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Everything posted by Sea_Kerman

  1. they don't, they just make fuel crossfeed weird so your lower stages drain it
  2. I recall one of the dev sneakpeeks talking about a bimodal NTR where you could inject oxygen to get increased thrust but lower specific impulse
  3. This is because the runway is perfectly flat and kerbin isn’t
  4. This, oddly enough, seems to be caused by landing legs
  5. yeah, some sort of contingency for spiralling trajectories is needed
  6. While standalone control surfaces would be nice, we already have standalone wing surfaces, you can remove the control surfaces from the wings
  7. keep the fuel distribution window open as you launch to monitor the levels in the tanks, see what's happening
  8. Encountered the same thing, restarting the game seemed to fix it
  9. They reset whenever you switch to map view
  10. this thing is basically half margin, could be compacted a lot vs ___ And perhaps if we could pop out individual parts as windows, for stuff like SSTOs where you want just the part window for one of your engines, and a part window for each fuel tank priority so you can manage fuel drain
  11. Additionally, get rid of the massive borders, the sliders and buttons and stuff could probably fit in half the vertical space they are now ah also also allow numeric input in the slider boxes
  12. You could just use this, the orbital configuration is unchanged from ksp1 AFAIK
  13. I meant a mode that automatically "puts the node earlier" such that half of the burn occurs before and half after the selected point.
  14. but that snaps relative to the part's original position, not relative to the root part
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