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Everything posted by Devblaze

  1. Hey guys, I am on the quest to get my KSP to a great place and was wondering if you guys would want to help me compile a stock like parts list, fixes and graphical mods that really overhaul my KSP experience. With me being extremely let down with KSP2 (like everyone) I've decided to replay KSP but heavily modded. So what do I need??? Please, I cannot stress this enough. It has to feel vanilla.
  2. Hey leonard, I really enjoyed this mod and I was wondering if there was a mod in KSP1 you've already made similar to this one - or any preexisting you got the idea from?
  3. 1. Github to host so we can all contribute to the scraping? 2. Have you attempted to capture static snapshots of pages similar to Webrecorder and HTTrack Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser (GNU GPL)
  4. It was down for 25 minutes from 1:18pm to 1:43pm EST
  5. Does anyone find it utterly disgusting that the LAST UPDATE KSP2 WILL RECIEVE. Is labeled a loveing "Regular update" Disgusting.
  6. I see no issues with the mods you listed, but for others just compare them to the allowed mods, if they're similar then it's a yes.
  7. Haha, typically usually mods like life support mod and what not, and typically self-sufficient means it doesn't need refuels and can do the mission without intervention by another vessel.
  8. If your prior infrastructure exists within a science or career mode yeah, otherwise. Probably a no to any extra points! I'm documenting and working on my save right now; I used the same rocket that put my LLV to put up 8 comNet satellites in LKO and 4 in Mun orbit.
  9. Website suffered a short outage for a few hours this morning, seemingly becoming more frequent. Not a good look.
  10. Ha, silly goose. I mean if this place is gone!
  11. Okay, as someone who is banned from the Discord - where can I go to find good communities to participate in related to KSP1?
  12. Mission Codename: Project Lunar Vanguard Dear KSC operator, Let's get straight to the point. With the recent closure of our second-generation space center, we must innovate to ensure our center thrives. Our mission is clear: establish a sustainable and enduring lunar presence. Your task is to lay the groundwork for future lunar operations and pave the way for interplanetary missions through resource collection and refining on the Mun's surface. This is my first mission post and I plan to do more; I like the realistic style as it makes me want to build better rockets and stay focused on the game. This was originally developed for my own playthrough of KSP because their contracts in story mode sucks, plus don't we all appreciate nicely formatted things... Like gosh. Mission Objectives: These mission objectives are assigned points, so each objective completed are just points added onto your score for your dedication for performing the mission & it's optional goals. Deploy a Communication Network: Put satellites around Kerbin and the Mun to ensure constant signal without blackout zones. (Optional) Equip satellites with versatile orbit-adjustment capabilities using nuclear or xenon propulsion for efficiency. Low-Kerbin Orbit Assembly: Design and Launch a LHM (Lunar Habitat Module) and LLV (Lunar Lift Vehicle) (Optional) Ensure LHM has a reliable mining and refining system to support future missions (Optional) The LHM and LLV need to support 5 Kerbonauts (Optional) onboard Rovers and vehicles for the Kerbonauts Assemble the LTV (Lunar Transfer Vehicle) Attach the habitat module to the lift vehicle to the transfer stage to move the entire assembly to the Muns orbit Mun Operation: Land the LHM and LLV on the Mun. (optional) Conduct scientific experiments (optional) Resource Demonstration Show us how effective your mining and refining operations using the LHM's onboard system is Rules for Mods & DLCS: Recommend / Allowed: RECOMMENDED: Kerbal Planetary Base Systems DLC: All DLC made for KSP is allowed. MODDED: All visual mods allowed, most mods are allowed, example is; (better time warp, Kerbal Engineer, freeIVA) Prohibited Mods: Mods that significantly alter physics or gameplay to make the challenge trivial are prohibited (e.g., Tweakscale, Warp Drive). Challenge Levels: Level 1: Establish a lunar base with basic infrastructure. Level 2: Expand the lunar base with enhanced capabilities, such as advanced resource processing. Level 3: Develop a sustainable colony with full self-sufficiency, capable of supporting long-term habitation. Scoring System: The scoring system for my contracts is quite simple, it will evaluate missions based on objective completion and optional goals. Here's how it works: Objective Completion Points: Each non-optional objective carries an equal score of (+5) Optional Goals: each optional objective completed carries equal an equal score of (+2) Submission Rules: Format: Submit your challenge as an imgur album, video series, or thread in Mission Reports. Documentation: Include captions and descriptions for each submission element (e.g., launches, landings, science collection). Required Screenshots/Videos: Capture key mission moments, including transfers, dockings, landings, and refuelings, document science returns if applicable. Completion Badge: Successful participants can add the mission completion badge to their signature. The Holy Grail: Come on, I know all you internet and space degenerates love things to put into your signature, so let's make it happen. All it will cost you, is a few hours of FUN hard work Hall of Fame: Anyone who has an entry on this post will have their work reviewed and notarized is allowed to utilize the award above and will be immortalized in the Hall of Fame, showcasing the ingenuity and dedication of Kerbonauts across the galaxy.
  13. This is such an easy outing for them to point too as well, but I think the moderation might be a bit too stringent. From what I've seen, most users aren't engaging in outright hostility. Mostly they're having spirited debates and yes, I do admit I have seen one using language like "stupid" or "dumb", and yes directed at people. It's just so funny to me how people get so pressed about stuff like that? It's not even a personal attack for the most part, they're just expressing frustration and trying to prove a point rather than there being any real personal attacks. The mods just seem to be tightening the reins too much and it's stifled any venting.
  14. Starting to like Take-Two more than the moderators on the forums here.
  15. With Dakota's most recent post it makes it pretty clear that KSP2 is done.
  16. this is literally the whole post. Love you, bye.
  17. The lawyer was very helpful - referred me to an entire legal department that specializing in class action lawsuits, and yes. They would require money to be paid, because 20+ lawyers don't work for free. For them to even consider the case, a substantial number of signatures is necessary. It seems a bit naive to think that experienced legal professionals would operate without thorough consideration of the case's viability. Do you really believe they would risk their reputation by taking on a case they didn't think had merit? All for a tad bit of money; probably pennies on the dollar compared to what they make in the long class action suits they handle regularly.
  18. I've actually already consulted a legal team about a class action against Take2 Interactive. Please refer to this post.
  19. Wish the moderators here would liquid off, seriously. Let us express ourselves in the little time we have left too.
  20. Big joke, you're all about to lose your jobs anyways? Just make a post, like smh.
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