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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Excellent work! The story is moving along nicely; the more you reveal, the more I want to know. AND, almost casually, you have a land/sea rover that looks capable of a full Elcano Challenge just for funsies. Well done!
  2. Yes, quite so! I usually put a horizontal stabilizer on my planes, mounted to a tail above the centerline, and I reverse-deploy the elevons on the tail relative to those on the wing, to get all the drag without changing COL too much.
  3. Bill's not here right now to check the persistence, but I can certainly take a look. Hang on... Yeah, that's not good. Hurry up, Bill!
  4. Yep. I realized in the midst of this that @Parkaboy can now make practically anything Official Kerbfleet Canon(tm), just by putting it in a red word balloon--talk about "long term" damage! Now I'll have to write an entire movie musical, "The Enigmatic Engineer of Kuz" or something like that, just to put that line in context: "Somewheeeeere, ooover the orbiting-ring-of-spent-boosters--wayyyyy up hiiiiigh..."
  5. Awesome sled! I especially love that you're using closed landing gear, upside-down. Ironic re-purposing FTW!
  6. Yeah, it's wonky. Sometimes you have to delete the ampersand and start over again if it doesn't 'take' the first time. It works best on my setup if I type @ and the first letter of who I'm calling, then wait a bit. For example the @m I typed just now didn't bring up any dropdown list, so I waited a few seconds and then... @Majorjim finally worked
  7. Yeah, I'm out again as well! Looks like we both only had enough replikes in the bag for one thread's worth of awesome comments, not two. I think they become available again on a rolling basis, as previous replikes pass the 24hr mark 'expire'--I was able to give just one more late last night, and a few more this morning, before again not being able to give more.
  8. NONE needed, none at all! I love who I am, and I don't even mind who I was, and it's perfectly OK to bring up. Just taking the deeeeeeeep meaning stuff off the thread so we can talk about firetrucks and blowing up all Parkaboy's expensive equipment.
  9. Exactly my problem with it. As to the other question the complete answer is best expressed in a PM. On the thread, I'll just say that I think at this point I've 'grown out of it', and do not currently tend to exhibit behaviors one would associate with autism spectrum.
  10. I just ignore the Kerman last name, just like I ignore possibilities of Kerbal reproduction, n-body physics, and all the other inconveniently-unrealistic-aka-Kerbal omissions from the stock game 'storyline'. Working within the boundaries of those omissions in my storytelling is sort of like working around the limitations of stock parts--I know i can mod it to make it more realistic, but I prefer the challenge of playing within those limits Operationally, I treat the first name as the last name when I need to do so, which I suppose works in Kerbal society since every first name is unique. Thus it's "Captin Valentina", "Mister Dilsby", etc. The one Kerbfleet officer who will never be addressed as 'mister' is Bill (who, speaking of which, seems to be missing at the moment...) because I'm old enough to have seen Saturday Night Live in the 70s and 80s.
  11. Seems fair: his Jeb tells an impressionable junior looty how little Kerbals get made (and how they don't), my Bill causes extensive property damage.
  12. I had to look that up, I don't watch Big Bang Theory. As a technical person with a touch of Asperger's myself, I just can't stand that show--it's like they're trying to put me on screen but they fail, fail, fail. I don't imagine a lot of actual medical examiners watch NCIS, either. You're just a barrel of laughs as always. Are you available for childrens' parties? Hey, I'm not @Parkaboy--I have very limited graphical abilities. Speaking of which, has anyone seen my Bill?
  13. I just don't want everyone getting bent out of shape if this ends with Melbe waking up in bed next to Bob Newhart.
  14. Well to be fair, you predict pretty much EVERY possibility when you're wearing that special metallic chapeau of yours, so it stands to reason you're right some of the time Aha, so it was YOU! But seriously, I have indeed had problems in the past with Micarooni starting to wobble, or even suddenly accelerate out of orbit. Always fixed with F9, of course (it's an unwritten General Order that all ships quicksave before entering its physics boundary) and much more stable since 1.0.4. Thanks, MRS, you're doing double duty here and it's appreciated (though i seem to have run short of replikes today!) Note that the orange "Everybody OUT!" balloon is meant to be Gus, and the one about the markers is of course Marker Guy. The other two are admin/mission control randos Excellent point! Besides letting me play with @Parkaboy's excellent Jeb character, this is giving me all sorts of story possibilities for the future. Kenlie Kerman goes from tongue-tied bumbler to 'interdimensional kerb of mystery'? It could happen! unlessitsalladreamwhichIsaiditisntbutheymaybeitis High praise, thank you very much! All I can say is that it's going to get even awesomer in the Kappa thread I really have no idea how (or if!) my Bill is going to solve this problem over in the Kappaverse. Then again, I usually don't know how they're going to get out of the disasters I create for them even when it's me doing the writing!
  15. Really great stuff here, @Sanic, love those last two updates but unfortunately have run out of replikes for the day. Something about those Kaikonur launches... it just looks so much cooler for the rocket to boost out of a bowl in the mountains.
  16. Exactly! Who knows how many more Jebs will show up in the Kerbfleet-verse? This tale is "far, far from over" I know, poor Kenlie! Space Madness would have been a kinder fate--after this conversation with Kappa-Jeb and another bottle or two of koffee pills, he could end up writing kerbulan slashfic! Ohhh, that's GOOD! I wish I'd thought of that. A rare case (for me) of an un-intended pun! Could go either way, it's out of my hands now! And however much you guys are looking forward to seeing the next part, I am even MORE so
  17. One Jeb! Two Jebs! Could we go for three? AAAAAHHHH!!! Uh oh, looks like Bill's in a 'dicey' situation--good thing he was already in his EVA suit! Next stop -- the Kappaverse!
  18. Wow. Kraken forbid my poor starry-eyed kerbs ever cross over to your world--they'll never be able to resist its soul-draining temptations!
  19. Outstanding work! I guess I'd call it a model? Reminds me of the tabletop steam engines you used to be able to order from the backs of comic books
  20. Not necessarily! The thing Jeb is flying wouldn't be such a great Jooldipper, what with the airbreathing engines He's just testing wing shapes at high mach... OK I just needed an excuse to get him in the air. As much as I'd love to keep him, that would be a terrible idea for a lot of reasons... stay tuned Eyelid? But seriously, thank you. It's a lot of fun writing for two Jebs, and @Parkaboy made a great one for Plan Kappa.
  21. Ahh, what could possibly go wrong? Let's find out! As @Parkaboy said when I showed him the draft pages, "It doesn't matter where he comes from, Jeb is impossible to faze!"
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