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The Space Peacock

Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by The Space Peacock

  1. @gfdgfherytrey edited this report to also include the report you made for this occuring in Low Kerbin Orbit
  2. sad that this still happens in 0.2, was hoping the fix for wobbly rockets would maybe also get rid of this. i suspect its an issue with radial boosters and the dreaded 'failure on linkage' bug
  3. @NovaRaptorTV moved your report out of the archive @QwertyHpp merged your report
  4. @thesparky616 do you have any more information you could provide, like images and craft files for the seperate craft? craft files can be found here: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\CAMPAIGNNAME\Workspaces
  5. @Suppise mover your report out of the archive @dandoesstuffmerged your report
  6. did you happen to be in map view during this landing? and did you timewarp at all?
  7. @Vl3d moved your report out of the archive
  8. @PicoSpace merged your report, seems like this bug has a few varieties to it. someone call the fire department!
  9. this appears to be caused by a bug and is not a consious change, here's a pic of what it looks like for me in 0.2 ;
  10. @Emmdh3 merged your report, @00Dave changed title to better reflect bug
  11. Welcome back, Director! Another succesful mission in the record books! And what a monument you've found! The figure looks a little like a Kerbal, but what's with the squid mouth?
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