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Everything posted by cocoscacao

  1. I don't agree completely. Sure, I didn't put my time in development, but we're all here, discussing all possible topics endlessly. No one forces us to do so, but our hearts and minds are nevertheless here, almost every day. Probably more than many of us care to admit.
  2. Yes. Yes you are. Sorry... Games (and video games) should not be underestimated. Many movies and books never even came close to excite a feeling some (video) games did for me. We learn through games... In fact... I owe my career to one. It ain't KSP though, I'm far too dumb for that You've... KSP... put down ?!... wh... wh-how??? d... death... DEATH TO THE TRAITOR!!!!
  3. Well if the decision is to release whatever is in the works right now, it must be done before studio closes, thus perhaps we get something (vague and unsubstantial) this month.
  4. My guess is that there will be an update. The development is in progress until June. Whatever has been cooking thus far will probably be released with some very vague statements about future development. After that though....
  5. Take your pick. Specify exact date, if you want... for fun The person with closest date/time will get a reward... An encouragement from the forum members to pat themselves on the back
  6. I thought it runs on each engine "tick" and I didn't know it approximates. I assume it at least goes through every part on each iteration...?
  7. I'm pretty sure everyone here would be happy if game development is continued. If future updates fixed current mess, reviews would go up. As @Bej Kerman noted, I believe majority of reviews are from the people who played KSP 1. But even if this game gets good reviews, it doesn't guarantee it will sell outside of established player-base. Investing further would be a risk. I don't know if their hopes were to expand it.
  8. You just fail to see the bright side that the studio is still open.
  9. Original didn't do it either. Probably it can't compute aero forces under TW. Yes, there are issues with non terminating TW when reaching atmo, and blah blah blah
  10. Have you used fairings? I never experienced this issue, but I haven't really used fairings much in this game. Apparently, that's not the main trigger, but it can contribute to it. For you, it's consistent always? Fairings with or without?
  11. Nate's own response: Many things can influence a bug to occur or not. Never dismiss these reports to be just a user error.
  12. It was a guess from one of the forum members (not sure who). I wouldn't expect it today though. But I personally wouldn't expect it until the end of May to be honest.
  13. @Codraroll If they ever send me to the Moon, I'm so gonna parkour all over the Lunar ground base.
  14. That whole thing was a short, fun read. I wonder what low/no G sports can be invented.
  15. I'm weary of criticizing work that hasn't been done. If KSP 2 ever hits v1, I'll make performance, feature, gameplay comparisons to KSP 1. Was development on the right track? No idea, because we didn't get any substantial information on that front. But that's a whole other can of worms...
  16. These days, even commercially successful games don't guarantee that the studio behind them will continue operating....
  17. Even if we do hear from them, let's say news are optimistic. They are working hard on future updates. Does it matter at this point? For me, it doesn't anymore. The game may continue, the game may die.
  18. Totally unrelated to the entire forum... Brazilian Portuguese... man, I hope I learn to speak it someday.
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