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Everything posted by tryharder

  1. The solution to the bad thing beats the bad thing
  2. Sorry, taurine is an unhealthy hormone to ingest Waiter, an antimatter fusion bomb with my soup, please!
  3. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cbd4c375e27fda27&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU1028AU1028&sxsrf=ADLYWIJqI-TGURY72mq06RC_aZsRWBdADw:1719314505434&q=covid+vaccine&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AMrUEM0u25RSHSP2GXBv1FqRTJXslv5T9cWPShXuZK-unDRtidhDD6MO07O664cf3rzCkRGzT6TOmIkWN6z59BEI_sG_WvMHTpzIDOeN0PG5PbQE-fUxh_CRmIjIVTMPZLqRLt8LEJmd-JeyXMTy_SsVO4Ripm82z6vpZhP9tO4TJ_Xc2C9SbcBfqKU5SUBcd-NfHrlEA0NtWnPbhLSCHG8iDz0g&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjN0unS0faGAxVwzzgGHfMPABUQtKgLegQICxAB&cshid=1719314570894789&biw=1280&bih=713&dpr=2#vhid=WWoe7rlDb4CQRM&vssid=mosaic
  4. I hack all the nanobots and make them launch the hill into orbit, then make them build a base inside it. My asteroid base.
  5. There were too many Skibidi toilets and they mob Gordon Ramsay. Not even he stood a chance. @RedAl1en1 wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  6. tryharder


    Meanwhile, in the Signal Receiving and Broadcast Room in the KSC Deep Space Network Control, Harry Kerman was working the night shift, monitoring the satellites. There was not much to do after acquiring the stream of data the satellites beamed back. Harry found one way to kill his boredom, which is to use the satellite dishes to view the night sky, yet there was little to view. The orderless noise kept repeating on the liquid display screen, extending infinitely in both ways, like grains of time lined up in a one dimensional desert, without pattern. Harry knew that it has continued long before his birth, and will continue long after his death, devoid of all life. Kerbin might as well be a small island of life on this desolate plain. But this time it was different. When Harry came into the control room, he at once noticed that the displayed line in the liquid display screen differed from usual. The line rose and fell steadily, like waves on a sea. It did not repeat, but carried a subtle pattern with it. Excited, Harry read the information level. A 9.97! The Deep Space Network has never before detected anything that was rated higher than 6.4. A rating of 9 meant that the message had a 95% chance of containing intelligible information. A rating above 9.95 meant that the software system in the Deep Space Network Control knew how to decipher it. Instantly, Harry fed the data into the software system, which attempted to read all signals rated 7.75 or above. Instantly, Kerbalkind got the first message that came from another world. It stated about the civilisation losing their homeworld in a galactic war, and was forced to become refugees amongst the stars. Harry pondered. Based on the current technological level of this civilisation, if they decided to turn against the Kerbals, the Kerbals will stand no chance, and given the current state of this civilisation, such an event is highly likely. However, the Kerbals have longed for company in this lonely universe, and there it is. Why don't they seize it? Harry made a decision. A highly risky strategy, with a very high chance of failure. However, if successful, Kerbals will be able to gain technology that they previously wouldn't have imagined, and become masters of the universe. He quickly composed a message, and placed it into the Broadcast databank, ready for launch. Now, all he had to do was to press a green triangular shaped button that will initiate the broadcast. Harry hovered his hand above it. The fate of the Kerbal civilisation depended on those slender green fingers. Without hesitation, Harry pressed the button.
  7. Granted. The covered ones turn as equally bad as the unmasked ones. I wish dead threads could come to life without necroposting.
  8. Do not say the seven words of doom at a NASA press conference if you want to leave the place alive: "Besides, it worked in Kerbal Space Program"
  9. A slogan to live by: "It needs more struts"
  10. Or even better, bring an asteroid into low Mun orbit, but you're only allowed to crash spaceships into it (DART-style) to move it. One small mishap could set you back by days of grinding.
  11. Get the Kcalbeloh mod, set a spaceship orbiting as far from the black hole as possible, then make a second spaceship dock with it. With only ion engines as propulsion. In real time (cue ominous laugh and flashes of red lightning).
  12. I have made 23 posts that were approved and somehow the 5 approved posts block is still showing up for me. What is going on?
  13. The escape velocity of the dual vector matrix is greater than the speed of light, and no matter how many boosters Jeb adds, the boosters spaceship cannot exceed lightspeed, and falls towards the plane. It gets unfolded into two dimensions and the kerbals inside all die. @tryharder wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  14. "You know the drill, fellow aerospace engineer. More Booooosters!"
  15. In case of emergency, hit the panic button.
  16. On the 33rd day of Christmas, Jeb gave to me: 33 landers without ladders, 32 martian potatoes, 31 busted RTGs, 30 broken launch pads, 29 honorable mentions, 28 memory leaks, 27 model rockets, 26 Kerbals singing carols, 25 Maneuver nodes, 24 heat shields ah shielding, 23 Failed Shuttles, 22 Tylo landings, 21 golden probes, 20 fires a blazing, 19 Kerbals riding SRBs on EVA, 18 rovers a-flipped over, 17 page essays on the pluses of using only srbs for my rocket,16 rcs blocks, 15 KNR tours, 14 pickles ,13 headaches, 12 entire Kerbins, 11 Gigantor Solar Panels, 10 crashed rockets, 9 days of work, 8 Deep Space Networks, 7 trips under the KSC bridge, 6 nuclear pulse rockets, 5 stars that are collapsing themselves, 4 mammoth engines, 3 modded installs of KSP, 2 kraken doves, and a rocket made of pear trees.
  17. StarCraft II. As long as I'm a main character on the winning side, I should be fine. Otherwise, I'm screwed.
  18. Jeb saw the Death Star just before it got blown up. Then Jeb recalled that it was his ship.
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