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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Pfft. If i wanted to read comics when I was in school, all I had to do was sneak a copy of X-Men inside my social studies textbook. Lots of text this time so a transcript might be inconvenient; don't worry, it'll be here when you get home
  2. Well. At first I was sure you must have moved a decimal point, but of course you haven't. Kilotons and megakilograms, indeed!
  3. Excellent! I got a bit nervous on seeing the pictures, and noting certain similarities between your second landing ship and a certain craft of mine that "dipped" a bit too far into Eve's atmosphere. Relieved to find that you intended yours to remain on the surface.
  4. Right. Sometimes when I have a big reveal, I spoiler the last page so that readers scrolling up the page won't see it before reading the panels that come before. Then once I judge that the regular readers have all had time to see it, I remove the spoiler so that it flows better as new readers and re-readers scroll forward through the pages. #thethingsIdoforyou
  5. And what a great way to end it! Still looking forward to my first Laythe sunset--I guess I'll see you on the other side of 1.2
  6. And we do have a little new 'topical' content today! Fuel sit is not as good as I'd like, but I really did not want to do any more Qwammer trips to Bop surface--I think the final count was ten missions. By my reckoning I've got enough left in the tanks to fly all the Skimmeroo missions I am going to fly, and get the ship back out to Pol--really as long as I arrive there with enough for a single Qwammer landing, all is well. Of course, this does not take into account the self-imposed handicap of telling a story involving Kerbulans...their evil plans may cause Intrepid to burn more fuel than she would otherwise, but then again she may lose some mass in the bargain so perhaps it will all work out in the end. Sharp-eyed readers will note a familiar two-kerb team standing by in that Mk2 cockpit.
  7. I'll confirm, the Ghost is Gregmore Kermulan. For those who haven't been following, it's an in-joke that comes from Gregmore Kerman's failed efforts in "Order Zero" to get noticed enough to become an "A-team" major character. Gregmore Kerman also tried and failed to get noticed by joining the present Jool mission, taking advantage of his (non-literal) invisibility to stow away on a Derpstar flight. Kenlie convinced Gregmore to return to Kerbin with Air pilot Samantha. And it's Thanksgiving here in the US! Wherever you are in the world, I'm thankful to have you as a reader
  8. Oh no, they're just talking about the Tropes page which I also reference quite a bit. And of course the reason they're Tropes is that everyone uses them
  9. Ahh... brings me back to the time I left a (near-literal) cliffhanger with Jeb falling off the top of the KSC flagpole. A lovely moment ruined by three pages of-- "Ehh, I dropped him off the VAB once and he was fine." "Oh yeah? I dropped him from 3km up and he was BETTER THAN EVER!" "You just need to land them on their heads." "Hey, if he fired a gun downward would it be enough to make him hover?" Good times, good times.
  10. Yeah, this bears explaining--it's the latter possibility that's true. Communications in Kuzzterverse are indeed limited by the speed of light, that's canon going back to Duna, Ore Bust! But when there's nothing going on that would bring any consequences for the signal delay, I ignore it in the comic. I suppose we could just assume that while they're waiting for their last transmission to be heard and answered, the kerbals and kerbulans are doing...well, whatever it is they do when you hit time warp or go and make a cup of tea or otherwise ignore them I haven't measured the distance recently from Kerbin to Jool, but assuming it's five light-minutes the conversation with the Ghost really happened like this: 0:00:00 GHOST: Hello, Despair... Do you read me? 0:04:40 EVIL_VAL: Excellent...then we're finally ready to execute this so-called plan of yours, Bob? 0:04:55 EVIL_BOB: Yes, Commander! Just as soon as our glorious leader's creepy pet finally gets into-- 0:05:00 [GHOST'S hail arrives] 0:05:01 EVIL_BOB: Gaaah! It's him! (doo de doo doo...) 0:10:01 GHOST: You sound surprised, Centurion. Perhaps you'd forgotten about me? [...] (doo de doo doo...) 0:15:01 EVIL_VAL: Your timing is impeccable, Legate. In fact, we were just talking about you. (doo de doo doo...) Etc. Rest assured terrified, signal delay will be a thing when and if it matters.
  11. Oh no, they're catching on! NIMZO: "No, Bill! Don't go in there! The radiation--you'll flood the whole compartment!" BILL: "Bob! You can't die! You just can't--um, what are you doing with your hand?" BOB: "I'm trying to make that stupid 'live long and prosper' sign but it's just not working--seriously, there's half a dozen separate animation controls for our lips but NONE for our fingers? Arrghh!" Correct! Ah, I love it when someone remembers. Just for completeness--of the other known Command school candidates to take the exam, Cadet Dilsby went down with the ship, transmitting science back to Kerbin with his final breath. Cadet Bill pressed ALT-F12, edited the simulator's persistence file, kicked down the simulator's simulated fourth wall and was subsequently kicked out of the Command program entirely. And now, as promised, the rest of the Interlude.
  12. Um... I really appreciate this, but nope, the pieces are entirely random and there is no real position. In fact, there aren't even two Kwings on the board! I didn't even rotate the board for the third panel. ( you can tell by the colors of the corner squares) I almost didn't even move the pieces in that shot, but decided that was too lazy, even for me So, you caught me out, @greenTurtle1134! I'm so embarrassed. Finally, someone takes the time to examine all the little details, and there's nothing there! I'm just a humbug. But I'll make it up to you. Not only will there be an update tomorrow, but in that update I will finish this interlude... and that update will include a complete game for you to study! Well, you can find out--install the app "Really Bad Chess" on the device of your choice. You'll get a randomly generated board, you'll be VERY confused, and you'll have a blast!
  13. Well, I'll tell you a secret--I was all set to have Bill Kerman, Engineer Supreme save the day by trapping the entire S.A.V.E. in an F5/F9 loop and not letting them out until the Kerbulans agreed to leave Intrepid alone... BILL: Gene Kermulan, I've come to bargain! *slurp* *WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!* SPLORTCH!* BILL: Gene Kermulan, I've come to bargain! *BLAM* *BLAM* *BLAM* BILL: Gene Kermulan, I've come to bargain! *STABBY STABBY* *BLEED* *DIE* BILL: Gene Kermulan, I've come to bargain! *BZZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!* *urk* *thud* ...but then someone went and beat me to it, so now I have to change the entire ending.
  14. Wow--an Eve landing is always impressive, even more so when the ship doing it doesn't get down in one piece but is still (hopefully?) capable of making orbit! But really, you didn't have one spare pinky to spam F1 during all this? A shame, an understandable shame, but wow I would have loved to see some of this. Fortunately the text is so good I can imagine it all quite clearly
  15. Yes.. I am in fact a full order of magnitude MOAR POWAFUL than anyone else on the forum, FWIW, which is exactly nothing But what I REALLY enjoy about @Just Jim's work, and the other writers', is that each one is doing something truly unique. These are all mission reports in the same game with much of the same settings and even some of the same characters, but the stories are wildly different. You cannot get awesome Lovecraft-ian horror/suspense/alien mindhopping anywhere but right here at Emiko Station!
  16. Wow--you guys remembered my anniversary? Awwww...that's so nice! But nope, I was not going to wait for the 23rd to post, though I did hope to be at Laythe by then. We'll see! For now, the beginning of the long-promised Interlude.
  17. I am alive and appreciate your patience! Here's what's going on: --Qwammer flights to Bop: I am getting to be an expert at landing next to the GOOD ORE HERE flag, filling up and meeting Intrepid in orbit. So far have made the run 8 times and I want to do two more. This will put enough in the tank (~3km/s) to get to Laythe, run a couple of Skimmeroo missions to the surface, then eject out to Pol and land Intrepid for a full refuel. --Interlude: I know what I'm going to do for it, but need to do some custom PowerPoint to make it work. --The Thrilling Conclusion: This is where most of the work is going. I have some craft to build and test, and I am definitely going to have to hack some shenanigans to make it work the way I envision. You won't be disappointed! --Holidays: Thursday is the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, so I'll be traveling. Expect at least a few pages before then, but likely another pause at that point.
  18. Fantastic! I wonder if there's any sort of unified theory that explains the relationship between those forces and the Kerbfleet Laws of Motion? First Law: Plot elements that are in motion will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by characters or events, or a sufficiently satisfying denouement. ("Kuzzter doesn't make panels or write dialogue for no good reason.") Second Law: The change in momentum of a body is proportional to the impulse of critical plot events, such that a traveling object will always arrive at its destination at the exact moment of crisis. ("All ships move at the speed of plot.") Third Law: For every new plot development there is an equal, and usually opposite, consequence. ("Keep @Starhawk terrified.")
  19. And don't forget, has already been observed (by Lisa) to defy physical explanation. I wonder how it ended up under Bill's seat?
  20. Dunno yet, we'll see. I have successfully loaded the Kerbfleet save in 1.2, but have not had a lot of time recently to play or make comics. You'll find out about 1.2 right when Bill Kerman does
  21. Status Update: Here's Jeb and Bill coming in from Qwammer ore trip #4 of goodness-i-don't-know-how-many. Note that Qwammer is docking with its dorsal port to Intrepid's dorsal which takes MUCH less time than lining everything up to fly into Q-bay. After the Kraken incident (which was trip #2) I stowed the rover and the tugbot, sent Lisa, Nimzo and Sarge back to their shipboard stations, and resumed shuttling to the big ore pocket on the equator which was the site of trip #2. One more trip to the surface should fill up the rest of Intrepid's oxidant tanks including Skimmeroo's--but after that, there will still be space for about 100,000 units of liquid fuel, requiring 25 more Qwammer trips for a full load. I don't think I'm going to do that Instead I'll run a number for the LF required to get the ship to Laythe and then back out to Pol, add a healthy margin, and leave it at that.
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