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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Hmm... If you really thought that was a possibility, then why on Kerbin would you post such a thing and ruin the story for everyone? But I think it's fair to say that no one will connect ALL the dots between all the clues and foreshadowing and Chekhov guns etc etc. So speculate away! In any case I don't comment on the veracity of fan theories for what will happen next, ever. And I like the posts I like, for no reason other than that I like them. That's it. Well, really they're a mashup of Romulans and Mirror Universe with a little Klingon thrown in
  2. Wow, I must have achieved some crazy levels of fame if people are guessing based on which theories I repped. Either that or people have no idea what to do in a week with no comic Reallu, I rep things that amuse me. That's all. If I didn't rep something though, it doesn't mean that it didn't amuse me. But it could! Now that amused me. Also it would be a lot less work for me than Plan A,
  3. Well, we did tour the WH gardens yesterday but didn't see any family, oh well. Spent about an hour in Air&Space and will probably make a longer visit today...one of the exhibits I enjoy most is the scale model of the solar system outside the museum; stand at Jupiter, the size of a marble, and see the orbits of the inner planets and the bocce ball sun down the block. Turn around to see just how far out the outer planets are, the distances are mind-boggling! It's something I haven't worked on in a while but would like to get back to: a long duration explorer ship like Intrepid, but without the hangar and air wing. Hoping to get back to it as Jool Odyssey winds down
  4. There'd be some crying in my house if any of the Intrepid crew got hurt...can't let that kind of thing limit my narrative options now can I?
  5. Yes. The character Nimzo wasn't based on him, but the human entity known sometimes as "Kuzz Jr." chose that as his forum name.
  6. Yep. Welcome to the forum, Junior. Now get off the computer and get dressed, we're launching at 0900. #parenting
  7. That other thing with an Intrepid in it is about 500 comic pages and counting, I think I'd call that a full-sized novel of the graphic kind
  8. Very cool! I thought about this when I was laying out my last update to Jool Odyssey--it also applies to visual work, i.e. "THIS COMIC HAS FOUR PANELS". It's important to mix things up and not tell the story purely linearly like a comic strip. Comics also use layout, sizing and other visual cues to guide the reader's eye and mind. Here's what I was trying to do in the six pages linked here: First Page--Four panels, arranged clockwise and rotating to show the Qwammer flipping upright Second page--Four 'normal' panels, same size and orientation, reading linearly to give readers a break before... Third page--Two map sections, top and bottom, with Bob's panel "breaking into" the flow with new information Fourth page--back to a mostly linear layout. Lisa and Kenlie panel punched up in brightness to show immediately it's in a different location than the Qwammer scenes Fifth page--large vertical panel followed by two progressively smaller panels, getting closer to the object and building up tension until... Sixth page--resolution of the above, with one full-page "splash" image. The kerbals and their "null dialogue" word balloons are dwarfed by the anomaly. Also, cool shadows
  9. Ninja'd by @RocketSquid -- yeah, please edit and trim that @Emperor. Duplicating comic pages like that messes up the flow of the thread
  10. ...what, did anyone think I was going to come all this way and not visit Vallhenge? So, we have full science from four biomes now: Poles, Highlands, Midlands and Lowlands. Rolling downhill to the Lowlands really was a breeze, as was the hop to Vallhenge; I just kind of eyeballed it based on the longitude of the Lowlands flag and that of Intrepid, and in two burns managed to get a ballistic trajectory close enough to pick it up visually. Piece of cake There will be no update for about a week now, as I am taking the family to Washington DC for a long weekend. Yes of course we're going to the Air and Space museum, what a silly question. We're also getting a tour of the White House gardens which will be very cool. I wonder if either of the Obama kids plays KSP? Well, if i see them I'll ask!
  11. Well, I just read through a couple of the "ahh the devs are leaving all is lost you're a brat no you're a shill" threads and figured this was as good a place to say it as any--mods, I don't envy you your task right now. Thanks for doing what you do. As for the rest of us, let's all commit to keeping the LF in our ships and not pouring any more on the fire. This too shall pass.
  12. Squad actually committing to a release date? That alone tells us this isn't the same company anymore. :/
  13. That would be a great addition to this thread! Would any reader care to try and compile one? I'll be happy to fill in any blanks, and will copy the list into the OP. But it's a bit too much for me right now to do the list and keep the comic going. Imagining that the list should include the name of craft and vital statistics such as crew size, tonnage, dV, and any interesting capabilities such as SSTO. Any takers? You'll get rep!
  14. You'll find out next time! @max_creative, you'd make the perfect Kerbulan: your comms system can't process all the information, so you never have any idea what's going on, and yet your first reaction always seems to be to be "shoot a missile at it!"
  15. Heh, you got me As we all know, Order Zero doesn't need permission, and can in fact forgive quite a bit as well (mutiny, barratry, grand theft spacecraft, contributing to the delinquency of an enzin, failure to signal a gravity turn... the list goes on and on ) Isn't English a strange language? "hardly laughed" has a very different meaning from "laughed hard[ly]" But yeah, real life. I can't give you any details because 2.2b, or even give you the pronoun of who I'm "with", but suffice it to say I've become a bit more than a spectator in the US elections this year Ah, but all the Kerbfleet comms are already scrambled, to Bob! Somehow the expositional interferator stops any useful information from passing through, without being able to interpret the information! Where did Bob get this strange device? How does he have it but have no idea how it works? You may as well ask how a species with no scientific curiosity developed a bloaking device. [FILE NOT FOUND itsaliensmeme.png] There are a few less-crazy things to try before I try that crazy thing, especially since half the engines Intrepid used to land on Pol are already down on the surface, without her FTFY The comm sat is just a bit beyond Pol.
  16. Have I mentioned how much I like the name Manxome? Looking forward to the Frabjous series.
  17. ...ok, I got enough done to post a few pages, at least! Whoops, looks like the mission's over--good thing I already got my 10k rep and 400k views. Bye everybody!
  18. Heh yeah, I just got really busy that's all Qwammer is all fueled up at the second landing site and ready to bounce to the third, but I have some "sound stage" scenes to shoot for the next update which is what's taking so long. SoonTM!
  19. Fantastic work! As you may know, I'm a big fan of hangar decks constructed from Mk3 cargo bays Especially clever use of the ramps to make the "eye". One cool thing you might consider adding (and which I've always wanted to try) is an arrestor device to help land planes. There being no tripwires in stock, i was thinking that a magnetic arrestor might work--that is, the landing plane has a docking port on the bottom, there is a row of ports along the landing portion of the flight deck, such that the ports help slow the plane to a docked stop. Sounds difficult, yes, but if anyone can pull it off it's you
  20. Well, Skimmeroo does get a little squirrely as the tanks empty--but if you're going to space the tanks should never really be that empty until the ship is out of atmosphere and circularizing orbit. If you're not going to space, aerodynamic control surfaces have enough authority to keep it flying straight and level. If recall correctly from Kerbin-based SSTO testing, I just had to start circularizing far enough in advance that I could throttle the engines down to where the SAS system could handle the induced torque. I think I also might have enabled RCS briefly. Anyway, you're right, it's certainly not the kind ship where you can just wait for apoapsis and punch "Z" key
  21. Thanks guys--in fact, ten thousand thanks and counting. I really do appreciate it. As I've said before, I do like getting rep, but it's the quality and good-ness of this community that really keeps me going. Yeah, it does, butte but I'm not sure I want to be memorialized in QUITE that way. Maybe if I ever do pass @SQUAD, they have to replace the helmeted chimp with my avatar on all the in-game monoliths? Butte but if that's ever going to happen, I'll need to make a lot of really good pages. For now let's move that Vall mission along, and canonically answer some critical questions about food:
  22. Love that cute little rocket space plane, neat basic and useful design. That Mk1 space station isn't bad either
  23. J5 is no joke, I wish you the best of luck! Any chance of a few pictures? I find Imgur handy for hosting and posting, despite its limitations and frequent changes.
  24. Anyone who makes a serious run at J5 is my friend: flotilla, mothership, or other-ship. Good luck!
  25. Conservation of Narrativitum is the physical principle behind a lot of other stuff you see in the comic, such as the law that ships travel "at the speed of plot" and the curious and selective behavior of certain communication systems. Some Kerbfleet physicists believe it's the mostly opaque, usually solid material that composes the "fourth wall" suggested in certain theoretical models.
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