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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Intriguing. Uh huhh... ok, go on... Hm. HMMMMM!!! These are all really great explanations. I think I'm going to go with the "scared mouse in the wheel well" option. It'll become canon as soon as I can learn to draw a good one in Powerpoint. I get a lot of my characterizations from the in-game visual cues, which of course come from the "smart" and "brave" stats, along with the "BadS" flag. Clauselle is definitely both "smart" and "not-brave". I wouldn't call it nausea, though, or as she would say mal d'espace, but a more general and reasonable feeling that she might become scattered over the landscape. Lisa on the other hand looked to me as though she was going to hurl from the first moment I put her in a cockpit alongside Jeb As to the rations aboard Qwammer, we'll see about that. And I wonder who's doing the cooking on Intrepid for the next few days?
  2. I'm only watching a couple of threads outside of Mission Reports, so it's not so bad for me: really, I use the Notifications tab to see whether there's a new comment I should respond to, and I do most of my reading by scrolling the Mission Reports page itself. I recognize that people don't always get notifications of an update, or that it can be missed due to the healthy amount of chatter on my thread, which is why I always change the thread title whenever I add new primary content. I don't know if there are any readers out there who ignore notifications from the Jool Odyssey thread until they see the title change, but I image there might be
  3. Wow! Thanks @Dman979 and everyone else who's read my stuff, liked what they saw, and was thoughtful enough to let me know you did I am indeed very happy to have reached this unprecedented and largely arbitrary milestone in Fake Internet PointsTM, not for the measurement itself but for all the un-measurable stuff behind the points. I have had the privilege of sharing my work with the most engaged, witty, and (mostly) kind readers any writer could hope for. Whenever I sit down to play the game or make the comic I think, "what can I do to make the next pages awesome enough for them?" Even if I never get another reputation point, (but please, don't stop...) just being on this Forum with you guys is reward enough. Thank you
  4. I thought about it, but no; if he'd had done anything I would have shown it on-page. But don't worry, in Vall's low gravity we may find some interesting ways to abuse physics with the stock wheels--we'll see
  5. One pronunciation kerfuffle at a time! For now let's see if Valiant Val can indeed land in the vale on Vall, or if they'll all just wake up in Valhalla... ...three moons down, two to go! Val departed the ship with full tanks and landed with the reserves (1/3 of total) still locked out, so that means I should be able to shuttle a bunch of fuel and oxidant back to the ship if I decide I really want to grind that out. But most likely I will just hop to all the biomes and look for a full refuel at Bop. Skimmeroo isn't ISRU equipped and I want to have enough oxidant for multiple landings/ascents on Laythe.
  6. Really great screenshots, and one of the more entertaining "get the boring early stuff everyone's done out of the way" mission reports I've ever seen, especially since you actually said, "I'm going to get the boring early stuff everyone's done out of the way."
  7. Ok...is a ship 53 meters long, 1400 tons fueled, and carrying a complete air wing "mother" enough for you? That was Pol. Intrepid has also landed on Minmus
  8. Hm, perhaps science officer Bechdel Kerman could run a few tests? In other news, Lisa is now the sole female kerb on a ship with eight boys, one of whom is Jeb. But I don't think we'll be adding a "Lisa principle" trope to the Canon page any time soon, at least so long as Joss is my co-pilot.
  9. Fromagé. I make no claims to greatness, but I do dare say there's no one who can cheese up a story quite like I can.
  10. "Stole"?!! Borrowed, I say! Pastiched! Homaged! (wait, are those even verbs?) The very idea! Next you'll say I ripped off Airplane! and Robert Frost! And A Few Good Men! Speaking of which, call my lawyer! And while all that's going on, here are a few more pages I stole made.
  11. ...and while I'm getting my Vall orbit settled and fueling Qwammer, here's a cross-post from this thread about human actors to cast in a Kerbal movie. My picks for the stock characters: Will Smith as Jebediah Kerman (or maybe Will Farrell. I coud go either way on this one) Benedict Cumberbatch as Bob Kerman Robert Downey Jr. as Bill Kerman Kate Mulgrew as Valentina Kerman Cristoph Waltz as Wernher von Kerman LeVar Burton as Linus Kerman Ed Harris as Gene Kerman (I know, I know, too obvious--but come on, it'd be awesome!) Michael Chiklis as Gus Kerman Aziz Anzari as Mortimer Kerman ...and I couldn't resist adding one particular non-stock character: Dame Maggie Smith as Admiral Shirley Kerman So, wondering if any particular actors come to mind for other Kerbfleet personnel we know and love? And based on what you've read in the comics, would you cast any of the above differently?
  12. People often think it's OK to use another's intellectual property as long as you don't make money off it. But the other factor to consider is that if you copy someone's property and distribute it for free, you are denying the owner the ability to make money from their property. But we're digressing, the point of the OP is really, "what human actor could you see playing a particular Kerbal?" A few that come to mind for me... note that this is the first time I've thought at all about human actors for most of these roles, so this may or may not reflect how I write these characters in my comics: Will Smith as Jebediah Kerman Benedict Cumberbatch as Bob Kerman Robert Downey Jr. as Bill Kerman (and I see I think I'm not the first to think so) Kate Mulgrew as Valentina Kerman Maggie Smith as Admiral Shirley Kerman (she might not be in your game, but she's in mine...) Cristoph Waltz as Wernher von Kerman LeVar Burton as Linus Kerman Ed Harris as Gene Kerman (I know, I know, too obvious--but come on, it'd be awesome!) Michael Chiklis as Gus Kerman ...and featuring Aziz Anzari as Mort! ETA: forgot one--Will Farrell as Walt Kerman
  13. Good idea! it stands to reason that if a Kerbal can tranfer from a cockpit in one craft to a cockpit in another craft through a docking port, they should be able to exit a craft via a docking port that has no craft attached to it. One way to implement this in-game would be to change the definition of the ports to make the standard and senior ports crew spaces, with a capacity of one. (we would have to presume that some kind of airlock space exists in whatever part the port is attached to, sort of the same way we presume that there are tunnels running through the fuel tanks etc. that make the crew transfer function possible) The outward-facing side of the port would of course be the EVA spawn location. Then, to use the airlock you'd transfer crew from the cockpit to an available port and EVA the kerbal. The kerbal's view when in the airlock should be just the blank port wall, or maybe that's another good use for the old Mk1 cockpit interior
  14. Glad you had a good summer and glad to see this story updating once again! "Perils of commercial space travel," indeed; one wonders exactly what sort of disaster befalls the NPC space agencies with such regularity and consistency that exactly one crew space is always left in orbit containing exactly one kerbonaut. I'm sure there's a lampshade somewhere just waiting to be hung on that one.
  15. Yeah, imgur albums don't work any more which really really stinks. Hopefully a future version restores the function.
  16. Yeah, I've been putting those "masts" on the ends of Mk3 ships ever since, well, forever! Or at least before I started making comics. The following are all in v0.90, and predate the Kerbfleet S.A.V.E. and canon: KSS Kerbin Maru orbiting Ike. She was part of a flotilla that included a spaceplane lander and a wheeled mobile surface lab for Duna. And I remember being really, really impressed with myself that I could dock the Ike lander back in the cargo bay. Ha! Back then I didn't even need an LSO! And here's KSS Wasabi Maru towing my v0.90 "Eveorama" lander into position. Doesn't it look a bit like the M7? In this case, Wasabi Maru's tail boom was actually useful in putting some distance between the lander and the LV-N engine cluster. Unfortunately it turned out to not be enough to fire all the engines with the lander in position. Experiences like this led to the practice of mounting a ring of LV-Ns further forward as is done in the Kranefly class asteroid hauler. Closer shot, this one of the Eveorama upper stage docked on the boom after a successful landing and liftoff: So yeah, this early mission had a lot of similarities to what you saw in Order Zero: somehow I managed to pull it off in v0.90 without surface refueling, or getting half the mission crew court-martialed.
  17. I say "lay-thee" myself, but I'm already thinking the pronunciation of Jool's innermost moon may generate some sharp discussion among the multicultural crew of the Intrepid.
  18. This is getting out of hand. I might have to call the moon something else entirely, sort of the way Kaptin Tedus Kerman, KAS is properly addressed as "Majer" when aboard a ship of the Fleet. Maybe I should give Vall a 'courtesy promotion' as well? Would it be too confusing to call it 'Eeloo'? Or yeah, I could just pronounce it "Vaul" like everyone else seems to.
  19. Switching narration styles works for a lot of reasons: giving different perspectives to the situation, allowing the author to dump some info without it looking too much like an info dump, and simply providing the reader with a different and more refreshing "look" from time to time. Some narration styles I use in the Kerblfeet comic include: Default--regular comic panels with dialogue coming from word balloons, no narration Log Entries--"captin's log" entry as used in Trek, to give a character's internal perspective and often frame the coming scene. Same function as a monologue in a play. Kenlie stories--in the present story where mirror-world Kerbulans menace Our Heroes, there is a character in each crew who can "see" the other side to some extent through the bad fanfiction stories they're writing. Narrative style, no word balloons, used to frame basic plot elements and to show what each side knows and is plotting with respect to the other. Songs--When ships in an otherwise grindy situation need a little "traveling music", I'll often make up a parody song and have the characters play it over the ship's sound system. This lets me add an entertaining dimension to what might otherwise be boring screenshots of a craft getting from point A to point B. Some favorites of mine include "Kerbin Bound" by Simon and Kerbfunkel, and a Johnny Cash cover that included the line, "I shot a kerb to Eeloo/Just to watch him fly." Interlude/Anything Goes--I do like to mix it up. Sometimes a scientist has a conversation with her instruments, which I render in the style of in-game science data reports. Or I'll show a page from an in-story publication; I can remember showing a corporate-style Annual Report brochure during the "Chairkerb Mort" period, and I used a newspaper's "standing obituary" file to establish Jeb's daredevil bona fides early on in Duna, Ore Bust! That's one of the great things about working in a visual medium, the style options one can use to get information to the reader are practically limitless.
  20. Woo hoo! And may you collect many, many more eyeballs in pages to come. Wait, that didn't come out right...
  21. People often ask just how big and laggy the Intrepid really is. Well, it's big enough that sometimes I sit down to play for an hour and all I manage to do is change the bridge crew shift. Like, today The above image is totally not canon, of course, because in-story the bridge is "pressurized" and kerbals cannot actually survive in space without EVA suits. But since the ejection force when leaving a command chair is roughly equivalent to what would happen if you mistook a stack decoupler for a seat cushion, I often find my bridge Kerbals have been thrown through several bulkheads and this is the easiest way to get them back aboard. Posting the image because it's funny, and to give a better idea of where the bridge is and what it looks like in relation to the rest of the ship. For crew not being thrown out of their seats into deep space, getting around on the Intrepid is rather easy thanks to the Transfer Crew function. While getting the away team set for a Val landing I put this together to explain it all: Sarge is in the forward port-side hab with Kenlie, as you saw in the last panel of the comic. Here are all the spaces he can transfer to. There are the crew spaces of all the docked craft, the other habs, and the "lounges" which are PBS cupolas forward of the hab pods. We haven't really done much with those yet, they're just spaces for crew to hang out and get a good view forward. We've seen LSOs at work in the two stock cupolas during landing and recovery operations. Note that the hangar LSO station is upside-down relative to ships coming in, but that doesn't matter because space. Lastly, the two "turbolifts" are Mk1 lander cans clipped into the walls of main engineering and the bridge. Both of those spaces are built into "pressurized" cargo bays, and the turbolifts provide an easy way to transfer from there to other parts of the ship.
  22. Thanks--it sounds like you've figured out Bob' Evil Plan, and if so then YOU are the brilliant one I figured that might 'alarm' some, but remember there are still a few moons left and Your Author is probably not about to bork what chance he had of a successful Jool-5 mission by throwing a bunch of krooton torpedoes around I would translate the title loosely as, "I came, I saw, I left" -- perhaps an appropriate motto for many a KSP mission Also a housekeeping note, I added links to the most recent Interlude and to Chapter 13 in the OP.
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