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Everything posted by MusicByVano

  1. Is it possible to have a flat version of the skybox? It really looks cool but I don't like it's angle
  2. That would be nice, you talked with linuxgurugamer about that as I see.
  3. This is my music pack I made by myself to enjoy KSP. Hope you like it. Required mod is Soundtrack Editor Forked by @linuxgurugamer and it's dependencies. PREVIEW: How to install: Install Soundtrack Editor Forked manually. Open KSP so it will automatically create playlist in main directory. Go to Music folder, put my soundtracks into Space or Construction folder based on which folder they were in ZIP. Go to Playlists folder and add each of my tracks in the Playlists.cfg for example: track = Martian Adventure Enjoy! All tracks were made by me, in future updates there will be more of them. DOWNLOAD [Spacedock] [Google Drive] LICENSE: This soundtrack is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 BY-SA. Commercial use is permitted but with attribution. CHANGELOG: TODO LIST: More tracks! Custom playlist file. Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack support. Tracks based on events such as reentry or craft destroying. (In future, when tracklist will be fully developed, some of the tracks can be removed if they wont fit the style anymore)
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