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Everything posted by ItsUrsus

  1. I have a problem concerning the DOS/Mir/Zvezda type module. There is no IVA Is there a fix ?? I would love to know ANYBODY ????????????
  2. Very good mod but I wonder what is the probe in this image? Like what is the satellite on the S4 kick stage?
  3. can anybody put a download link for CountryDoggo's Random KK Bits ?
  4. I download the Heavenly airport and install it as you say but when I open the game the airport doesn't show up
  5. Not talking about airports but I am currently working on the SLC-37 launch site near the KSC using the KSCExtended mod I'll include a photo when I finish and if possible, I'll link the launchpad in a post with the image of the launchpad can you put the location as a red dot on the kerbin map?
  6. 1) I have downloaded all 3 .rar bundles now how do i install them? 2) Is the "Charts!" a separate mod or does it come with the KSR Airports?
  7. 1) what's it for? 2) and is there a fix for the IVA of the Centauri Capsule?
  8. I would love to see this mod get more updated
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kTqI8vQwrE-jTOUSntB1SdJhqYzHCzYW/view?usp=sharing This photo is to show my dual satellites. It's based on the ASBM Mission launched two days ago on August 12th on a Falcon 9 Block 5. The AG 10 on the 0 key deploys the Solar Panels, anntennas, and the science palette. I recommend anybody who downloads my craft ( this one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hVLmFw-My6ZLAkCrmCAetyASiQ1FB5Kd/view?usp=sharing) the Tundra Exploration Mod https://spacedock.info/mod/223/Tundra Exploration - Stockalike Dragon V2 and Falcon 9 by damon, load the Ghidorah 9 - Fairing and place it inside the fairing on the payload adapter. Hope you guys enjoy. The double satellite is inside the fairing https://drive.google.com/file/d/13NAzxmm6eumkwHJ7GS_lP69jqt9czsO5/view?usp=sharing
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