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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Sometimes if I didn't get a good screenshot of the crash, I revert and then crash it the same way again. Then a few times more so I can get different camera angles. So yeah, I think what you're doing is OK.
  2. Excellent set of precision landings! And loving DUFF's descent stage, which looks meaty enough to fling almost anything almost anywhere. Ah, Duna-- a joy to land on, fly over, drive on. Man, I miss Duna sometimes.
  3. Hey wonderful texture wizards--am looking to create a couple of custom IVA suit sets for use in my comics. Have researched a bit after downloaded some other folks' packs and think I can do what needs to be done with some unholy combination of paint and powerpoint. (Unfortunately existing packs such as Gregoxmun's and others will not do--I have a certain vision of what the Kerbfleet suits need to look like which is different from Starfleet or anything else ) Here's where I need a bit of help--can someone point me to a very basic stripped set of files to start from? Ideally I would like to start from SQUAD's white/orange suit models but I know that may not be possible. Thank you in advance, and of course if I manage to pull this off I will make the packs available here.
  4. Hmm, I hear this so often...should I slow down the updates to give everyone time to spread rep? Maybe one page a day? No! one PANEL a day! Every OTHER day! *dodges flying boosters* - - - Updated - - - Landing gear? Why would it have landing gear? It's Dipperkraft, not a Landungkraft! And yeah--that heat is legit, and it is legit critical on the forward cockpit as Tedus accelerates to orbit. I'll post a 'behind the scenes' when all this is over to show some more details (including some spectacularly catastrophic "simulations") of what was actually going on. - - - Updated - - - Yeah, Tedus certainly has some "brave" stats. I take my characterizations cues from the game itself of course; Tedus tends to hold that grim smile through it all, though if I hit F1 at just the right time during an explosion I can get the "worried Kerbal" look. Bob is, of course, completely terrified. ETA: Interesting. I pulled Tedus's service record: name = Tedus Kerman gender = Male service = Air Service Pilot rank = 1st Looty brave = 0.2545544 dumb = 0.9143823 badS = False And here I thought his apparent sangfroid was due to bravery--turns out, he's just too dumb to realize he's in serious trouble. I suppose it's hard to tell the difference IRL as well.
  5. And for those who don't get that reference, I refer you once again to the black hole known as tvtropes! - - - Updated - - - Merci, merci beaucoup! - - - Updated - - - Hey, that was like an actual compliment! Thank you, we do have our moments sometimes. - - - Updated - - - And it's gonna get moar... Will they? Won't they? What will happen? AAAAAAHHHH!!!!1! ETA: Ahhhh, you can have one more.
  6. I'll let Tedus answer that question. Of the Dipperkraft, I can say only this: of all the ships I have designed for my travels, this is the most...*CHOKE*... Kerbal.
  7. Extra grind for sake of train-ness--yes I get that! Oh, I do get that! Well done, well done!
  9. Not a SSTO, but maybe a GTOWLAP. Gets To Orbit Without Losing Any Parts
  10. Always love to see a scholarly article here--now THAT's 'kerbal'
  11. Thanks! I might have gone with the "Bigger's Canyon" line, but I already used that to name the feature Jeb flew in on Duna, and Tedus has never been there. See? I might not pay much attention to craft design, but I do pay attention to continuity! - - - Updated - - - BWAHAHAHAAA... look for it tomorrow, same batt-time, same batt-thread. - - - Updated - - - Yes. There's an old rule of writing that says that if you introduce a rocket motor in the first chapter, it has to be fired in the third. I forget who made up that rule, but I think he's the same guy who's always running around yelling about "nuclear wessels". - - - Updated - - - Ooh, I haven't gone there yet--have been introducing the kids to the old Mission: Impossible TV series on Netflix. Orders that self-destruct...well, I already have the TAC mod installed...
  12. Let's hope that's not an ironic choice of a definite article, ja? Two more pages to close out the chapter: And now I have a request for you, my gentle and esteemed readers: I value your posted comments VERY much, it's part of what makes this thread fun. But please do resist posting predictions for where this is (obviously) going based on your knowledge of what I am parodying! I think it'll be more fun if I get to do the big reveals in graphic form in my own time--which will be pretty fast, a lot of this is already plotted and drawn. What I mean by a prediction that I would rather NOT see posted is something of the form "Aha! He's going to do [this scene] from [that movie] and [so-and-so] is going to say/do [that thing from this scene in that movie]." That'll be bad if I don't do it like you predict, and even worse if I do because you will steal the thunder! In-universe speculation based on what you see in the comic and know about KSP is perfectly fine. Anyway, this is just a request and I hope you'll agree that it will be more fun if I get to do the big reveals. I will not attempt any policing other than this note--but I will also not respond to any such predictions. Thank you. If you MUST make a prediction, you can always write it on the back of a 500-fund banknote and send it to Mortimer, care of this station--or PM me, of course
  13. Hey, are you still maintaining this list? If so, we may have a new category for you with several serialized graphic novels in progress! The ones I know of are, The Asteroid Sentinels by SaturnianBlue Graphic journal of an modded normal mode career by TheGamer211 and of course my own Duna, Ore Bust and Eve: Order Zero Hooray for the funny pages!
  14. Three more pages for today! Lots happening around Eve orbit, almost faster than I can cut and paste....
  15. Excellent solution, and I think making monoprop rather than electricity to run the wheels is perfectly reasonable. Well, or at least it's as reasonable as trying to drive a train around a planet on land... in a space game I'm sure you've considered that maybe expanding monoprop exhaust looks just a little like steam, and I know your engine is not a steamer, but still running the wheels on puffs of white smoke is pretty 'loco' (in all senses of that word) Godspeed! This one's going to make it, I just know it will!
  16. Nice Gilly base! Got a bit scared for a moment when I jumped from that photo to the ones of Duna aerobraking and thought "that madman! he's not sending one of those beautiful ship to die over Eve is he?!"
  17. I'm an old guy. I play KSP and Words With Friends. That's it. Used to play Civ II and the like when I was in college. Before that it was pinball when I had quarters to spend and Atari 2600 when I didn't.
  18. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I looked through this thread and in the Add-Ons section but could not find. Can anyone point to a tutorial or give basic instructions for making a custom suit pack? I may want to try out some Kerbfleet uniforms of my own design Is it something as simple as editing a set of baseline images in .paint or equivalent, or are we talking 3D models here? Thanks!
  19. Very good cinematic use of cuts, angles, pans etc. +rep!
  20. Glad to be gone from there now with a full load of fuel in both ships... I would have gone insane, had I not thought to switch POV to the orbiting Scansat or Evestation whenever I had a ship under 8000m (below which only physics warp is allowed, for those who don't know) Somehow always managed to switch back before crashing
  21. Oh, I wouldn't bet against a determined EVA maniac. Delta-V map lists 390 m/s to/from a 10km Ike orbit. Jetpack holds about 550. If you started out real low and decelerated just enough so that the kerbonaut could take the impact on his head, he might survive and only spend minimal jetpack fuel. Then if he walked to the top of a peak and hit the jets from there he could certainly make some kind of orbit--or at least get high enough that a passing ship could grab him, like what happened in this thread. ETA: A more recent thread on munar jetpacking Terwin, I think you should give it a go in sandbox, and maybe put up a Challenge
  22. "Only Jeb is badS enough to land on water?" Whaat? Come on, Val, steal a plane and make Gene eat that green word balloon!
  23. Before anyone asks--no, Kerbfleet rank and branch of service do NOT appear in my actual persistence file (but wouldn't that be a cool mod? ) However those are indeed Melbe's real stats: very brave, very stupid, very badS. No wonder she's always smiling, bless her heart! - - - Updated - - - I appreciate the sentiment, and of course the prior +5
  24. Very nice mission and pics, am intrigued! Would you say that with Earth hardware at Earth scale, the re-entry heating model approximates real world experience?
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