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Everything posted by AbsolutelyNotKirrim

  1. I wonder if this mod works with the newest version of scatterer...
  2. is it ok if i make a "video review" of this clearly very WIP mod?
  3. This happened to it, is the mod-sharing site under a d-dos attack or something?
  4. Stupid question, does TweakScaleRescaled need the TweakScale companion program? (or are all the configs built-in)
  5. shouldn't Forbidden oblate seeing how it has a rotational period of 1m 40s?
  6. Do I also need Kerbal Konstructs for this mod? The first antenna and box thing on Vassa won't load in (I landed basically on the marker and there was nothing, just terrain, terrain, and more terrain, and water, and more water... And you get the picture. Granted, I didn't put any survey probe around Vassa), and I'm willing to bet none of the others load in as well.
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