python script to give a specific value to each integer play position, but in this case the .craft will be veeeeery long, and even if I don't mind pasting 32768 lines in a .craft, we should find other ideas.
  2. I made a grey KAL:
  3. Analog logic isn't precise enough, sadly, if we don't want literally 32768 points in the KAL...
  4. The Kerbal KAL Logic & Computing Laboratory KerbalX hangar is here, git repo is here IMPORTANT NOTE: It is normal this project is going slowly. We're still working on it, but not very fast. +-----+ | LOG | +-----+ [ 230302.1751 ] Created thread. [ 230303.1542 ] Experiment 1: analog addition attempt (see log 23.1 and analysis 23.2) [ 230304.0937 ] Working bus (see log 23.3) [ 230305.1452 ] Working adder (see log 23.4) [ 230308.1649 ] Working instruction KALs (see log 23.5) [ 230319.1713 ] Thread got accidentally moved (see incident 23.6) [ 230330.1446 ] Experiment 2: KAL curves outside time range [0,1] attempt (see log 23.7) [ 230422.1602 ] Experiment 3: "Tape" memory idea + .craft file AG modification attempt (see log 23.8) [ 230506.1621 ] CFG File Parser (CFP) finished. [ 230714.1055 ] Bus with MOV instruction experiment (see log 23.9) [ 240118.1815 ] CFP 0.3 finished: now usable and finally good. (see log 24.1) [ 240121.1126 ] 256 register bank wiring finished, now all that's left is to implement the MOV instruction. (see log 24.2) +----------------+ | HARDWARE PACKS | +----------------+ Usable (and generaly more user-friendly) sets of hardware, packed together in a single contraption, like computers [ 256 Analog Early Computer Prototype ] An adder + registers pack, which also has instruction KALs you can run (TAB, ADD, etc.). Still not a computer. [I may redo this description] [] +-------------------------+ | BINARY HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-------------------------+ Hardware that operates on a single bit per KAL [ 1-bit AND Gate ] 1-bit AND Gate. [ 1-bit AND Gate Simplified ] Simplified version of the above 1-bit AND gate. [ 6-bit Adder ] A simple binary adder that adds two 6-bit numbers. Why 6-bit? Because there was only room for 6 KALs. [] +-----------------------------+ | I/O BINARY HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-----------------------------+ Hardware that handle I/O (Input/Output) with one bit per KAL [ 8-bit Triple 7-Segment Display ] Displays an 8-bit number. [] +-------------------------+ | ANALOG HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-------------------------+ Hardware that operate on KAL play positions, to represents larger numbers in a single KAL [ 256 Bus with 3 Registers ] 256 analog bus prototype, with 3 analog registers. [ 256 Analog Adder ] Adds two 256 analog numbers. It has a carry in and a carry out, allowing it to be stacked. [ Analog Subtraction ] Note: may require some investigations (to determine range etc.) [ 256 Analog Bus (3 Registers) + Adder ] 256 analog bus prototype, with 3 analog registers. It has an adder that can add two 256 analog numbers (A+B → A). [ MOV-256 Bus ] 256 analog bus prototype, featuring a MOV instruction. It can therefore have up to 256 registers. [ MOV-BUS-256 Register Pack ] A pack of 256 registers, with a working bus and MOV instruction. +-----------------------------+ | I/O ANALOG HARDWARE LIBRARY | +-----------------------------+ Hardware that handle analog I/O (Input/Output) with KAL play positions [ 256 Triple 7-Segment Display ] Displays a 256 analog number. [ Smoothed State Follower ] Note: may require some investigations (to determine range etc.) [] +------------------------+ | OTHER HARDWARE LIBRARY | +------------------------+ Hardware that convert between binary and analog, etc. [ 8-bit 256 Binary to Analog Converter ] Converts an 8-bit binary number into a 256 analog number. [ 256 8-bit Analog to Binary Converter ] (Not made yet, but that's a logical thing to do) [] +------------------+ | PYTHON UTILITIES | +------------------+ Python scripts that help using KALs, such as track generators, etc. [ CFP ] A craft file editor, which supports scripts. Comes with KAL-Utils script suite. [ Old CFG File Parser (CFP) ] A graphical program that uses Tk, to view and edit .craft files (and KSP cfgs in general). [ QnD Generate KAL Curve ] A quick-and-dirty python script that takes a list of values, and makes them a KAL curve. Can be used with CFP. [] For those who want to study KALs without having access to KSP, here's an extract of a .craft file, showing a KAL:
  5. {size test +100} {72} {size test +24} OK bbcode doesn't work :'(
  6. I got KSP 0.19.1 from Steam by following this thread: However there do not appear to be older versions (there are all the "younger" version though) That being said perhaps you can get 0.18 from Steam, I only looked at the Linux depots, and the first KSP version for Linux was 0.19.
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