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Everything posted by Unbreakify

  1. Never found a fix, nor have i booted up KSP in ages (uninstalled back in January), sorry lol
  2. I'll have to check this post out once im home - imgur is blocked on school computers...
  3. At least imgur won't be discontinued until a very long time! or it'll get replaced if KSP adds uploading images.. (I'm hoping the images you sent are space stations, i cant see them right now as im typing this on a chromebook - the people who run the network blocked Imgur by force)
  4. Thats strange. Most of my embeds were before that change, if i recall. Oh well. Hopefully something like archive.org has them, i never bothered to save them. Discord typically does the dumbest of stuff, so its not really surprising this happened.
  5. Aw man, it looks like a lot of my posts with images are broken here now. That's sad. I don't think i can recover them unfortunately.
  6. Just wanted to give another update, schools getting in the way of everything (not a surprise), so i'm currently unable to make proper progress on anything related to this sadly. You can expect smaller projects to pop-up in other threads however, unfortunately i am also kinda burned out right now, so it may take a little longer than previously expected. Sorry
  7. This'll probably be the hardest station to build yet. I've been planning it for about 2 days, and gone through multiple iterations of design. I wonder why that sounds so familiar..
  8. (Space station seen here was cheated into orbit to see how the station would act with the long truss) I'm making my own Power Tower, using a makeshift truss docking system.
  9. Thank you, im working on a similar Power-Tower structure and this will 100% help with conquering the looks!
  10. I think it would be a QOL update to have some sort of docking connector that only runs around the edges of the truss for the Freedom parts.
  11. Ah gotcha. That'll be, hard... since KSP sucks when it comes to that. I'll try to see if i can make it "easier" by sneaking some fuel tanks and seamless(-ish) docking ports.
  12. @Lil_Bread402 How you dock the Freedom trusses together? Im struggling to figure out how exactly you build a station like Power Tower.
  13. Im down to you send you my craft file. But it uses Conformal Decals & some other mods.
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