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Everything posted by cocoscacao

  1. I suppose that is what's in the works now. I do hope we get one additional patch. It's the only reason I'm still here.
  2. It is. There's hardly trillions of us, and the rest of the world doesn't care. Yeah, it's a bummer, but not the end of the world. Just move on.
  3. Apparently, you don't watch tennis... SHAME ON YOU!
  4. Aside from whining and complaining about it, what's left?
  5. That's exactly what they want you to believe. Though they don't work for IG, PD, T2, they are the shareholders and secret world government. They tried to push this game initially, to keep you oblivious of the fact that the Earth is actually flat and Moon landing was a fake. But it became too costly even for them. I mean, you can believe me or not. They can't touch me. I'm wearing tinfoil hat.
  6. Announcement of KSP 2 release and its system requirements certainly tipped me over. No regrets, since my old "gaming rig "was a 20 year old PC that was a moderate setup even back then... Basically, my average modern laptop was 8 times faster xD
  7. Not what KSP 2 is, but what it wanted to be. I still don't see how so many systems could be simulated under TW. Regardless which engine is used. Even if you exclude multiplayer stuff.
  8. This isn't a specific reply to you @PDCWolf. Everyone here mentioned studio change, some comment on performance issues, and yours is on new features. KSP has bigger complexity than an average shooter. There's no game engine optimized for things it wanted to do... Maybe building one is impossible. The real question is, which company would invest into game like this, when the market for it isn't exactly big.
  9. Tbh, not until FS! announcement. FS! release just cemented suspicions. I wasn't aware of KSP 2 development until second part of 2022. Even buggy EA preview didn't discourage me, 'cause I suspected core functionalities of the game were there, and that a few rapid patches will iron out most problems. About 7 months later, however... well... yeah...
  10. Wasn't realistic how? Edit: In terms of budget constraints? He basically got greenlight for it. Gameplay? There's always room for misinterpretation, some false statement etc. You don't know who gave that information. I'm sure SZ did his best to get to the bottom of everything, but I don't trust anyone or anything 100%, unless it's undeniably documented in some way, and even then... I have to take my own biases into account.
  11. If and only if Shadowzone's investigation was correct, I'd still blame T2 on KSP 2 failure. Nate was working with what he was given, trying to accomplish the best. Did he make mistakes? Sure, but who of us has not?
  12. Sources please? I don't dispute the truthfulness of those quotes, I'm just not interested into digging 'em out.
  13. cocoscacao


    Just follow Steam suggestion. Are you willing to buy whats currently available? I have two more EA titles, and if development stops tomorrow, I would still be happy with them as they are. That ain't the case with ksp, but I had refund window available. My emotions are my problem. Edit: I hope colonies are what is currently being worked on, and I hope they release it in some shape or form before they turn off the lights in the office.
  14. cocoscacao


    Depends on the context. EA on its own isn't good or bad. Just be mindful how you're spending your ca$$$h, and you're golden.
  15. I believe he didn't lie, but he hasn't spoken the truth either. See? Reality is nuanced and complicated.
  16. Simple. I can't. If everything is true in SZ's video, the guy is innocent. I am all for pointing fingers, and I have my torch and pitchfork ready, but Nate ain't on my list.
  17. Uh... ain't that the truth for every salesman?
  18. There weren't old duffers present according to this video. In fact, they were deliberately kept away. If you give me money to build skyscraper, and I employ only engineers fresh from college, thus failing to complete the project... who's incompetent in that situation?
  19. Responsible how? You do what you are told to do. Also, apparently these are all juniors. Don't mix lack of experience with the lack of competence.
  20. Oof. If those features were shoved over KSP 1 reskined version codebase, this thing, even if continued, doesn't have a chance to become a good game...
  21. @ShadowZone I has a question. You mentioned colonies where supposed to be in EA launch, but the developer working on them was shuffled to different duties. This somehow implies they're nearly completed, yet, months have passed in developing them. Have I misunderstood something? Great work by the way. Really appreciated.
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