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Everything posted by Sea_Kerman

  1. I want it to make sense to have to reinforce certain things, like struts at the tops of boosters and to hold large payloads in place in fairings
  2. what if I don't want cone or egg? (this isn't a great example but people have done some fun stuff)
  3. ye, I miss the absolute mode from KSP1 and the move/rotate widget could do with being a bit bigger and less fiddly, but the general concepts are great.
  4. but that limits them. AFAIK that mod only has one or two shapes of fairings, whereas the current method allows fairings of any radially-symmetrical shape
  5. your craft was likely put in a "landed" state
  6. KSP Windows 10 Ryzen 7 5800H RTX 3060 Laptop In KSP 1 there was a setting for the move/rotate tool to snap to a grid and angles relative to the root part, so you could get two parts to be perfectly aligned in position and orientation no matter where you initially put them. In KSP 2 the "AlignmentAssemblyButton" actually still snaps relative to the part you're moving's original position, so you cannot use it to move parts to the exact center of the vehicle, or get them aligned perfectly vertical or horizontal or to a certain snap angle.
  7. you can't independently color the leading and trailing edges and the center surfaces of the ksp2 wings
  8. KSP Windows 10 Ryzen 7 5800H RTX 3060 Laptop In KSP 1 if you offset a part inside another part, you could clip the camera into your vehicle to select and grab it again. In KSP 2 this is no longer possible, you can clip your camera in but cannot select the part. Note that nothing stops you from offsetting a part inside another, so i'm not asking for anything cheaty, but once you do you cannot retrieve the part again. I rand into this issue trying to adjust my landing gear heights. Workaround is don't let go of a part if you offset it inside something
  9. Yes, tree menu like that, and allow popping out multiple part windows at once
  10. press F I believe, makes you switch ladders
  11. Yeah it’s a difference of scale I guess and of course bug reports through GitHub aren’t an option here
  12. A lot of Minecraft mods I use/help develop use Discord for support and communication with the devs. It works because there’s a lot less people and spammers get banned. Some even have bots that prompt you with the bug report format when you make a support thread and do basic triage of scanning the submitted log files for known incompatibilities and issues
  13. I cannot reproduce, launching from the launcher, I have craft named stuff like Munlander Mk 1, Airplane Mk 2, etc.
  14. Definitely needed, or at the least 2 different lengths for each wheel size/arrangement
  15. I think the little green arrows around the navball do this
  16. There seems to be a bug that puts your craft in a landed state while in orbit (getting rid of your predicted trajectory and maneuvers), a band-aid to undo this would be nice while we wait for the bugfix.
  17. Flaps can be as simple as a control surface that rotates down. The stuff on the leading edge you’re talking about are called slats, not flaps.
  18. Can confirm the pixellated artifacting thing
  19. They do appear to be doing this for me, they start out pinched then dilate to full as afterburner kicks in
  20. Also happens with certain landing legs and sometimes fairings
  21. That dragging thing seems to be a quirk of the snapping grid, it goes away if you turn snapping off
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