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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. That's a cool looking base right there! I especially like that little sci-fi touch with the giant radio dish.
  2. Kwite ðhe serebral game, but ðhe eksperiment here seems kwite kool. Here's a new rule: Kontraktions are non-eksistent. If you want to spell "here's", it must now be "here is". Ðis solves noðing, and makes everyðing worse.
  3. AUGUST 4TH, 2025 - ACTS Boilerplate Flight (ACTS 1) Surprisingly to everyone at the ESA, the ACTS boilerplate is done early. It's launching around the same time it should've been finished. The boilerplate contains many of the systems that will be used on the actual ACTS spacecraft, due to have its first flight early next year. The flight will only last about one day, but during that time some of the most important events of the program will take place. Every system, from propulsion to cooling, will be tested this flight. Anything that goes wrong or abnormally can be noted, and a found solution will be applied to the many ACTS under construction. Hundreds of spectators have gathered in Kourou today, most notably the president of France. France is the largest investor in this program, and they want to make sure that this program is worth the billions being put into it. At exactly 9:00, the mighty engines of the Ariane 6 lift ACTS 1 high into the air, marking the beginning of the ESA's lunar program. "Liftoff! Liftoff on ACTS 1, the first mission in the European Lunar Program!" Acts 1 continues into the air with no problem at all, proving the Ariane 6 is a more reliable vehicle than the public likes too pretend. "Orbit confirmed on ACTS 1!" The ESA had done it! They're one step closer to launching their very first (independent) astronauts into space! Immediately, ground teams begin testing the spacecraft. ACTS is thoroughly wringed out during its flight, and by the end all of the systems have been found with close to no issues. The spacecraft turns retrograde, and the most important test begins: re-entry. It's tense, but in the end... ACTS safely returns! It's an exciting day for the ESA, and the success of the mission brings hope to future flights of the ACTS program. The U.S. sends official congratulations, but China remains remarkably silent. Wonder what's going on there... Even so, the ESA is sure that they may in fact be able to launch the ACTS very first crewed by next year! Only time will tell.
  4. I can't belive I forgot to say something, but it's been a busy day today. Today is in fact the one year anniversary of Beyond! What a huge thread it's become! It was originally just a way for me to catalog my progression throughout my save game. If you look at the earliest post, and then compare to the most recent one, you can see the huge changes this thread has gone through. And boy, has this thread's seen a lot. So many good mission reports have come and gone, and a whole new game was released (to a mixed reception)! I'd like to thank everyone who's followed this thread, especially @2009Tartigrade who's followed since page 2, @Dunas Only Moon, @fulgur , @Watermel00n, and @Royalswissarmyknife with their craft submissions to this thread, @TwoCalories and @SkyFall2489 for their most recent submissions, and @Toaster355 for their suggestions on how to make the thread more pleasing to the eye. This thread wouldn't be what it is without the support and advice from all of you guys. Thank you all so, so, very much. I don't have any special mission to show, but I will share with you all the inspirations to thread. Actually, there's only one inspiration to it. While it does bare some uncanny resemblance to Starbound - A JNSQ Adventure, it was not at all an inspiration. In fact, it's not even from the forums at all. This thread is inspired by @Saybur Stuff's mission blog Kerbal States. It dates back all the way to 2016, and is great reading material if your stuck in a hospital waiting room (that's where I discovered it). I suggest you go check it out. Once again, thank you all for the support you've shown this thread. And I just can't wait to continue it into the future with you all, show you as the stories of the Beyond and the SSP continue. See you all in the next chapter!
  5. I like Pokémon, but only up to gen 7. The new games are a perfect example of the crappy state of modern AAA gaming. Their half-baked, unoptimized, DLC ridden hellscapes with a community that refuses to grow up and see the light. Other games I like are Astroneer (250 hours), Cities: Skylines (230 hours), KSP (god only knows), and Splatoon (500 hours between 2&3).
  6. It looks really cool! And I like the new look of Kiwisat. I will download it when I’m no longer on my phone (yes, I’m typing this on my phone right now).
  7. I PROMISE there will be a new chapter soon, I just had to redo the first flight of the next chapter like seven times and now I’m kinda sick of my own spacecraft.
  8. Ay, nice job on breaking the Karman Line! Or should I say… Kerman Line. I’ve played PBC before, and I think, just to be safe, you should do a few more launches with the Aether IV before heading to orbit. Just to be on the safe side, ya know?
  9. Yeah, unfortunately. Well, not cancelled per say. Grounded, according to what @Royalswissarmyknife said.
  10. Ay, welcome back man! @TwoCalories beat me to updating you (they ninja'd me), but that's everything important so far. They did leave out one key detail though, which is that the Apteryx 9 has been cancelled after the failed flight of Kiwisat 2. Other than that, that's everything important so far!
  11. Frank Borman died today, at 95. Here's NASA's statement: https://www.nasa.gov/news-release/nasa-administrator-honors-life-of-apollo-astronaut-frank-borman/
  12. 10/10 The source must flow Click this spoiler if you want your eyes to bleed
  13. I've picked up Cities: Skylines again, this time with a challenge: build a realistic city. Dunsfield was already fairly realistic, but there were still some... creative liberties taken. The new city I've created is called New Durham, and so far I've been working on the lakeside suburb part. Designing it has showed me how much of a hell American suburbs are, but let's not get into that right now. Here's what I have so far:
  14. Exactly what SkyFall said. The submissions were just a one time thing.
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