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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. P 51 Turns out I am wrong. It's ninteen. This is a joke. Please don't take it the wrong way.
  2. But They Are Not Titles And It Burns My Eyes, And Probably Also Burns Other People's Eyes To Read Things Like This, And It Is Not Grammatically Correct, And Will Kill Your Left Thumb After Several Rounds Of Holding Shift Before Every Single Word In A Sentence.
  3. Why not add a new spin on it and make a rotating challenge? Like, how about: "Build a multi-module space station above Dres with a reusable lander and visit the Dres canyon!"
  4. Not here, but I'm here! Sure, I'm twenty posts late, but better late than never! Ha ha... heh... @Nazalassa next!
  5. Floor 4366: A world where people respected each other's opinions. The world looks like this:
  6. Calling 911 to see if you can borrow a cup of sugar.
  7. Yes, because underneath the flat Earth is space. Are beans a good source of Hydrocarbons?
  8. I'm not sure I understand. The two graphics are using different engines...?
  9. Why Do So Many People Format Their Sentences Like This? It Is So Uncomfortable To Read, And They Can't Seriously Type Like This All The Time?!?
  10. P 44 Allow our only celestial body in a very high orbit around our home planet to use its gravity to tug upon the liquid that makes up 70% of our planet's surface toward the nearest body of land for the sake of allowing the spread of positive integers.
  11. 10/10 Author of "Expedition of the Unusually Oily Fruit" and "It is, in Fact, the Right Blue Mun! Explorations of a True History".
  12. We ran out of hashbrowns. Here's some hashbeiges instead. Waiter, there's no liquid in my soup!
  13. Hmmm... unfortunately I've never been to Dres so I can't really make a challenge for it.
  14. Trinity-6 stands proud in the desolate plains of the Mun's Farside Mare. The crew returning home after an... eventful mission. Sunset at the KSC. Space Station Roadhouse in its initial state. SS Roadhouse after receiving its Phase 0.5 expansion (a battery + node module). Follow along with SS Roadhouse's expansions in my mission report!
  15. What the devs say, I consider canon. So, that would make Laythe pronounced like "Lay-TH", Tylo like "Tie-low", and Dres like "Drez". And in the dev interview, they confirmed that the Mun is in fact pronounced "Mun".
  16. What is Dres, anyway? Does it exist?
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