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Mr. Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mr. Kerbin

  1. Not saying that someone is cheating is cheating.
  2. I’m not on the train, but it looks like the engine exploded, then everyone got sad/mad that it exploded and attacked the remains, and what would have been more hype fuel became more anger fuel for more attacks, and finally everyone is just sitting at a fading campfire. Vanamonde called it before it began. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/190159-is-ksp2-dying/
  3. Potato aliens communication arrays are enabling a fair, friendly, caring, gentle conversation, and respectable discourse divested from raucous, rowdy, and bawdy pirates, who
  4. Like me asking people for help for my planet mod (BTW, how to link to stuff from forum?) People like Sushut,Poodmund,JoshTheKerbal, etc.
  5. As neutronium is hypothetical, and therefore its properties are unknown, and may not exist, @tryharder wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  6. KSP 2 is dead. But it’s just a game out of hundreds.
  7. Is it okay to tag people to things because you know they have experience, and you need help?
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