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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. 10/10 A Swiss Army Knife of royalty.
  2. Today some stuck-up girls in my class told on one of my best friends for something he never did. I heard them scheming in science, and they said something along the lines that he told them to kill themselves, and other stuff that never happened. He's now been suspended. The worst part is I could've actively prevented all of this from happening. I heard they were going to do this, and I was going to tell the teacher they were making this stuff up before they got to him, but I stupidly forgot and now this has happened
  3. Ah, suerte adivina mi amigo. Would @Toaster355 be around?
  4. Is it workers you need, or educated workers? The solution to educated is to simply place more schools. The problem should eventually go away. If you don’t have enough workers in general, you might need less factories and shops or more houses. If it’s CS2, I can’t help you. The game is called Mars Horizon. You can play as the ESA, NASA, the USSR/Russia, CNSA, or JAXA. You lead your space program from the earliest days all the way to the first Mars landing. Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/765810/Mars_Horizon/
  5. I feel that a space race really isn't something we shouldn't be getting into again. This could lead to another cold war, and the modern U.S. is much more violent than it was back then. And what would this Space Race even prove anyway? It's not like we're fighting over ideologies. At this point, we don't even hate China because they're communist. We hate them because they're Chinese. Also, what would the goal even be? China's nowhere near finishing the Long March 9, Elon Musk is too stuck up to fix anything with Starship, and congress has no faith in NASA anymore. And Russia's, well, Russia. I'm sure I'll be chewed out thoroughly for this, but I feel the future of space exploration should be based on collaboration, not competition.
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