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Everything posted by Vl3d

  1. Vl3d


    In the VAB it literally says "Save / Load vehicle", not "Save / Load workspace". And although it saves and loads workspace snapshots, these can have multiple vehicles inside them. You create a new vehicle and try to save it inside a previous workspace and guess what - you overwrite that previous vehicle. It makes no sense.
  2. Vl3d


    ...currently "vehicles" are like the project folders and "workspaces" are the save files inside the project folders. But this is very confusing because players constantly see "vehicles" INSIDE "workspaces". It's a very bad naming choice.
  3. Vl3d


    To save your work you always keep the project name the same and change the name of the workspace snapshot (that's your save file for the current workspace structure). If you try to save a different project (what devs call vehicle) inside the same workspace snapshot, it's not merged - it's overwritten - and you lose all other vehicles you had inside the Project. You cannot work on a new project / vessel and then save it inside a previous workspace. I can't make it any clearer. I think a lot of players don't understand this. You have to create workspace snapshots for each project and then merge these together. This is why the current naming ("vehicle" instead of "project" and "workspace file" instead of "project workspace snapshot") is so damaging.
  4. Vl3d


    As you play with it more, you will realize that the project (what devs call vehicle) holds multiple "workspace snapshots" (what devs call workspaces). It's not the other way around: the workspace is not the root for the vehicles (projects). When you make a save you change the name of the "workspace snapshot", not of the "project" (what devs call vehicle).
  5. Vl3d


    Exactly, vehicles names should be assembly labels. And the actual think you load should be a Project (which can have multiple saves called Workspace Snapshots). The name "Project workspace snapshots" is much more descriptive and accurate than just "workspace". Most people confuse "workspace" with "project".. but the "workspace" is just a save of the current state of a project. And certainly "Project" is a better name than "Vehicle" because it includes the idea of fleets of vessels and also groups of other assemblies.
  6. Vl3d


    No! In the game that is called the "vehicle". The "workspace" is just a snapshot (a save) of your current work on the Vehicle (Project). It's very bad naming. The term "workspace" is not the root for the saves. Workspaces are the saves (iterations)! The root under which the saves live is the "vehicle". The in-game "vehicle" term refers to the whole project you're working on. And the term "workspace" refers to the snapshot save of your work progress. Very confusing choice of concept names!
  7. Vl3d


    A project is a group of (one or more) vessels and (sub)assemblies. It can be 1 vessel or a fleet or a family of vessels.
  8. Vl3d


    What they call "vehicles" are actually Projects (some of you think of them as workspaces / craft families / fleets). And what they call "workspaces" are actually Project Snapshots (saves of the workspace structure at that time). Projects (vehicles) have multiple Project Snapshot (workspaces) saves. If you understand this it all makes sense and you also get what has to be improved.
  9. Vl3d


    Because the terms they used are extremely confusing. Just look at how you yourself confuse the concepts and the diverse interpretations. "Project" and "Project workspace snapshot" have a very clear meaning each - much closer to what the devs intended.
  10. Vl3d


    What you call "workspaces" are actually Projects (named vehicles by the devs unfortunately). The real workspaces in the Save/Load windows are Project Workspace Snapshots. It's a bad naming problem.
  11. I think we really need this ASAP because backward compatibility will become an issue later. It's a very important change and relatively easy to implement: In the Save / Load windows, replace the term "Vehicle" with "Project" (because some people build entire families / fleets of boosters as assemblies and these are not vehicles) Also, replace the term "Workspace file" with "Project workspace snapshot" In the Load window, replace "Load vehicle" with "Load project" AND put all "Project workspace snapshots" in a drop-down list specific for each Project save. This way we can have Projects be vehicles and then we can merge / import that vehicle Project Workspace Snapshot into another Project which is a fleet of vehicles (but we should be able to name these vehicles individually). Also, as stated above, it would be incredibly useful to be able to label (sub)assemblies and have them be a single group of parts which can be stacked and destacked. More details below: A Project should be a collection of vessels and assemblies (like a folder which holds crafts and (sub)assemblies). We should be able to label vessels and (sub)assemblies (groups of parts) inside the Project. Labeled craft / (sub)assemblies (groups of parts) should also save their own action groups and staging sequences. The assemblies should stay grouped together even if stacked on top of each other, so it's easy to destack them (stage, lander, return pod etc.). Working on parts of an assembly would require selecting that group.
  12. Vl3d


    A fleet / booster family is not a vehicle. It's a project. Also, individual vehicles are not just assemblies. They should have names.
  13. Vl3d


    I think we really need this, it's a very important change and easy to implement: In the Save / Load windows, replace the term "Vehicle" with "Project" (because some people build entire families / fleets of boosters as assemblies and these are not vehicles) Also, replace the term "Workspace file" with "Project workspace snapshot" In the Load window, replace "Load vehicle" with "Load project" AND put all "Project workspace snapshots" in a drop-down list specific for each Project save. This way we can have Projects be vehicles and then we can merge / import that vehicle Project Workspace Snapshot into another Project which is a fleet of vehicles (but we should be able to name these vehicles individually). Also, as stated above, it would be incredibly useful to be able to label (sub)assemblies and have them be a single group of parts which can be stacked and destacked.
  14. Vl3d


    It doesn't work like that. When you save, you save a single craft. That's why you always overwrite the craft. The Workspace is just a snapshot of that craft project, like a craft and subassemblies state. The fact that you're forcing the workspace to have multiple craft means that you cannot name / label each one of them and you will overwrite your main craft when you save. Very dangerous if you don't modify the workspace name (you lose everything that got changed in that project snapshot).
  15. Vl3d


    Please read the OP again I have finished the text. Maybe I just don't understand how workspaces.. work. It's very confusing. Can you share some images?
  16. First of all, I've added all the information and feedback I could find on the subject in the spoiler box above. Also images of Save and Load windows: It's important to have this discussion now because any changes to the system will impact backwards compatibility of crafts. So, from what I understand, the system is kind of unintuitive at the moment. The Workspaces are just saves (snapshots) of a single craft project. They are not collections of multiple stand-alone vessels. Is this correct? If so, I think it's name should be Craft Workspace Snapshot. Also.. why do it like that and then show workspaces filled with stand-alone vessels? It makes no sense. In my mind it would be much better if: In the Save / Load windows, replace the term "Vehicle" with "Project" (because some people build entire families / fleets of boosters as assemblies and these are not vehicles) Also, replace the term "Workspace file" with "Project workspace snapshot" In the Load window, replace "Load vehicle" with "Load project" AND put all "Project workspace snapshots" in a drop-down list specific for each Project save. This way we can have Projects be vehicles and then we can merge / import that vehicle Project Workspace Snapshot into another Project which is a fleet of vehicles (but we should be able to name these vehicles individually). Also, as stated above, it would be incredibly useful to be able to label (sub)assemblies and have them be a single group of parts which can be stacked and destacked. More details below: A Project should be a collection of vessels and assemblies (like a folder which holds crafts and (sub)assemblies). We should be able to label vessels and (sub)assemblies (groups of parts) inside the Project. Labeled craft / (sub)assemblies (groups of parts) should also save their own action groups and staging sequences. The assemblies should stay grouped together even if stacked on top of each other, so it's easy to destack them (stage, lander, return pod etc.). Working on parts of an assembly would require selecting that group.
  17. The forums have the most in-depth and competent feedback, with pros and cons opinions considered in discussions. Also it's where the modders and veterans reside. The forums are gold for EA.
  18. Why not use RCS to make small changes to the trajectory after finishing the burn?
  19. I'm very curious what you did and how you played the game. Please share. For example, I created the simplest craft I could and set on exploring the planets. I'm close to 40 hours and have encountered few bugs, most of them with workarounds. For me the experience has been pleasant, fsp around 20-40 with 1440p high settings on laptop with RTX 3060 (with campaign resets so I don't have craft all over the solar system which slow down performance). I can't wait for the terrain improvements!
  20. Vl3d

    KSP2 is Art

    The beauty of this game is in the experiences it offers you while exploring. It's beyond just the visuals.. it's intellectual and sensorial. It's art. Yeah, it needs a lot of polish and improvements.. but it has a soul.
  21. My best advice to increase performance and maximize fps: start a new campaign for every new mission and copy-paste your vehicles (like text) from the old workspace to the new one. alternatively, delete all craft from your current game from the tracking station before each mission. It just works. After I launched ~7 landers during my first campaign, the game grinded to a halt and I was getting 2 fps during launch and 5 fps while in the VAB. Started a new campaign, copied over my main vehicle, launched. I was back at buttery smooth 20-40 fps. Cheers!
  22. Another hint at life support from the KSP2 EA cinematic trailer.
  23. Vl3d

    KSP2 is Art

    Unfortunately no, because KSP1 does not give 2 cents about making the planets interesting to explore. KSP2 does.
  24. After orbiting Dres at ~16 km and visually checking the whole planet I can say I've found no anomalies there. I think the rings are the main visual feature for now.
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