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Everything posted by RileyHef

  1. I strongly recommend that you do not do this. Based on this trailer alone I see a lot of hype trying to be manufactured with very little content. In other words, promises not yet realized. This seems eerily familiar to KSP2's doomed marketing strategy. Additional trailers, devlogs, leaks, etc will only reinforce that comparison. The main questions I have are: - What do you hope to achieve by sharing these trailers? - What % of content do you plan to share that is completed (fully implemented into the game)? What % of content do you plan to share that is not completed? The community has already been through nearly six years of over the top marketing for something that never happened - why repeat this? Why spend time doing this over working on the content of the project itself? I feel it would be much better (in terms of reception) to avoid these similar practices at all costs. Either promote your project once it is complete and/or provide access for community feedback. Most successful KSP modders follow this practice (think Nertea, LinuxGuru, or GamesLinx). tldr: Don't waste time on fanfare. Distance yourself as a copycat of KSP2's doomed marketing and development strategy.
  2. If you can hear us, please, Elon Musk, please save me. Please save me, Elon Musk, please. I'm asking you. Please save me.
  3. Absolutely amazing!! Really glad to hear soft shadows are possible for a more stylistic experience. I just can't tell you how long this has been on my "wishlist" so I am really, really happy to hear development is making progress. Best of luck, I look forward to supporting the next release!
  4. KSP2 has already been in its own grave for months now. Just let it rest.
  5. Yes, I achieve this by creating 2 playlists. One playlist should be assigned to the body of Kerbin in a flight situation. I also assign a max altitude so that the playlist switches after exiting a specific point in the atmosphere. Loop the playlist and set your other playlist as "Next Playlist". The second playlist should only be assigned to a flight situation. iirc no other settings should need to be adjusted. All this is by memory, so I'm sure I may have missed something, but familiarize yourself with the settings found in the OP and test the mod yourself to fine tune the playlists.
  6. I've been quietly following along and just want to add that I am glad to hear you are still determined to continue with this mod! With the amazing work done so far I hope that you understand that time is not a significant issue and that you do not burn yourself out on this project. Just wanted to add this note as a cheerleader watching from the sidelines!
  7. I hope that Nate Simpson can find a job/happiness again and that this video provides some sort of closure for the KSP community. KSP2 was a strange experience. I'm happy that I can still enjoy the original KSP game and hope one day another developer can capture the unique magic of silly space sims again.
  8. You are absolutely cooking with this mod! A few thoughts: - Space Station Parts Redux is heavy on windows and would benefit GREATLY from your work. - Speaking of part mods, ever think about providing a some sort of guide on the basics of your modding process? There are countless mods that could benefit from the window effects alone. Between the countless modded parts and the desperate need for a standardized style for reflections I could see the community helping quite a bit with expanding your work. - Any thoughts on how this mod could work in partnership with TU/TURD/Recolors? To have these clean reflections along with existing texture customizations would really bring KSP parts to a new level. In my head the feasibility would be difficult but I'm curious to dive deeper to discover exactly what those barriers are. Anyway, love your work - keep it up!
  9. Yeah I absolutely love this mod's concept but between my use of Restock/modded parts and TURD's increasing compatibility I have no way to use it right now due to conflicts. @rockmeowstar it may be good to take a look at the Textures Unlimited Config Archive when considering what to expand on beyond stock. Take Restock, for example. My understanding is that if you were to apply Shine fix to Restock then it would apply to the main mod but not work for those who would use the TU configs from Restock Recoloured. It would essentially split the user-base for this mod. However, if you apply the fixes to modded parts with their TU configs in mind then you could provide access to both those want to use the stock textures and recolored textures too. Disclaimer: I have not had a chance to look at this mod in detail and my be missing some code that addresses this issue. But based on what I have seen in this thread I think there is going to be an unintended fork in users that may be able to be avoided before/if you expand to modded parts. Regardless though, amazing work. The inconsistency with these parts drives me mad so I'm so glad someone is taking matters into their own hands!
  10. The mod does allow for instant playlist switches based on the parameters you set up. It sounds like you may be incorrectly prioritizing the playlists based on my experience with the mod. If you send a screenshot of your playlists or even DM me your playlist+music files I can look further at it.
  11. I think I figured it out. SSPR reworks the part, which takes priority over the Restock version when both are installed. I got the part recolour to work on a barebones modded install w/o SSPR so no issue with the mod itself (except I did confirm the same window issue with this part too. It's even noticeable without deferred, just not nearly as dramatic). Crossing my fingers! If it does end up being an easy fix then I also hope that you and the team can tune the window reflection levels to make a better match similar to TURD and other major recolours. Probably not high priority, but definitely something that will help with making parts more appear more cohesive.
  12. Both! Here is an example between a regular restock part and the same part with Restock Recoloured. There is a pretty clear reflection of the sun on the regular part window that is especially noticeable when moving the camera around. For the Recoloured part this is never the case for any part regardless of where the light source/camera is. Stock/Restock often have inconsistent reflections, so some parts like the Mk1-3 pod are less obvious to notice than others, but all of the Restock Recolours I've used so far seem to have a dark, completely flat look. (I feel like the Cupola would be another great example but for some reason I can't get the recolour to work). Here is another comparison between the reflection of stock TURD parts, other major recolour mods like ZZetho's, and Restock Recolour. Dark and flat, even when the window is directly facing the light source. Noting again that this is with deferred rendering installed.
  13. I haven't had time to grab a screenshot, but I noticed that the blue windows for command pods/other parts look extremely "flat" when using the recolour textures. For at least some parts it appears there is no reflection at all, like the Mk1-3 pod. With the addition of deferred rendering this is even more obvious. I'm unsure if this is intentional or not but it doesn't mesh well with other recolours like @ZZetho's Recolour Collection library for Near Future Spacecraft. I really enjoy the dramatic shine that is offered in those NF parts and would love to have them match with restock. Here's another mod which does the same for stock parts (obviously not compatible, but the images show just how big of a difference this can make). Anyways, I'd love to have both reflective windows and recoloured parts. If you plan to add this, fantastic! If not I'd be really interested to se know any tips/resources which would be helpful for me to do this myself. Again, haven't had time to dive into this yet but I'm hoping it is not too complex of an addition. Great work, btw! This is my dream mod come true to finally start using TURD properly and the results so far have been AMAZING. Keep it up!
  14. Anyways! Regardless of how literally people want to interpret this news, I want to discuss what it means. KSP2 is without any of it's former developers/staff and some have even moved on to KSA already instead. If another studio wants to do anything with the KSP IP I am pretty confident that it will have nothing to with KSP2. Just consider the game's... terrible reputation, poor reviews, and impressive ranking as the 29th worst ranked game on Steam EVER. outdated codebase based on KSP and reliance on the Unity engine (of which we have all seen it's shortcomings and hard technical ceiling). unfinished state, with early access still needing to hit 4 of 5 early access milestones (not to mention the difficulty of implementing such substantial features without ideal resources from the former staff who planned them. If IG essentially gave up on multiplayer how confident are we that any newcomers could fare better?) All that is to just essentially say that there is no reason any company would want to touch KSP2 with a 100 foot pole. So what does that mean - KSP3? Maybe some day, but if that were the case it would be several years away at least. I do think some radio silence would be a good reset for the franchise after all the damage KSP2 did. I also would hope that any quiet time would be used for planning and developing another KSP game. But who knows - I'm honestly not very confident in that happening either. I see this news as confirmation that KSP won't be back anytime soon in any form. I'm happy that the original KSP game exists as well as all of the mods still being worked on in the meantime. I can still play this game for years without getting bored. I am also excited to see what comes from KSA! Part of me wants to believe in the tin foil hat theory of KSA getting the KSP rights... but if I could love anything more that Kerbals it would be cats, so I guess I'd be happy either way if that project comes to fruition. All in all, I take this news as just another reminder to be at peace with the discontinuation of professional development of the KSP franchise, whether that be for the next five years or for however long as I'm around.
  15. This argument is ridiculous, in my opinion. Mr. T2 himself doesn't need to hold a separate presser to dissect the semantics of every statement made and spell it out for us letter by letter. if anyone isn't satisfied then read T2's prepared remarks straight from the source. @Scarecrow71, take note of what I highlight in red based on your previous comment. "Substantially all of Private Division's live and unreleased titles." I already know that there is going to be an argument of sorts about the use of the word "substantially", but let's just skip that whole ordeal and instead remember that since May we have known that "The publisher [T2] has been in talks to find a buyer for the Kerbal Space Program IP, with or without Intercept Games attached." We know T2 wants to sell the KSP IP. We also know that T2 recently sold PD and "Substantially all of Private Division's live and unreleased titles" along with it. Please. I am begging that we all can put 2+2 together, connect the dots, and discuss what this sale means for the future of KSP rather than argue about something that has essentially already been said.
  16. Absolute legend - thank you for compiling this in an easily viewable format! I saw that @lBoBl posted a screenshot for Space Station Parts Expansion Redux and mentioned that they were prepping for release back in August. I'm unsure if it is public yet, but it may be worth keeping on your radar if it is out there already/soon to be released.
  17. Let's go!!! Really hoping that we get an update from the mods on what this issue is and what it means for the future of the forum. I know their contacts/info is limited, but anything would be helpful when determining if we need to consider jumping to another platform or staying here. Obviously, the latter seems ideal if possible.
  18. The overall hype that I feel in this thread is electric. I LOVE the updates here and the images on Github. Just want to shout out all the contributors as this has been mine (and many others) most wanted update to KSP in years.
  19. 1. It's not like the devs were all roaming the site freely commenting on user generated content during development either. The vast majority of communication we got here from IG were from their official communications such as updates, dev diaries, AMA's, etc. Most devs didn't come to the forum and contribute organically besides the CM's so we shouldn't expect engagement to continue pace or even improve after development stopped. 2. These staff members were unexpectedly laid off less than 6 months ago. A good chunk still have no job, it seems. They likely are desperate to move on and find work. Hanging out here in such little time since a painful job transition is likely not constructive for most. 3. In my personal experience I have never had a desire to contribute to or follow the social channels of my former employers. A job is a job, even if you are passionate about it. It is healthy to have some degree of separation. Dakota has been pretty active in the forums in the last week liking several posts and commenting in a few different threads. They also have been popping in and out of the official Discord with brief messages since the layoffs. Just providing further context here. You feel insulted because the devs are not speaking about "what happened, or why"? I think you answered it yourself when you said: My point, in short, is that these former employees individually owe us nothing. They were recently laid off by one of the biggest corporations in their industry and are under NDA. To expect them to come to our niche forum and explain things beyond what we already know seems beyond unrealistic to me for so many reasons. Come on. We saw what happened when one of them even attempted to start an AMA and got shut down before saying anything of substance. Do you think other staff see situations like that and feel encouraged to talk (or even visit) this forum? Don't get me wrong, I blame this dev team as much as I blame the rest of T2 for the demise of KSP2. I am not trying to protect them in any way, but I also won't stand for our community placing unreasonable expectations on how they conduct their personal lives and then becoming upset when those made up expectations aren't met.
  20. the question wasn't directed towards me, but I want to throw in my two cents by saying that any command pods and tanks would cover a good amount of surface area for most crafts so I hope to see more of those parts become compatible. However, whatever progress you make and publish is appreciated. Do whatever inspires you to keep going! I also want to say, as someone who has been eagerly waiting for an update on Orbital Phoenix's projects, I am so glad that you are making your work public as you go along so we can try things out. I am excited to see what dent you can make in one of most wanted KSP1 mods!
  21. Great mod, this has annoyed me ever since deferred released! Do you have any plans to expand this beyond stock parts, and if so what mods are you targeting?
  22. * A quick note: This thread is about SFX for navigating the game's menus/UI, not for vehicle-related SFX modding such as RSE * Hi all, While playing KSP and KSP2 I realized that the menu/UI sound effects of the sequel are amazingly well done. KSP, on the other hand, is lacking. I have done some research on previous SFX mods for KSP and it appears that little has been done for this area of the game. I'm interested in looking deeper into how menu navigation in flight, the VAB, and in the main/pause menus can be improved. Before I begin this work I am wondering a few questions: - Is there any existing mod/coding that can allow for the modification, replacement, and/or addition of menu/UI SFX in KSP? - Are there any known barriers when it comes to SFX modding in KSP? Hopefully this thread can create a few ideas that can eventually bring a better audio experience to the game!
  23. I see that the side bar of the forum homepage has been updated to now feature community highlights, mods, and challenges instead of developer updates. Nice! I'm curious if we can anticipate any further changes to the site's structure in the future. I hope that the forum continues to boost activity within the KSP modding scene as that seems to be the most active area.
  24. This forum has gone on and on endlessly about who to blame since February 24, 2023. I'm tired, boss. In my eyes, it's a failure at all levels. Star Theory/Intercept Games, Private Division, T2. All groups and stakeholders involved are at fault for their decisions or the enablement of said decisions. Sure, many good things happened as part of this project and many individual roles did not contribute to the game's demise, but that is not the point. What I am saying is that the game was an organizational failure, not an individual one. To try to peg a single individual for crashing a 7 year long multi-million dollar project that involved hundreds of paid staff seems short-sighted. To get back on topic, IG is closed and will never make a game again. It appears the same will happen to PD. So, no more worrying about giving them more of my money. KSP2 has taught me to be much more wary of anything T2 touches and to never purchase a product based on it's potential alone (AKA early access games). However, I don't feel a need to totally boycott them. If another publisher/developer managed by T2 makes a great game that I feel is worth buying then I'll get it. I see no problem with that as someone who has bought 5 of their games over the past decade and regretted none of those purchases - even KSP2.
  25. My #1 question is this: Is it possible for the game to properly scale in such a way to run complex gameplay features (colonies, interstellar, multiplayer, resource collection, automated deliveries, etc) simultaneously in a performant manner without access to the source code? I am skeptical that it is possible with publicly available resources. The game that IG left us with at 0.2.2 was not built for it. It seems most likely that KSP2 modders will hit the same technical limitations that KSP had (if not more as the game is still far from ideally optimized + demands more resources that KSP). So, I do not think it is a matter of time but rather an inability to expand this game beyond its own technical limits. It's a valid question to ask whether it is worth it to build off of a flawed game like KSP2 or start from scratch. I just want to say that I like following the work of KSP2 modders and I do not make these points to discourage anyone from continuing their work. However, I think it is important to come to terms with the scope that this game can reasonably provide vs what we + IG dream it could be. Yes, KSP2 is infamous because it only provided potential and nothing of substance in return. A great idea is one thing, but implementing that idea using the technology available is an entirely different story. I appreciate the vision of all those who want a better KSP game but I hope we don't all become our own Nate Simpson's by confusing feasible "potential" with imaginative dreams.
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