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Mister Dilsby

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Everything posted by Mister Dilsby

  1. Very impressed. I wanted to try doing that as the first stage of an Eve lifter back in 0.90, literally never got off the ground. Oh yes. I remember using Whack-A-Kerbal to unnecessarily destroy a perfectly good space station (in a quickly reverted special-purpose quicksave, of course) just to get the crew's horrified reaction shots in response to something happening down on the surface.
  2. Yeah, very disappointed in you Jim. Good thing there was, you know, an actual space launch today or people would be going nuts. /s SRSY, looking forward to the boom boom. And wondering when, how, and if you're going to be able to follow up on this story which is "far, far from over."
  3. Hmm. Where, in the Plan Kappa universe, would Looty Comder Bill Kerman go to find "himself"?
  4. Good one, Blue. Now the crew is living up to the name on the tin--grappling those space potatoes! Sometimes a story works extremely well presenting the mechanics of something like that--people can read it to be entertained by the characters wrestling with all the challenges of intercepting, running out of fuel, etc, and they can also get insights for their own gameplay. Now, this mysterious invisible menace? Could be anything! Hope wrangling asteroids is good practice for whatever lies ahead.
  5. Well, I liked Jim's post above because he took the time to think about something and respond to it, and because I agree with him I also tend to like posts that help me, or look helpful to others, or are entertaining, or sometimes just to acknowledge a post in lieu of responding with a comment. As a fiction writer who has accumulated... a fair amount of likes and reps, I'll echo Jim's comment: "I know i must be doing something right". Reputation is a direct way for me to measure how good a particular set of comic pages is, along with readers' posted comments. If I post something and it gets 20+ likes and two pages of comments, I know I'm doing my job right. If I post pages and all I hear are the equivalent of crickets in a vacuum...then I know I need to work harder. One thing that I think is missing from both the old reputation comment system and the current 'replike' system is a count of how much a user has given in addition to how much they've received. Users who take the time to show their support for content are as important for a good & positive forum experience as the content creators themselves.
  6. Hey, looks like you get my 2000th post! So, why the steep launch? Those mountains next to your Kosmodrome aren't that high Wondering if it's a stability issue--I've had rockets that were so flippy (for example, launching a Kranefly or an Evestation) that I had to go nearly straight up, then turn once I was out of the thick air. But your Stayputnik launchers look much sleeker than those monsters. Are you able to throttle back and get more of a classic ascent profile?
  7. What in space is that thing--some kind of Kerbalized Voltron lion?
  8. Well done! In situations like this sometimes you need to work with persistence.sfs, and sometimes you just need to work with persistence.
  9. Thanks! And watch out--now you know they're in all YOUR S.A.V.E.s too! Yeah, it's nuts. I actually got it aboveground by reducing the display detail. I didn't mean to do so on Kerbin--that was a consequence of trying to get the one on the Mun somwhere visible. So it was one of those fortuitous things--I had to explain why the monolith suddenly got huge, hence Jeb angering it by asking about the V1.1 release date Plan Kappa's has been doomed from the start, as far as I know--now this crossover is getting mine as well, and i only have ninety days! Why, oh why did I agree to this weakening of the barrier between our worlds? Cool! I wonder why they swapped the height map too, though. I guess some people really really want to splash down in an Australia-shaped inland sea?
  10. Wish I knew. If I get that text in the shot, I usually just try to cover it with a speech balloon, or if it's sky just put a similarly colored rectangle over it and hope no one notices
  11. You can post funny pictures, I do it all the time (or I try to ) You're just not supposed to post " Messages that only contain images in response to a certain subject dependent to the context of the thread". (2.3c) Srsly, am I the only one who reads the Guidelines? For the sake of our wise and dedicated mods, I hope not!
  12. Deleting Kerbulus sure would solve a lot of problems for Our Heroes, wouldn't it? But no. That's Kerbin. Whatever continent that is, the city lights would be flipped the other way (or turned off entirely) if it was the other one.
  13. Funny you should mention that... Ahhh! How many Kerbals can we fit on the [REDACTED]? Which we can't finish without Bill! BILL! BIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!!
  14. I can tell you Kerbfleet will definitely have some effects when this is over--I've just been having so much fun with some elements of the Kappaverse that I might not be able to let go of them! Hope you liked them all--or am I in for a Kraken attack because I ruined your week? Thanks! Yeah, that Jeb--just when I think he's about 1 millimeter deep, he always finds a way to surprise me
  15. Yeah, me too. That particular Bill Kerman isn't really into self-discovery, but he can make a good pun...
  16. We're already near peak ridiculous with the two, I think--I'd probably lose what's left of my mind trying to do it three ways
  17. Clearly that PS4 controller is going to a problem. No one ever tips their lander using a keyboard and mouse, amirite?
  18. We do. When it's all over we'll assemble a complete Imgur album including all pages from both threads in proper sequence. The link to that album will be posted in the usual places where we both post complete chapter albums
  19. And we're back on this thread! Hope no one gets whiplash... Dun dun DUUUUUUN! In other news, I've added Order Nine and a couple of tropes to the canon thread
  20. Well, that explains how he got to the moon then.
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