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Everything posted by TwoCalories

  1. My space agency has an SSP-like organization as well. It's called KASE, which stands for Kerbal Anomaly Surveyal and Exposition. KASE is a branch of KASA that studies anomalies, as it's name suggests. It's like the US Delta Force of KASA; the public knows it exists, but its operations and missions are kept very secret.
  2. What does you space program feed your Kerbals on their missions (if they eat anything)? I remember seeing this old thread where people just talked about that, and it was pretty fun. I think it was called S.P.I.C.E. or something.
  3. New Rule: All comics must feature Calvin and swimming. Yes, I take pictures directly off the web browser.
  4. Granted, you no longer have eyes or a nose. Now you can't smell it or let it burn your eyes! I wish for a Marine F-35.
  5. Floor 4177: A modded Minecraft world. You spend months in it, building bases, exploring biomes, defeating mobs. But the next floor calls you...
  6. When you watch Avengers: Infinity War and see the part with the "neutron star" and started saying things like "That's a neutron star?!? Why do all these movies always say 'neutron star' just to sound cooler or something?!?" "No! Neutron stars don't die, they're already dead!!!" "No! A space station can't orbit that thing!!! The gravity is too strong!!!" "NOOOOOOO!!! NEUTRON STARS DON'T JUST IGNITE AND BURN LIKE A REGULAR STAR!!! THEY'RE GOD DANG DEAD ALREADY OH MY GOD I CANNOT TAKE THIS!!!" And then you start judging the station design. "Are you telling me all these people put this much effort into building a ring-shaped space station and didn't spin it up to generate centrifugal force for gravity? You may as well just make a dinky modular one then!"
  7. Granted. The reason why it is 4:14, on Monday, August 28, 2023, is because you chose to post at that time. I wish for something simple.
  8. Granted. I have a bag of prawn crisps covered in marmite and vegemite, but I accidentally spill all of it onto this, that, and the other thing. I wish for soup.
  9. It's convenient now, but why then?
  10. Granted, now they don't. And now we can watch Youtube in peac- THIS VIDEO WAS SPONSERED BY NORD VPN I wish for Nord VPN, I guess.
  11. I voted Colonies. That's probably a bit optimistic, but I've been a long-time member of the KSP2 Hype Train, and optimism is what the hype train runs on.
  12. It's clear that most animals have tails. Clearly, millions of species have found purpose for it. So, why do us humans not have a tail? Why do millions of animals have tails, but humans don't? Also, we did used to have a tail, and the tailbone still exists as evidence of it, but why did our tails just... disappear?
  13. What TUFX configs are those? They look amazing!
  14. Granted. You will know it once you put in the work to figure it out. I wish for the cookie that I was promised when I subscribed to a certain famous Youtuber.
  15. Two whole pages. And that isn't even a record, so there'd be no point in forging these screenshots. And now I accuse you of being a cheater.
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