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Everything posted by ShadowDev

  1. Question: Please provide modders some form of docs, even if modding is not yet officially supported.
  2. working through all the part modules currently. each one takes some time to do as theres no automatic way to do it, (yet) V1.3.0 will be coming some time this week hopefully (depends on how much I can focus on it) V2 will be after and will have an automatic way to do the modules so mods can add their own part modules to it.
  3. I have not see anything to suggest that 23H2 will add any of this, could you please link to a reputable source.
  4. Question 1 does this have dependency installation and updates to said dependency's when they change on the mod that requested them? Question 2 does this have support for /GameData/Mods? Question 3 does this correctly detect the structure of a mods zip. Lets say for a bepinex based mod they have a patcher and the mod files, does this install to correct locations? Question 4 does this correctly detect already installed mods in /GameData/Mods and /BepInEx/plugins? Question 5 have you checked if the mod author has consented to having their mod on the mod manager? Until these questions are answered I do not approve of my mods being on that mod manager.
  5. Bad News first: I will be removing the rover parts that are in the size and shape of the rover cockpit on the request of Intercept. Please do not get mad at intercept, I was dumb and did not understand how blender worked at the time and was learning how to use it. The parts was built using the rover cockpit and have bits copied from it. And finally the good news: I have been working on some new rover parts. They will have 3 sizes R1 - Small, similar to the games rover size R2 - Medium, similar to the jump from MK2 to MK3 R3 - Large, Used to build huge rovers will fit R1 size and maybe R2 Also have been working on articulating parts and the scanner part. An update will be posted some time today along with the removal of the old versions.
  6. 2 different approaches. your one rips the official loader apart leaving nothing left of it while Quantum just adds the lines needed to load the mods. (hence the super light part) Mods loaded with quantum can depend on mods loaded through the bepinex system.
  7. Quantum Loader (0.0.3) - Super light loader Install using CKAN for best experience This mod enables the use of the in game mod loading system. this is done by adding a few lines of code into the loader and bypassing a few restrictions. This is also the closest we can get to how the official loader will work. this loader will be updated to keep it in line with that so when official modding is added it will be a seamless transition Other addon mods will be created under the Quantum "brand" that will add extras that can be used with the official loader See how it works here (github) - MIT Because of spacewarp 1.4.0 incompatibility with quantum you will need to downgrade spacewarp to 1.3.1 This is the fault spacewarp as quantum intended to be compatible with everything and was developed as such, its sad to see spacewarp taking that route. Using mods built for quantum with spacewarp loader will grant 0 support to any issues. Personal note: I am going to be transferring all my mods over to quantum, I will still keep the bepinex version updated until bepinex stops being used. Get the mod How to use 1. Download VS (not vscode) 2. Download the mod Template (https://github.com/Bit-Studios/Quantum/releases/download/ModTemplate0.0.1/QuantumTemplateMod.zip) 3. extract the template 4. start creating your mod 5. Build your mod 6. move your mod dll bin/debug/urmod.dll ---> /GameData/Mods/urmodname/urmod.dll 7. create a file called modinfo.json enter the following { "EntryPoint":"urmod.dll", "APIVersion":"", "ModVersion":"0.0.1", "ModName":"YourModsName", "ModAuthor":"Your name", "ModDescription":"Your mod description" } 8. load ksp2 and enjoy your new mod As of 0.0.1: Loads mods Loads assets
  8. would like to add that when official modding support is added it will be virtually the same as the current unofficial system. only differences will be SWinfo will become modinfo \BepInEx\plugins will become \GameData\Mods you will still need to use unity for part modding since they use addressables bundles as an example heres a working mod using the current official mod loader To clear this up. Patch Manager is more for modders Konfig is more for players
  9. you also have konfig that does the same thing in a different way and is out now. This is another good thing about the current state of ksp2 modding, you have options on what you use unlike with ksp1 where you only have 1 bad option.
  10. disappointed that this decision has been made.
  11. Thanks Dakota, I appreciate your response. I personally would love to see the following: A focus on Self hosted with the option to rent servers from PD server browser that's fast and simple to use, with a dedicated direct connect button. similar to the image attached. The lobby system sounds like more of a thing for a fast paced shooter game rather than a sandbox space game. Would an anti cheat in a game like ksp even make sense? I would imagine that the crossplay will be dependant on feature parity between PC and console. and for console to have mods.
  12. Dear Intercept Games Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing this open letter as a dedicated player and modder in the Kerbal Space Program 2 (KSP2) community. Recently, we have become aware of the possibility of Digital Rights Management (DRM) being implemented into KSP2's upcoming multiplayer feature. Post by Dakota The current multiplayer code uses https://playfab.com/ this points to no self hosting options. We firmly believe that such a move could potentially undermine the very aspects that make KSP a remarkable game: the thriving modding community and the possibility of self-hosting (see DMP and LMP). 1. Modding Community: Over the years, the KSP series has been greatly enriched by the work of talented modders, who dedicate their time and effort to enhancing and expanding the base game. These modifications range from realistic physics changes to new rocket parts, missions, and entire star systems. They have allowed us to explore beyond the limits of the base game and customize our experience to suit our individual preferences. The introduction of DRM has the potential to create a significant barrier for these modders. DRM often complicates the modification process and can deter new modders from taking up the task. It could lead to a decline in the creation of new mods for KSP2, which would greatly impact the game's diversity and longevity. We worry that by adding DRM on multiplayer this would restrict modding to single player only. 2. Self-Hosting: The KSP community has shown immense interest in self-hosting multiplayer servers, an option that allows players to host games on their hardware, be it a colocated server or a spare laptop. This fosters a sense of community, allowing us to manage our own multiplayer experiences, set our own rules, and cater to a variety of play styles. By imposing DRM, there's a possibility that we lose the freedom to self-host. This restriction can limit our multiplayer experience to official servers only, possibly subjecting players to overcrowding, latency issues, and limitations on customization. In effect, the personal, curated multiplayer experience that many players value would be jeopardized. Imagine Minecraft with the only multiplayer option being realms. In addition to this, having no self hosting option will limit the games lifespan. When Intercept games/Private division/Take 2 decides after 5 - 10 years that the cost is too high to keep the servers running we will lose a big part of the game. We understand the necessity of protecting your creative work and preventing piracy. However, we believe that a balance must be struck between these valid concerns and the freedom that has made KSP 1 such an engaging and dynamic game. If DRM becomes a hindrance to the modding community and self-hosting options, then the game risks alienating its core fanbase, who have been instrumental in KSP 1 success and the future of KSP2. In lieu of DRM, we propose exploring alternative methods to combat piracy. This could include leveraging community goodwill, offering unique benefits to legitimate owners, or enhancing user experience to a level that pirated copies cannot compete with. Many successful games have thrived without DRM, and we believe KSP2 can do the same. Our love for KSP2 runs deep, and this comes from a place of wanting the game to continue to flourish and evolve. We appreciate the work that you've put into this game and the ongoing dialogue you've maintained with the community. In keeping with that, we kindly ask you to reconsider the implementation of DRM for KSP2's multiplayer update. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ShadowDev
  13. I hate this idea. its a half assed way to do something and removes tons of creativity aka juno.
  14. Cannot wait for the next update. I understand how complex this game is so a few extra days wait is not a big deal. keep up the good work. I like this idea
  15. Konfig (0.0.4) Added skybox [Target(File_Name_of_your_skybox)] [Module(Skybox)] [Data(int)] Data = 2048;//width/height You will need files in the following naming convention 6 files File_Name_of_your_skybox.Direction.png Directions of: xn xp yn yp zn zp Folder Structure:
  16. Allows you to change the game with a simple configuration. see the Wiki
  17. Shadows Simple Landing challenge As the title suggests this is 100% a simple landing challenge. it only has a small caveat, that being the Rotational period of the 3 bodies has been increased. Heres the rules of this challenge: 1. Use the Konfig mod (requires spacewarp and shadow utility lib) 2. Use the Konfig provided (download here) - drag and drop into the konfig folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\Konfig) 3. have fun Level 1 (Easy): Land on the Mun Level 1.5: Land on the Mun Then land back on Kerbin Level 2 (Hard): Land on Tylo Level 2.5: do level 1.5 but add Tylo into the list to land on and finally land back on Kerbin Level 3 (I struggled): Land on Duna Level 3.5: do level 2.5 but add Duna into the list to land on and finally land back on Kerbin I wish you all good luck on this quest. I suggest packing extra fuel and extra engines, map view is basically useless when landing.
  18. Konfig (0.0.3) Bugfix Patches now apply on reload. Bug found by @FlazeTheDragon
  19. Konfig (0.0.2) Added Celestial body patching Example below [Target(Kerbin)] [Module(CelestialBodyComponent)] [Data(CelestialBodyProperties)] Data.radius = 500.0; Module.SetDefinition(Data);
  20. Support for this mod has been dropped. Please swap to Patch Manager https://spacedock.info/mod/3482/Patch Manager https://pm.kerbal.wiki/ Konfig (0.0.4) The Simple Patcher Install using CKAN for best experience This is a high performance patcher. Download SpaceDock Github - License MIT Wiki Example - Extra fuel for SRB Example - Skybox Scott manley As of 0.0.4: Part Patching Celestial Body Patching Skybox Patching This mod was created out of a debate on what way would be best to do part patching (Currently 3 standards) Requires: ShadowUtilityLib 0.0.4 + SpaceWarp
  21. UITK 1.1.0+ works again because of ShadowUtilityLib 0.0.4 update (thanks to @munix for help and testing)
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