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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Thanks! It was not bad at all. The Air France crew decorated the jetway for Bastille Day, put on berets and handed out flags to the kids. One of the gate agents even got on the mic and sang "La Marseillaise" to entertain us while we were waiting to board, and of course we all joined in. it felt kind of like that great scene in Casablanca, except instead of singing over "Die Wacht am Rhein" we were competing with the boarding announcements for other flights. And here's a vacation photo I took especially for my friends on the Forum: 'Eve' and "Jool' over the rooftops of Paris! Sorry I couldn't stabilize the image any better than this--wine may have been involved.
  2. Back from vacay, posting comics, and hoping to earn that next bar... so so long, Vanilla, I'm going back to Pistachio!
  3. Love that hangar; had thought of building a similar structure for a Jool-5 "battlestar" style capital ship. That was before 1.0 though
  4. Thank you! And... I'm back! More once I have a chance to unpack etc. etc. Thanks everyone for hanging in there, for all the sticky rep and the good wishes. I had a great vacation and am glad to be back
  5. Great looking ships, a nice clean heavy lifter. Love the shots of it taken as if from observers on the ground. Laughed at the 'hors d'ouveurs'
  6. As I am overseas without access to my KSP save or PowerPoint files, I am checking out of the Green and into the White for the duration. Vive les BLANCS!
  7. Glad to find out about WBG. Seems the appropriate thing to do, since I'm overseas and can't post comics to earn rep right now
  8. Well I don't think there's a 'bad' time to get stickied--such an honor could finally get Walt out of his hazmat suit and into party clothes! Hopefully anyone who just discovered the comic will read through, subscribe, and then will get all the updates going forward. Regarding the proper spelling of Kerbfleet Air Service ranks, they are as follows: 2nd Looty (equiv. to Space Service Enzin) 1st Looty (equiv. to space Looty Jr.) Kaptin (equiv. to space Looty) Majer (equiv. Looty Comder) Looty Kernel (equiv. Comder) Kernel (equiv. space Kaptin) I hope that clears everything up.
  9. Stickied! Wow, what a great surprise to find when I finally got to a hotel that had wifi--it's a 'majer' honor of course, and I would celebrate with some more panels right now if I had a PC with me. For now we'll just have to imagine Walt's reaction to getting stickied and all the rep. Cheers!
  10. I made the username without too much thought, really: I think I wanted "Buzzter" and couldn't get that so I just added-K-to-every-word and there it was. Of course Kuzzter sounds a little bit like the name of a certain American cavalryman, so eventually I shopped this image together in my preferred artistic medium, Powerpoint: Not sure what the source is for the Kerbal, got the hat from a website selling re-enactor replicas.
  11. Yep, that's not nearly enough leg for that little clearance. I have never had good results with landing gear on Eve, I always use aircraft wheels which are very tough and do not compress much.
  12. I'm really, really into this topic but I don't have any atmospheric entries on the mission board for about 177 game-days and 21 real-days. If there was a box for it, I'd check, "Hope 1.0.5 comes out and brings everything back to near 1.0.2 levels for heating at interplanetary velocities, and if not I get to use any means necessary to make all the ships I launched in 1.0.2 survive because I call shenanigans on the GM." ETA: There being no "shenanigans on the GM" button, I picked "100% heat and toggle off when necessary"
  13. We're driving a couple hours to CDG on the 14th and flying out at night; may be able to catch some celebrations en route, and if we're very lucky maybe we'll be able to see fireworks over the city as we depart...I might have liked to stay an extra day and watch the parade but that won't work out unfortunately.
  14. Thanks Zentro! Had time for just a few more pages... ...yep, another no-fuel landing. Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you hanging; they're all fine and mining Ike, I just didn't get enough good screenshots yet to do the next page. Hopefully the landing bumps knocked the lift back into the port-side wing! And with that I bid you all au revoir, I'll be back home on the 15th and updates will likely continue later that week.
  15. Well the FOOL-1 is certainly no fool, great suvey and a nice wallpaper as well. I have got to get to Laythe one of these days. Have been playing a long time, but my crewed missions always go Mun/Minmus, then Duna, then Eve, then save-breaking update
  16. I heard that the breakup happened when the craft started to go supersonic, so looks like they failed to re-optimize for the new aero model in 1.0.4.
  17. Congrats on the 3rd bar, Mad one-- I am halfway there, must do MOAR COMIC xD
  18. ^very comprehensive--you might consider copying over to Tutorials.
  19. She's had a rough couple of pages, I'd cut her some slack - - - Updated - - - Ike, of course, for yet MORE ore! Then the Eve book, which will start appearing in a new thread once Hummlebee is on its way back to Kerbin.
  20. Good points on scale--people often forget that. Oh, and I'm not going where they make the beer; I'm going where they make the wine--Rouen, Honfleur, a week in Paris, then finishing up along the Loire. - - - Updated - - - Indeed, I have a whole re-entry and landing sequence in my head that would be ruined with a less interesting pickup. We will be using the rudder, ailerons, elevators, and everything else to get back to KSC! Two more pages this morning--the 100th and 101st since we began this adventure together
  21. I certainly don't know the whole score, but I've heard what's killing ships is that there is a certain Reynolds number equivalent at which airflow goes from laminar flow to turbulent, and that once you cross that boundary--well, boom. So, if by the time I return from vacation (hint: it's a place where tout le monde parlent comme Clauselle...) the model has not been fixed, I will try to restore order by upping the turbulent heat transfer threshold beyond practical entry velocities.
  22. Thank you! It can be a real challenge sometimes. For example Val is always smiling even when I need her to be furious, like right now. - - - Updated - - - Oh my, yes. That altitude really was 6m measured from amidships, so the wingtip had to be within two. If I'd been standing on that hill it would've scalped me. Never read KSR, so any reference unintentional. - - - Updated - - - Thank you! I may get some more in before we go, but in any case yes of course this will continue. I have big plans! - - - Updated - - - I'm hoping another 'disturbance' fixes things before that comes up. If not, Bill may be editing some config files. - - - Updated - - - Thanks! I think you will see 2-4 more pages before I leave. I thought I would finish the book but 1.0.4 set me back a bit. Stay tuned, and thanks everyone for reading!
  23. I knew you could do it! And a version thing you brought enough fuel to not need aerocapture. Well now what, 'n00b'?
  24. That's ridiculous--I may have to nerf turbulence in my save, there should always be a window in which a reasonably designed craft can slow down by a few km/s and not explode.
  25. Ohhhh yes. And here I was thinking, "everything's gotten so routine, how can I keep the comic interesting?" I'm really not sure. Actually this is not a 1.0.3/4 thing, it happened once before in 1.0.2 when I switched the save between computers. I reverted that one and it fixed itself when I switched back so I kept it out of the comic. But seeing as we just had the scene where Bill noticed the 'disturbance', I thought I'd let it play out this time. I suppose this would be a bad time to announce that I'm going on vacation for the next two weeks? Never have I appreciated your .sig so much Starhawk! All right, I don't actually leave until Tuesday, so here's the next two pages.
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