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Everything posted by Kevin_kerman

  1. yeah, that's what I was thinking, wow I did not realize tyrant was 8 kerbin masses
  2. yeah, I think that the limit is like 10 earth masses, so this could theoretically be possible as this would be like 5-10 kerbin masses
  3. I don't play RSS, but this looks really cool, I hope to see more soon!
  4. Update 0.5 will have texture updates for Jodi, Ido, Lav, Fooms, Jeroga, Jeor, Rewt, and a new sunspot texture for poly, there will be more in update 1.0, and all gas giants will get better textures(including rings, Normal textures, and color) I will also add sunfix I just had a new idea that might stretch the realm of possibility, but what if there was an abnormally large rocky planet 3,000 kilometers in radius and a ice planet 3,800 kms in radius and they were binary, let me know what you guys think!
  5. Sry, 20-100 tons, more if you want, actually, can this thread just be locked?
  6. the payload must be more than 20-100 tons and chemical engines only and the payload must be crewed
  7. up to 20 tons, actually, now that I think about it, it should be 2 tons
  8. Idk I have a lot of stuff to do and not a lot of time for ksp, sorry I have family over
  9. are you using maneuver nods to do this? it is probably the game having trouble calculating your trajectory try setting the distance to 0.1 and see if that fixes it
  10. update 0.5 will remove oranert, I will add a new star in a later update that oranert will orbit.
  11. that to, I had Kcalbeloh installed so I had that sunfix, it was still a problem there wut the textures are a pretty important aspect of a planet and I really didn't give a lot of thought into them, I am redoing them, there not the best textures though. that will be fixed to
  12. Your right, this does sound really familiar, I just can't remember where I found it. Do quality over quantity, unless you're making an interstellar mod, which I am if you're new to modding I would highly recommend @Sushut's YouTube tutorials Another example, in my planet pack, there was a weird thing with a lot of gas planets where the light is weird, the problem was that I forgot to do the normal map with any resolution, the problem will get fixed in the next update though
  13. Update 0.5 "Into Darkness" will go live on Hopefully Saturday or Sunday It will add Update 1.0 will add some other features, which will not be showcased just yet, but will be shown in the trailer Update 1.0 will definitely add 2 sub-moons of melf though, and a new moon of coronia, called Goos, an Atmospheric moon with hydrocarbon oceans that has property's similar to eve
  14. yeah that was a good one, it was crazy how he did that
  15. a trailer will be posted on my YouTube channel before 1.0 is released
  16. when i had kcalbeloh installed i had Kerbol orbiting kcalbeloh, no glitch there, and now i have my own mod that has a system further away then kcalbeloh and there is no bugs
  17. I wall also increase the size of Kargatua and Korgotua I will start adding biomes,starting with Kory
  18. I will do a texture revamp for most of the celestial bodies( not gas giants) there is a bug with some gas giants that will also be fixed in the next update Jodi, I do, and lav will also get lava Lakes oceans and rivers
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