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Everything posted by cocoscacao

  1. Have you used fairings? I never experienced this issue, but I haven't really used fairings much in this game. Apparently, that's not the main trigger, but it can contribute to it. For you, it's consistent always? Fairings with or without?
  2. Nate's own response: Many things can influence a bug to occur or not. Never dismiss these reports to be just a user error.
  3. It was a guess from one of the forum members (not sure who). I wouldn't expect it today though. But I personally wouldn't expect it until the end of May to be honest.
  4. @Codraroll If they ever send me to the Moon, I'm so gonna parkour all over the Lunar ground base.
  5. That whole thing was a short, fun read. I wonder what low/no G sports can be invented.
  6. I'm weary of criticizing work that hasn't been done. If KSP 2 ever hits v1, I'll make performance, feature, gameplay comparisons to KSP 1. Was development on the right track? No idea, because we didn't get any substantial information on that front. But that's a whole other can of worms...
  7. These days, even commercially successful games don't guarantee that the studio behind them will continue operating....
  8. Even if we do hear from them, let's say news are optimistic. They are working hard on future updates. Does it matter at this point? For me, it doesn't anymore. The game may continue, the game may die.
  9. Totally unrelated to the entire forum... Brazilian Portuguese... man, I hope I learn to speak it someday.
  10. Which is a pretty impressive feat, and a excrementsty situation to be in. Now all of his work will be compared to it.
  11. I expect Friday, or, more likely, sometime next week, we'll get an update. Both of my disappointment and hope have deflated significantly. I'm just observing occasionally to see which checkbox I'll click on in the end.
  12. Minor disagreement. Everyone who played KSP 1 is probably interested in KSP 2 completion. Being a niche game, I suspect they want new players to hop in. You can easily find out how many people are interested now, but with the current state of the game, you can't pull new players in. Even if finished (in a nice way), maybe it won't attract more people.
  13. Where you build custom karts/vehicles? That would be similar, but awesome nonetheless. Taking power/mass/aerodynamics into account...
  14. Reading through the mega nuke, I think everyone wants to this game to continue, so we will gobble up any good news. If it's canceled, we had quite a time to vent. I hate it, but not a bad strategy.
  15. Can it? That's a textbook example of losing precision when scaling up simulation.
  16. Yes. Some things need to be simulated step by step. There's no shortcuts. Faster processor will yield better results, but more vessels will make more computational load on cpu. Some stuff can be computed in parallel, others, not so much. Depends on which feature you're asking for
  17. Someone correct me on this one. The "official description" was similar to this. Each player has a separate timeline until two ships meet. Ignoring the problem of catching up (sending a crew to potential crash path), how do two objects meet? They need to be at the same place at the same time, but time isn't the same for both players.
  18. Eh... now that I think about it, what can time-sync possibly mess up that isn't a complication already...? You might be right there. We never got gameplay footage for anything else on the roadmap, except for FS! a little before it was released.
  19. They'd eventually need to deliver that multiplayer with time-syncing capability. I can't imagine a more complex feature than that. Unless you're suggesting they intended to bail development before reaching MP, in which case... why bother with any roadmap step after release at all?
  20. And I'm very curious how they'll handle it. But spreading that information will be prolonged as long as possible.
  21. For some (many) things, you really don't need it. Take MP for example. Can you explain it to me how it could function in a game like KSP? MP is my biggest gripe with development decisions. Even Nate said many potential features we're dropped 'cause they were incompatible with it. Instead of scaling a whole game towards it, they could have scale the MP down. No time warp. You can race others with rovers, planes, rockets... That would be fun enough, and it would tone down complexity a lot.
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