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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Would you mind posting the craft file of the X-2? I'd love to try it once.
  2. I haven't been able to test the parts yet, but i guess you'll have to modify the cfg file a bit.
  3. I just noticed a bug in version 2.0. The fuel tanker has 4 tanks, all equally filled. Select a source tank and select an amount of fuel to transfer. Press transfer and the result is that the selected tank loses NO fuel, while the other three tanks (each) lose a third of the selected amount. Then a request. At this moment the mod is unable to extract fuel from 'debris'. It would be VERY usefull if the mod could also collect fuel tanks that are considered debris but still contain some fuel. P.s. I've just landed a fueltanker on Minmus and refilled the tanks of a craft. On a scale from 1 to 10 your mod scores 11.
  4. Someone has requested a bus for transporting a lot of Kerbals. Could you adapt the bus in such a way that a large number of Kerbals can 'hitch' a ride with it?
  5. Saphira, you can find it here: http://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=8
  6. PLease update the download link. The server move has made the link invalid.
  7. I've just downloaded it, so i can only judge it now by size and shap. And those seem to be very good. Do you intend to create a bridge as well? I'm wondering if (with some clever programming) a catapult of sorts wouldn't be possible ...
  8. Vlad, Will there be some new buildings or have you lost interest in creating buildings?
  9. It is interesting to think about it but just ask yourself the question: Why should an extraterrestrial civalisation use such a crude and incredibly time consuming method? Even when you consider the possibility that they haven't discovered a way to go faster than light/
  10. If you want to begin without any mods, perhaps it is a better idea to begin with the Stock community base for 0.16. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15031-Stock-Community-Base-for-0-16
  11. Since the atmosphere extends to something like 65 km, the outcome of your experiments hasn't proven yet that reaching space with only airbreathing engines is possible. (Although the experiments haven't disproven it either).
  12. The same virus is active under several names, always demanding money. Some claiming to be sent by police, some by copyrights organisations and probably some other organisations as well. The above solution does prevent the locking of your PC but worst case scenario offers no real solution (it leaves your PC crippled). I have had the same virus (different firm, different language etc.). My solution for XP was: start in SAFE mode, delete all temporary and cached files. Then reboot the PC. While starting up a notification of a missing file appeared. That gave the clue to which line i had to disable in the startup. There are several solutions to this virus circling the internet.
  13. I was thinking about a reusable carrier craft able to carry heavy loads into LKO.
  14. I don't believe so. It would mean that the 'probes' wouldn't be able to adapt to the new environment, thereby reducing the chance of success. @nhnifong - Is that thought inspired by Prometheus?
  15. I will gladly try them out. Unfortunately i haven't the time right now but in the weekend i will surely give it a go. I don't know if you do requests: Remove the upper rocket tanks and move the cockpit somewhere else. That way it will add a possibility for (large) payloads.
  16. I bet you've been listening to The Alan Parson project! (Eye in the sky).
  17. I like it Nutt007. A month ago you promised more. When can we see it?
  18. @Beastcat - How did you add the launchtime to the picture? It is something i've been willing to use in one of my video's but i haven't a clue how to do that.
  19. Check the forum for 'Relay' and/or 'Remote control'.
  20. I.m.h.o. once a name has been given to anything, it shouldn't be renamed anymore.
  21. I fully disagree with ledo1222 that mods don't add value to a game. A mod adds something to a game. It might be something as simple as a different texture, it might also be as complex as several parts and plugins. They all have in common that the game becomes more pleasurable for the player, so it DOES add value to the game. That doesn't mean that every mod should have a price attached to it. I certainly wouldn't buy a mod unless it offered something extremely important (to me that is). Asking for a donation is an entirely different matter provided nobody is obliged to do so. There are a few mods i'm certainly willing to donate an amount for but not for the majority of mods.
  22. I don't think i will be using it but thank you for sharing it anyway.
  23. Request: In previous versions you've included lights. In version 3.0 they're gone. Please add them again because they're mighty usefull as landing lights.
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