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Everything posted by cocoscacao

  1. Nah. Economy would be fine for me now. Emphasis on the now. Btw, this: is a totally valid point, and I'm curious if resources will somehow fix it.
  2. I'm not arguing on that part. Just saying that new players shouldn't be overwhelmed with things that can easily be considered an additional challenge.
  3. But KSP 1 still gives you an option to enjoy the game without cash being involved. I never managed to design something that can return a Kerbal from Eve's surface, but that problem is not money related.
  4. Just out of curiosity... how did you start playing KSP? But you already had some experience with orbital mechanics, rocket parts etc, without having to deal with a total showstopper called cash. I'm not saying additional challenge is bad. I'm saying new players should be eased in. It's good that career and science mode are options in KSP 1
  5. And that's related to being stuck in KSP 1 without cash to even build a rocket... how? And I still do.
  6. You forget how long it took you to grasp the basics.
  7. The first time I fired up KSP 1, I went to career mode. Needless to say I was clueless on what to do. I've picked up some random contracts, and failed to complete majority of them. Mostly because I was missing airplane parts. You're forcing me to nitpick... You said it's not crippling to any player. Now you're saying anyone but me. So thanks for that. Science points limit the part options. Sure, you can't go to Duna with a small booster and a cockpit, but you can at least launch something. Without money, you cannot do anything.
  8. It was crippling to me. I still hate career mode.
  9. Nope. Core gameplay loop is limited by money. You're comparing apples and oranges. If career mode was the only option in KSP 1, I'd have thrown that game into the trash long ago, because I would never be able to figure out how to leave Kerbin
  10. You started playing KSP 1 in career mode? Congrats to you. I did it with Science.
  11. None of those things are the things he mentioned. And GTA uses car theft as it's main gameplay loop... So? These games are unrelated.
  12. What I've gathered from FS and last update is that this game is faaaaaar from finished. In fact, the proper development probably started after that internal turmoil. I am questioning the EA as a concept here, since underlying systems are not present. This is gonna be a long, long ride... I don't think many of things you mentioned from KSP 1 would play nicely in this newer edition. Totally based on my arbitrary assumptions of course, since we're all in the dark. Money restrictions aren't really beginner friendly. It is fun when you know what you are doing, but it can also totally cripple newcomers. XP was a fine concept with a few kerbals floating around, but with colonies... Well, I can't say, cause don't know.
  13. More often than not, it centers me back to the part. Sure, it's my bad input, but holding mmb is is kind of a pain in the...
  14. I still want translation/rotation to be separated and binded to keys 2 and 3. Free vertical movement as well. MMB part focus is great, but not so much for larger parts where I want to do something at the edge of it. I agree, but if they stick to current progression, it won't happen. Also, add all size varieties to all parts.
  15. Currently, we are all operating on the assumptions... That's the problem. Both positive and negative ones are equally valid.
  16. Nice plumes, nice clouds. I don't care about memory usage, I have a strong gaming rig, mwahahahaha Sneakpeek it soon please.
  17. I think he meant aesthetics. You can have monospaced fonts that are crisp and readable. I like the new "feel", but it's useless until it gets the crispness...
  18. Slightly off topic... If you've witnessed a murder and got detained by the police to testify, I'm sure by this point, that when they asked you to identify the murderer, you'd say: "Officer, it was Mike's internal calendar"
  19. Then yeah, EA state makes sense. Understanding and continuing development the code of other people is a lot harder than writing it yourself from scratch... In most cases.
  20. Is it? There are 5 roadmap steps, so we're talking ~4 years of additional development. Does it really take a decade to make a game these days? If there were some shambles during covid, speaking openly about it should theoretically get a positive feedback.
  21. When the time was finally announced, then yes. The problem is that development speed predictions were constantly wrong. I don't expect exact date, but at least pick some sane timeframe and stick to it. If that isn't possible, because the work is too much intertwined, at least keep the community informed about what's going on. Thus, we arrived to the title of this thread...
  22. I can't discuss the rest, cause I don't know, but I don't think any engine can handle this any better. I'm very curious what this game is gonna turn into, specifically because of it.
  23. Such as? I'm not familiar with game engines and their differences. Regardless of what we may think this game is, and how it's been developed thus far, I don't think different engine would help matters. Again, I'd need specifics on what you mean by Unity being insufficient. Also, developing an engine isn't an easy task. It's a project for itself. Yes, earlier games had their own, but they were a lot simpler than games of today, where you're pretty much obliged to have physics simulations... So people go after off-the-shelf toolset for a reason.
  24. Maybe just theoretically, and I would put that under a giant maybe. I don't think writing your own engine would help much either.
  25. Recall our little miscommunication about wobble being fixed, in the now locked thread? I don't want to restart it here again, but you're getting close to what I was trying to say there, among other things. KSP 2 has some major challenges to solve, that KSP 1 didn't have to. Wobble is just one of many things. Here's the link of Nate's reply to my question regarding it. Notice the last few words... under construction. The re-entry heating dev chat had a similar tone. In an ideal world, those end solutions would already be implemented by now, and they'd just shovel features on top of them. In realistic world, those haven't been solved yet. And, I repeat, they aren't easy to solve. I'm just speculating here, but when they mention the word research, they are investigating how to do it.
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