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Everything posted by tryharder

  1. This is inspired by the Kerbal Death Note game (here) but in this you destroy the whole of Kerbin instead of just killing one kerbal. Here are the rules (similar to those in Kerbal Death Note): Destroy Kerbin in the way described in the last post, by either writing out what happens, or (if you have enough free time), making a video or cinematic about it. Write the way you want the next person to destroy Kerbin. Please be creative, but within the realm of physics Don't get too specific; it's up to the person after you to describe exactly what happens. You can destroy additional planets and other celestial objects, but don't go too overboard. Killing the Kerbol system is enough. Double post only if the thread has gone at least a month without a new post No reusing the same scenario No derailing the game by posting irrelevant material. No inappropriate stuff (PLEASE!)
  2. It would definitely be "Shine" by Vienna Teng. The quantum strings of the bosons that carry the song's sounds to my ears vibrate perfectly in time with the quantum strings of the atoms in the "enjoying music" part of my brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bah_1kJySDM And no, string theory does not work like that.
  3. Kelp Forest Subnautica
  4. This is quite easy to beat if you know where it's from
  5. Granted, you procrastinate your very important exam revision until you have to stay up all night to revise or fail I wish for threads not to devolve into content irrelevant to the original topic
  6. "Replacing Luo Ji with Cheng Xin was indeed one of the smartest moves made by humanity (no sarcasm)"
  7. Side effect: Have you thought about how you're gonna get down beforehand? My superpower: Able to drive a car well (and not break any traffic laws)
  8. Okay, you can't fly to space, only atmospheric flights allowed. And anyways its a riddle, not an actual in-game challenge.
  9. This was based on many other fanmade stories about Kerbals contacting humanity, including this one and this one, and is partially based on Liu Cixin's Death's End and Micro Era, but mostly it is original. Enjoy! Prologue Chapter 1: Narrow Escape
  10. Jeb, being the badass spaceship pilot he is, wants to circumnavigate Kerbin with a plane without landing in between. However, Wernher von Kerman only designed the plane to have enough fuel for half the trip, because the space program was on a tight budget. The plane can do seriously sharp turns and transfer fuel to identical planes while flying though. Luckily for Jeb, Gene managed to rope Bob and Bill in as "willing" helpers to fly two identical copies of the plane. How can Jeb fly around Kerbin without him or his helpers crashing or landing halfway through? Kudos to @camacju, who solved it with one method.
  11. That's their full names (Si Ri and Al Exa) Are you a bot?
  12. Gets a sticky grenade Inserts a vending machine
  13. This isn't extremely difficult, even I did it without much thought for it.
  14. Using refined engineering techniques to conteract the bending torque on your rocket THAT'S NOT KERBAL! Slapping on a ton of struts and hoping for the best NOW THAT'S KERBAL!
  15. Sir, you called me? I think @Ryaja?
  16. Make the densities of the bodies in the Kerbol System realistic, improve on the surface features (rivers, lakes, mountains, canyons, etc.) to be more realistic, add weather effects to every object with an atmosphere, improve on visual effects, add a 2nd gas giant (Saturn analogue) with its own moons, and give Tylo, Ike and the biggest moon of the Saturn analogue a submoon. Also, add local star systems outside of the Kerbol System, such as Wolf 359, Grm 34 and Ross 128 (in other words Kerbol is Lalande 21185), and allow for travelling to the real Solar system.
  17. "Does our rocket have enough delta V for the return trip?"
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