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Everything posted by arbsoup

  1. Quick heads-up: the AsteroidSize.cfg probably should not be loaded if the install also contains UmbraSpaceIndustries/ART, which applies another multiplicative density and size change. Might want to bake this into the loading, or else warn users.
  2. SMURFF goes through, looks at every engine, capsule, and fuel tank installed, and applies a multiplicative change to their masses (and thrusts, for engines) to rebalance fuel-mass fractions across the board. It applies to everything and is tweakable for stronger/weaker performance, but it's a bit of a scattershot approach that might fail on parts that have already been configured for bigger systems. RSS Adapter uses CryoTanks to specifically create new parameters for individual stock engines (plus any others supported) with new fuel types, and increases the amount of burn time you get from each fuel tank by increasing fuel density. It's more of a point-by-point change for engines, which is more reliable but doesn't generalize as well. I think it's mostly taste to use one or the other: the former is more universal and stockalike, the latter looks a bit more polished.
  3. It'll depend on how you're doing the other rescale. If you specifically have JNSQ installed, Kcalbeloh's 2.5x rescale config only applies to its own planets (same for RSS and 10x); otherwise it has rescale configs for everything and you will have to remove either its own configs or whatever SigmaDimensions setup you were using to rescale the system beforehand.
  4. This is what happens when you try to click on the VAB: At first glance this looks like FAR's fault, but it's known to carry these exceptions forward when something else breaks, so I searched for exceptions of that type. I think this might be the source: [LOG 00:46:56.310] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs: SSTUTools GameData\SSTU\Plugins\SSTUTools.dll Try removing the SSTU folder from GameData altogether, and then see if you can get into the space center buildings. SSTU is a really old mod, so I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work in the constantly-changing RO environment. If you want more help, you should post an issue on the RealismOverhaul Github or ask in their Discord.
  5. That would mean having to maintain both sets for any visual bugs that come up, so I can see why it wouldn't be done. Ideal, sure, but maybe not optimal.
  6. I'm in the probably-very-small group that would rather this not be a priority (over e.g. balancing, new parts, optimization), since I'm both (1) too concerned about performance on low-end machines with what seems to be this new preferred TUFX+Deferred+Resurfaced landscape I haven't touched, and (2) using a wide variety of parts packs that already look different enough in art style and am worried that introducing multiple entire rendering schemes will make mismatched craft look even worse. But I admit I don't really know anything about how rendering in this game works. If there's good reasons to believe that there's actually little to no performance hit, and that only partially-updated craft won't be, say, reflecting light in totally different ways, then this is pretty cool and I'd support it.
  7. If you're referring to the last two of the three links on the main post ("Trans-Neidon" and "OPM-Reconfig"), you can run those alongside the Stockalike and Basic Asteroids configs already in the mod; just make sure you remove Trans-Jool since that conflicts with OPM.
  8. This probably isn't the best place to ask; the RO Discord is likely best, followed by the Technical Support forum. But I've had a similar issue happen to me before on my own (non-RO) install, so I might be able to do something. Launch the game, go to the space center, click on the VAB a bunch, and then close the game. Then upload your KSP.log to a Google Drive or other file-sharing service, and then post the link here. (I don't think anyone has any chance of helping you without it.)
  9. It looks like (from the Github, at least) all of the BDB parts begin their names with "bluedog-". So you can run findstr /s "bluedog-*" *.craft in your saves folder, and that'll give you a list of all the BDB parts in all of your craft files at once.
  10. In before twenty billion people mention Near Future Exploration for probe cores and Near Future Solar for solar panels. I would also recommend PicoPort if you're doing any docking with super tiny probes and Supplementary Electric Engines for a couple of low-thrust engine options that are better for little unmanned things. I personally also use Procedural Parts extensively for tiny fuel tanks and batteries (especially to make them triangle- or cube-shaped to match the probe aesthetic), though that one is a bit more contentious since it also means you can get rid of almost all of the stock fuel tanks and adapters (I view this as a plus, but, y'know, varying tastes). One thing I'm missing is a surface-mount probe core. I wrote my own config for one, copying the stock QBE core and making it surface-mountable, but a proper mod would be neat.
  11. If you're on Windows, you can open up a Command Prompt in your saves folder and type findstr /s "PartName" *.craft where PartName (put the quotes around it) is whatever a part is called in the name section of its config file. That'll look through all of the craft files in all of your saves and tell you if the part appears in any of them. Repeat for *.sfs instead of *.craft if you want to find them in active vessels. If you have a list of part names, you can then queue up a series of commands to search for one at a time. Parts from the same mod often begin their names the same way, too, so for example if you want to find FFT parts you can type "fft-*" to catch all of them.
  12. I believe MechJeb is recommended for doing burns in Principia. Other than that I don't think you need need anything if you're crazy enough — RSS interplanetary on stock parts is 100% possible — but SMURFF makes it all a lot cleaner. (I play on 10x Kerbin with the SMURFF dials set to 0.5; bringing them up to 1 might be overkill, but if you don't have large-parts mods or ProceduralParts or anything, then maxing out SMURFF might help keep your lifters to a manageable size.)
  13. 2 is definitely intentional, it's under OPX-SarnusPlus/KopernicusConfigs/MMB.cfg. You can edit or delete that file if you want a different body on the main menu.
  14. Two questions that should probably go on some sort of FAQ: - Performance impact? Is this harder on GPU or RAM than stock aerodynamics? - What happens if you are on an unconfigured planet?
  15. Seconding the request for capsule mods. Having all-purpose, heat-resistant 3.75m and 5m capsules (plus associated extra-large parachutes) for large crews and/or endurance missions would be really nice.
  16. TAC is the only one that both are definitely compatible with right out of the box, like if you just pop them in from CKAN. Kerbalism supports SSPX directly, but I don't see anything in the repo for Planetside stuff. There is this collection of patches by Wallum but I have not ensured they work. SSPX supports USI-LS. I found this link to a Planetside patch but also haven't checked it. As the creator of a fork modifying USI-LS's habitat mechanics, I can tell you that it is all kind of wonky, and from what I hear, once people start trying Kerbalism they rarely want to switch to anything else. I think it's probably worth giving Kerbalism a shot.
  17. Wait, sorry, are you sure you don't want Extraplanetary Launchpads? That's a mod that has you collect resources from asteroids or planets, then select ships that you've built from the VAB and have them launched from specialized docking-port-style parts on your base. I might be confused, but that seems like exactly what you want: you can mine stuff, build rocket parts, and then spend those rocket parts to have new ships appear where you want them.
  18. Updated my PR. (Honestly probably all of these tiny changes need to be rebased, but I'll let Nertea handle that if/how he wants.) Thruster EC consumption naturally displays correctly now (it was correct in flight anyway). Feel free to double-check me by trying these changes yourself. There's no balance tweaks, just editor stuff.
  19. There seems to be at least some progress towards a reentry FX mod. Caves are simply not possible in the game's PQS terrain system. I don't know how possible it is to change part textures dynamically based on what conditions the part has been exposed to — I've never seen any mod do texture changes more than swapping between part skins or having lights change with resource levels or the like. Custom color controls for every single part that track their heating levels would be a very, very tall order.
  20. With the "Power Level" setting maxed out, the KP-01 takes 400 EC/s — this can be provided with two Garnet reactors, each with four XR-175 radiators from HeatControl to cool them, plus a few low-temperature radiators for the engine itself. The total mass of that system is about 3 tons. If I then add about 3 tons of argon tanks and 3 tons of payload (total 9 tons), I get ~16 km/s delta-V with a TWR of 0.16-0.22 and a total burn time of ~2.5 hours. That is, the PIT basically takes a similar role to an ion engine — long burn time but extremely efficient for interplanetary maneuvers. (For comparison, with 3t fuel, 3t payload, and significantly less nuclear reactor mass, the AFTER ion engine is giving me about 23 km/s with a TWR of 0.03-0.05 and a 17hr burn time. So there's a clear tradeoff between efficiency and thrust with these two options.) Some of this might be my own config setup, but let me know if you're getting wildly different results. I definitely think the PIT is meant to be mostly between ion engines and nuclear engines in terms of efficiency vs. thrust.
  21. So you can mod a booster that shrinks as it fires. Ah, it uses the servo mechanics, I see. That's really interesting! If I could do any of the graphics stuff, I'd want to make that "nuclear fizzer" SRB out of this...
  22. Might be related to this part of the exoscoop's config: HARVESTED_RESOURCE { Name = Antimatter MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001 BaseEfficiency = 0.01 } The MinHarvestValue, the density required for the scoop to get anything, is 1E-20. Below it it simply won't function. One option might be to try adding about fifteen more zeroes after the decimal point, to bring that down below 1E-30, and see if it works. I wouldn't expect it to be useful in practice. 3E-30 t/m^3 is about right given Jool's antimatter belt definition: RESOURCEBAND { name = joolExo title = #LOC_SpaceDust_Band_LowBelt // Maximum and minimum abundances (variation is by game seed) // In t/m^3 minAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000061 maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000421 Very roughly speaking, the whole belt contains probably less than a gram of antimatter. This is probably realistic but unfortunately impractical for collection with a little scoop; it'd take thousands of years, if not millions, to get one unit.
  23. Restock is such a wonderful mod for making all the parts look so much more coherent together.
  24. Not quite - MPE's Crokslev is based on 10199 Chariklo. (Though they're both large, ringed centaurs, so I'm not sure how significant the difference is.)
  25. The arcjet fills a niche I didn't have many options for, and it looks great. Though I might patch those electrodes to last longer so these stay competitive with small liquid engines in my 10x install. Small note: the Gumdrop's mounts are listed as "0.625m" and "Compact" when the first should probably be 1.25m.
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