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Everything posted by arbsoup

  1. Restock is such a wonderful mod for making all the parts look so much more coherent together.
  2. Not quite - MPE's Crokslev is based on 10199 Chariklo. (Though they're both large, ringed centaurs, so I'm not sure how significant the difference is.)
  3. The arcjet fills a niche I didn't have many options for, and it looks great. Though I might patch those electrodes to last longer so these stay competitive with small liquid engines in my 10x install. Small note: the Gumdrop's mounts are listed as "0.625m" and "Compact" when the first should probably be 1.25m.
  4. - A few other objects were low-res, Hafnia was just the worst by far. - Kortens and Lui turned bright white on approach (also probably Parallax-related - might be from the different file paths for textures in those files). Anton's fine, I think. - I had also noticed theogameren's problem with Dres' PQS having a different color than its Scaled version.
  5. On my machine it is still not loading with Parallax. I fixed this by replacing the three mentions of Parallax:NEEDS[Parallax] with @Parallax:NEEDS[Parallax] in Kortens/Anton/Lui.cfg. I'm ignoring other issues since my setup is quite unique and I have no plans to keep this pack (I'm here for the outer planets ) but I am curious since one low-res problem got to me: what does your game look like on the surface of Hafnia?
  6. Here's a possible lead. [LOG 11:48:47.585] [OD] ---> Map OPX-InnerWorlds/Textures/PluginData/Selbig_Height.dds enabling self. Path = OPX-InnerWorlds/Textures/PluginData/Selbig_Height.dds [EXC 11:48:47.591] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object NiakoKerbalMods.NiakoKopernicus.PQSMod_VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap.PrecalculateConstants () (at <8fd19c227b3548b5bbf0ad5ebecd0b4a>:0) The same NRE, on the same VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap.PrecalculateConstants() function, shows up after each time you try to click on a space center building. One of Selbig's VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap nodes references a map that doesn't exist, OPX-InnerWorlds/Textures/PluginData/Loushine_SurfNoise.dds. As a quick patch, try removing that node from your Selbig's cfg file and see if that works.
  7. Which version of Kcalbeloh are these logs using? Looks to me like the Sun is getting its radius and mass set to the values that Kcalbeloh's RealisticStarSize patch gives it, and then not rescaled afterwards. Kcalbeloh objects aren't getting rescaled either though, which is odd.
  8. Planet packs need to add Parallax support themselves. It's mostly a matter of writing configs, and then creating new textures if they want anything specific from the appearance of scatters or terrain. Alpharia's Spacedock page suggests that it's at least partially compatible, but it hasn't been updated in years so I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work. Parallax won't do anything to planets that don't have configs, so they'll just look like normal.
  9. It affects everyone with MKS' Explorer skill, which should include pilots. If it's not affecting pilots, that's a problem — let me know what your steps were and I'll see if I can replicate them.
  10. In the life support settings menu accessible from the space center screen, set "Scout Hab Time" equal to "Perma-Hab Time". Or set those two to whatever else you want. They have units of seconds.
  11. One way you could do it is to do what a few interstellar packs do — redefine the central Sun object as some black hole far away, then have the current Sun "Kerbol" orbit around it. That way it's possible to leave Kerbol's SOI at a distance the modmaker can decide, and enter a formal kind of "interstellar space", the SpaceHigh around that black hole.
  12. During/after every play session, the game saves a file called KSP.log to the main directory (where GameData, Saves, Screenshots, and all the other main ones are). Play the game, encounter the bug, and then save that KSP.log file when you're done. The file's pretty big, so you shouldn't try to paste the whole text; you'll have to upload it to Google Drive to post it here, or use the "Attach files" option when submitting it to Github.
  13. Thanks! Ryla looks a lot better now. I'll figure out something on my end for Phabus and then this might be good enough to plug into the main savefile finally. Of the set, Sarnus/Urlum/NeidonPlus are the ones I'm definitely most interested in; those might be the ones I end up using, with the various moon revamps probably taken out for a while since Outer Parallax already has nice configs for those.
  14. Kcalbeloh's scale configs are just some SigmaDimensions config files in the KcalbelohSystem/OtherFeatures/Rescale directory; typing 2.5 or 10 in the main settings .cfg is just a shortcut to "activate" one of those. For example, the lines in 10x.cfg that look like @Kopernicus:HAS[@KcalbelohSystemSettings:HAS[#Rescale[10]]]:BEFORE[SigDim2]:NEEDS[SigDim] only apply the configs below them if the "Rescale" parameter is set to 10. To get a 5x scale system you will need to write your own SigmaDimensions config based on the two provided. One way to do this might be to copy the 2.5x or 10x configs, change the relevant SigmaDimensions scaling values like Resize and Rescale and so on, and remove the :HAS[] blocks entirely from the various @Kopernicus commands so they're applied no matter what. (Kcalbeloh's config files also modify the stock system except in a few special cases, so if you're doing this from scratch you might want to make sure you don't have any other SigmaDimensions config files changing those. That's a recipe for double-scaled-up planets!)
  15. SpaceDust parts with ModuleSpaceDustHarvester will harvest all available resources that you have storage for simultaneously. If you want to write a config for a harvester to scoop only one resource, the MODULE{} definition for ModuleSpaceDustHarvester includes a series of HARVESTED_RESOURCE{} sections; each defines one possible scooping option, its minimum concentration for harvesting, and its efficiency. So you'd just need one such section when modding in a single-resource scoop.
  16. Huh. See, that 30m picture still looks pretty blurry, but if it's intentional, it's intentional. That's alright; if the problem's mine, then I won't waste your time. I'll figure things out on my own if I have to; if it goes really well I might end up with Parallax configs to share.
  17. Well, that's that, I suppose. Installed about as few mods as I needed for the test and still had the issues. Guess I'll either figure some Parallax patch out on my main install or just leave this out altogether. Damn, sorry about that.
  18. One difference is that Vizak, Ryla, and Phabus all define materialType and a Material{} node in their PQS, whereas Hypo, Masmar, and Encethys do not. Removing these for Phabus "fixed" this issue — though the terrain texture there is probably not quite what was intended, and it made the PQS-to-Scaled transition even more jarring since it now also changes color quite drastically. Another option would be to change materialType away from Vacuum. I ripped a page out of OPM and subbed in Hale's AtmosphericExtra Material definition with some CTTP texture swaps (does BUILTIN/RockyGround have a separate normal map? I think I'd need one if I wanted to keep your choice of textures...), and it worked sort-of alright: https://ibb.co/TKwKzfk With powerFar = 0.2 and groundTexEnd/steepTexEnd = 1000: https://ibb.co/SfjGrCC Though the color change is still a little jarring, and even increasing PQS fadeStart/fadeEnd didn't fix the abrupt transition. Not sure what a good next step would be, but I think this demonstrates that if there's a problem it's in the Material{} definition. EDIT: As a complete bypass to the system, there's also Parallax, though that runs into problems with the pixelation of the terrain color and height definitions, I think. Coming up with a good-looking and not-laggy Parallax config will be quite an exercise and I'm not sure I'm ready to take it on. https://ibb.co/FwDBwR7 Imgur isn't accepting my files for whatever reason. I don't like it much anyway.
  19. Phabus looks like that from a modest distance for me too, but if you land a vessel on the surface and zoom in on it, do you still see gravel/rocky terrain, or does it get blurred out? I do for bodies like Masmar and all the others, but not for these three. Ryla: https://ibb.co/899zmqg Vizak: https://ibb.co/SKHCz00 compare vs. Encethys: https://ibb.co/N2rYy9Y Masmar (): https://ibb.co/s20L525
  20. Hm. This one might be more illustrative: https://ibb.co/Vg1HwVL There's clearly some PQS texture loading, but unlike on other bodies (Masmar is beautiful!) it doesn't go down to small scales, so it's just very blurry. This is the same thing that's happening on Ryla and Vizak for me; they have PQS textures of some sort, but it just doesn't go to a precise enough resolution. I left those alone because you said it was intentional, but now I'm not as sure.
  21. Identical results, just scaled down since this one doesn't have SigmaDimensions of course. Phabus switches from PQS to Scaled instantly, without any fade, and there is no texture on the surface. https://ibb.co/Sf9Nmrs https://ibb.co/HpTBDXB https://ibb.co/LkzRXWk The testing install had: Kopernicus release 211 (main install was on 208) and its dependency ModularFlightIntegrator OPM (newest release) and its dependency CTTP OPX-SarnusPlus v0.3.0-alpha, as downloaded off the github, and its dependency 000_NiakoUtils KSPCommunityFixes 000_Harmony I do not imagine those last two affect terrain loading. I can upload logs but I don't imagine they would be helpful; searching hasn't shown any errors or warnings (apart from an unrelated ModuleManager warning in OPX-SarnusPlus/KopernicusConfigs/MMB.cfg; removing the brackets after FINAL fixed that).
  22. Got it. I'll be back soonish with reports if I can get anything. (Otherwise I'll call it my install's fault and move along.)
  23. Phabus looks like this up close on my main install: https://ibb.co/N7LwTth Zoomed out, the PQS looks like so: https://ibb.co/mqBy7mb and then after a very slight zoom out abruptly switches to: https://ibb.co/YjSn7NZ with no blur/blending effect in between like all other bodies have. I'm mostly asking to see if this is already known, because if it isn't I will set this up on a testing install and see if any of my other mods aren't causing it. (Though I've taken most other planet packs just fine, which is odd. Ah well.) As currently expressed in Hargaladh's config, the object must have a KSP-space density of 4000 g/cm^3, or 400g/cm^3 if scaled up by 10x (like with a "real scale" SigmaDimensions config), still ~20 times as dense as osmium. There's clearly something in the material composition...
  24. Looks good! All playable, which is a relief. Ryla, Vizak, and Phabus still have no high-res PQS up close for me, and Phabus in particular switches abruptly/jarringly from PQS to Scaled when zooming. Any chance these have been replicated on your end, or might I have to boot up a test install to see if I can find more details? --- Oh goodness. Is Hargaladh [wait OP asked me to remove this?] That... kind of complicates resources, doesn't it... I've taken down my PR because I admit it was a little silly to just guess at compositions before stuff was finalized.
  25. Well, that might complicate things for my en-route Sarnus probe a little... (It's a neat change, I do like the idea.) Looking forward to the updates overall. Suppose it will be quite some time before I have enough info (especially surface sample sciencedefs) to do more RationalResources PRs. Let me know whether you even want me submitting those; the Neidon one hasn't been touched and that makes enough sense given how low-priority all this stuff is (and, presumably, your own knowledge of body compositions and so on).
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