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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. I was just wondering, older threads of the month have a special tag right next to the thread's title, but more recent TOTMs get a regular tag. The special tag. The more regular tag. Did something change? Is this intentional?
  2. Floor 4344: A box labeled "the best cuisine on Earth" as well as thousands of people arguing about what it is.
  3. The 100-megawatt laser burns the petunias to the ground. Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it burned was 'Oh no, not again.'" @Maria Sirona wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  4. Jeb epically docks to the spinning ship, toughing out the limited fuel and electricity of the Ranger, as well as the intense G-loads (Bill and Bob blacked out, by the way). After GALE confirms the dock is secure, Jeb eases out the station, then activates the Timberwinds and pushes the ship out of orbit. GALE enters the remains of the Delta-19 and accesses the damage. Docking Port 2 was damaged beyond repair, a solar panel and a radiator was lost, but the worst loss was the centrifuge facility's hibernation bay was destroyed. The crew doesn't have enough life support to last the way back to Kerbin without taking a nap in their cryogenic stasis pods. Also, they have limited fuel left, and after losing a radiator, they can only burn the engines for a short time. Fortunately, both the KSC and CCC have extensive networks of bases and stations in the Jool system. GALE returns to the Ranger-2, where the rest of the crew is waiting, after repressurizing the station to explore their options: After much deliberation, it was decided that they would go to Laythe for repairs and fuel. Jeb said that he can aerobrake at Jool to get the transfer just right.
  5. Floor 4340: It appears that this floor is some kind of space station. You venture to the bridge and find the telemetry computers showing a course to Saturn. More analyze shows that this ship will be exploring the Saturnian moons with its docked landing craft. The space station seems deserted, but after some time, a monolith-shaped robot appears, lumbering through the corridor as if doing a routine inspection. His name appears to be DONN, as evidenced by the text written on his 2nd rectangular segment. He shows you to six cryogenic stasis pods. Each one is in use by an astronaut, deep in sleep as they await their arrival to Saturn.
  6. Three chapters in a row! You're really spoiling us, @Kerbalsaurus!
  7. Just a reminder, you have to put your "shoot" after you state the result of the previous shoots. For example, from the rules:
  8. "Rather than study the samples returned from OSIRIS-REx, we refined them and turned them into liquid fuel and oxidizer."
  9. How about "Myata"? It's Russian for mint.
  10. SE: Time dilation. SP: Summon a neutron star. (acshully, blood cannot rust. As stated by a quick google search: Because the iron in the body is of the Fe oxidized variety, it does not react with water molecules.
  11. This game was (obviously) inspired by the actual game, Rock-Paper-Anything. The rules are simple: instead of the standard Rock-Paper-Scissors, you can call out anything. Obviously, since RPS shoots are supposed to be simultaneous, which can't be simulated on the Forums, this will involve a lot of honor system. The first person will put their "shoot" in a spoiler tab, and the next person will too. Remember, no peeking! The third person (if you're judging one of your own posts, no unfair judging) will look at both of the above player's shoots and judge who wins. Then they call out their shoot in a spoiler and the game continues. If that was hard to visualize, here's an example in the spoiler: Oh, and also, when you shoot, you have to first recite "Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!" per tradition. Let the games begin! *** Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  12. SE: When you make something rust, it also rusts your blood. Yes, I know that's impossible, but we're talking about superpowers so checkmate. SP: Redirect an airstrike to your position at any moment.
  13. Here's a Jaffa Ice Cream. One Kraken egg, over-easy.
  14. Safely-reentering and landing in the ocean? THAT'S NOT KERBAL! An extremely steep reentry profile and landing in a populated area? NOW THAT'S KERBAL!
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