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Everything posted by Kevin_kerman

  1. 5 meter fuel tanks and 2 vectors, it was only like a 10- 20 ton payload
  2. this actually looks really cool, I personally don't have any part modding experience, but there are a ton of people who do, I would love to see this as a mod
  3. this is for @Mr. Kerbin's Cronus exploration initiative link here So yesterday I wanted to send a probe to sarkin, the first objective and then I relized that I could just do that challenge I made the probe and launched it on my heavy satellite launcher, fortunately, the orbital stage has enough Delta V to do the entire interplanetary burn with no help from the actual interplanetary stage, so that worked, the only problem is that I didn't have time to do the actual burn, I hope to do that today
  4. its fine, I don't use research bodies, but I was thinking of downloading it sense there was supposed to be comparability, looked through the configs and there was no research bodies config, its fine, you could fix it in the next update or do a hotfix
  5. no I don't know how to fix it, I have encountered this before, and I think I just did either a game restart or a computer restart, either way it fixed it
  6. Some may be wondering what will be in the next update(s), its listed below
  7. welcome to the forum @TheSpaceToffee
  8. Changes WH-6898-A , a wormholes orbiting Jool, works with Beyond Jool, OPM, RSS, and KSRSS WH-6898-B, another wormhole orbiting Fooms Kory, a habitable moon of melvin Rewt now is a moon of coronia Added Goos, a moon of coronia and a lot more! Post bugs here
  9. Release 0.5 is on github! Update 0.5 "Into Darkness" Get here https://github.com/Kevin-kerman/Poly-Centuri-System/releases/tag/v0.5.0
  10. there is a mistype in BJ-dres belt where Palross (i think thats what its called) has a mistype where instead of second it is secofd
  11. A tyrant return would be incredibly hard, I would love to see it, have you seen Heff MK2's video of landing on alternis tylo and returning, i would imagine that you would have to do a Apollo style or an Artemis 3 style landing
  12. Kerbal scientist have recently discovered a binary blackhole system they dubbed "Kargatua". at first they were skeptical of it, but after they kept looking they eventually found 1 star with a few planets orbiting it The mod is here, wait for update 0.5 to be released they sent some probes to explore and found a moon they called "Kory", named after Kory Kerman, the discoverer of the system with water and the potential for life They have also found wormholes that can take you there the KSAEA wants you to explore it and some of the other planets in a collaboration before they attempt to colonize your objectives are as follows Explore Kory Explore the gas giant Coronia KSAEA is waiting for your data Mods are allowed, and as a extra bonus, maintain contact with KSC at all times
  13. I just made a texture for Orto, I also made Goos not have any liquid on its surface and instead have a atmosphere of chlorine
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